structural family therapy Flashcards
how did structural family therapy help some of the issues that existed in family therapy at the time
-When it came out, sense from the field that there were a lot of intelligent leaders conducting family therapy in the field, these models you can understand conceptually, but actually doing the therapy and how to do the therapy seems unclear
-Then came Minuchin, modeled the work of Ackerman, and he made his kind of therapy very understandable and clear and people viewed family therapy as less mysterious and it became easier to practice it and train others in it
-Some will say structural is the most common family therapy being practiced, most therapists combine structural and strategic ideas
reason structural family therapy was created
Beginners were looking for a framework to make sense of transactions
three essential components of the theory
1) Structure
2) Subsystems
-Can go from single individual, up to the entire family
-Typically parent subsystem, children subsystem, parent-child subsystem
3) Boundaries
-How do we establish issues of hierarchy
All three families have these three components and if we want success in therapy, focus on these three issues
what is meant by the “structure” of family
Description of predictable behavior patterns
-“Who relates to whom?”
-Certain people will always relate to certain people in some way
-Ex. Father might be forceful when talking to children, but deals different when talking to wife
Set of rules govern transactions
-E.g. “member must protect one another”
-Changes one rule, the system shifts (changes with the rule)
Are there cross-generational coalitions?
-He was always interested in this, was saying they exist and can be healthy or pathological
-Ex. Grandparent is mad at own child, and recruits the grandchild to be angry at the parent with them, erode the parent authority
what is meant by “subsystems”
Each individual is a subsystem, and groups make up other subsystems.
Every member plays many roles in several subsystems.
-E.g. okay to discipline as a father, but not as a husband or son.
-People act different in the different subsystems
-Is someone stuck in a transactional pattern? Cross subsystems and cannot shift style they get into
what is meant by “boundaries”
Those rules that regulate contact with others.
Rigid -> diffuse (exists on a spectrum)
-Rigid: would look like a family that does not let anyone in, ex. Family does not let school know what is happening at home
-Diffuse: people are in and out of the home, the family group is not set and changes a lot, chaotic, very limited rules
Disengaged -> Enmeshed
-Minuchin believed that families have a little bit of both, have a preferred style of being
Therapist looks at how systems and boundaries exist in the family
family development in structural family therapy
Couple must establish new boundary and accommodations.
-People must establish a sense of self
-History from family of origin
-How does that influence the current home?
-How development can be a healthy or unhealthy process
explain symbols in structural family therapy
-Having a method to track structure made the model more accessible
-Used diagrams, not genograms, to give himself a better idea of family structure
Straight solid line, rigid boundary; dotted line, more diffuse boundary
-Minuchin was interested in the present rather than the early days
-Rigid boundary between mom and dad, have to get them to become a team, cannot have mom being the leader of the home and dad being buddy-buddy with the kids, have to work to get mother and father to be a collaborative team
Case conceptualization: who am I going to see, why am I going to see them, what are my goals in working with them
what is joining in structural family therapy
-Not just the beginning, joining supports change.
It is a mistake to become wedded to a theory ahead of one’s data. Planning treatment is fine, but remain open.
Only by joining the family can you learn the information you need. (ex. Rules and roles)
-Can be kind of like pre-therapy, gathering information about the family and how it is moving along
Initial hypothesis can be invaluable to a therapist
-So, think about possible functions of the symptom, but don’t get locked in
-You are all going to walk in with a hypothesis, you are going to see intake and think about what is at play, do not let hypothesis blind you to other things that are happening
explain divorced parents, child and how it can be resolved
People who are damaged during divorce are typically those who are caught in the middle of parental arguments, divorced parents need to have a coalition and view their role as parenting the kids together
how does the structural therapist see the family and what can be done to change it
Structural FT sees the family as an organism: a complex system that is under-functioning. Thus the structural approach has elements of existential/experiential (Whitaker) and strategic (goal oriented via Haley).
-Trying to realign the organization
-Usually, the kid has a problem in therapy, so this therapy is mainly about children and family work that deals with children, less about couples work,
Like the strategic therapist, the structuralist realigns significant organizations to produce change in the entire system.
Like Whitaker, the structuralists challenges the family’s accepted reality combining a growth based orientation, with a Strategic emphasis on goals.
-We have to work based off the assumption that the problem is the child, we have to work with the idea that it is coming from the family
main idea of how structural change works
The techniques of structural work lead to family reorganization by :
-Challenging the family organization
three main strategies that lead to change
-Challenging the symptom
-Challenging the family structure
-Challenging the family reality
explain challenging the symptom
-Therapist enters viewing the family as wrong. The family’s view that there is one identified patient (IP) and nothing works, is mistaken.
-The problem is not the IP, but certain family interactional patterns. “Transactional biopsy”
-What is actually happening, if I set a camera up on the wall what is happening at dinner or when people are doing homework
-In terms of our thinking, the identified patient language is problematic and it is really a systems issue
The structuralist sees this response by the family as not helpful, but instead, a reaction to a system under stress.
All family members are equally symptomatic
-More like “all are symptomatic” rather than equally
Challenge definition of the problem
summary of goal of challenging the symptom
change or reframe family’s view of the problem
techniques used to challenge the symptom
enactment, focusing and achieving intensity. (to view symptom from another perspective)
what is enactment
-The technique by which the therapist asks the family to dance in his/her presence.
Play out the transactions
The act of enacting offer a challenge to this reality offers people a context for experimentation in concrete situations (benefits listed below)
-Therapist observes
-Therapist organizes scenarios
-Therapist suggests alternatives to pattern
“help me understand what happens when you become frustrated with X, can you show me what normally happens in these situations”
what is focusing
Do not always “follow the plot”
-Have to make decisions, is this really important
-When are tangents important or when are they taking you off topic because on-topic is too stressful or they just want to talk to you more casually
Learn to explore one area in depth
-What area should you explore in depth, what area gives you a lot of transactional information about what is going on
-Redirect if things are being discussed that are not beneficial
Be aware of tunnel vision
-Some of us have areas that we are so quick to hone in on
-Try to not have a bias that gets you involved in something that is not really productive
The fact that therapist takes one area to focus on indicates its importance.
explain intensity
Family members will be deaf to some messages.
-People’s comments might get lost in therapy, you as a therapist have to say that this comment is too important to let go
-People usually bring important messages up again, definitely grab it if it comes up the second time because the third time is not guaranteed
Therapist style
-Make certain things more dramatic if you believe they are important
-E.g. behavior happening now, will this happen again in 5 years, what will this mean
Repetition of message
-Can make things more dramatic by doing this
-Can also repeat a message that is a lovely message, like someone stating their feelings for other people
Speaking quietly
-Use variety of tones to manage the intensity of the room
Making it concrete
-“Are these your hands?”, “Are these your muscles?”, “Are you sure it is not your mother’s arm?”
-Trying to determine how your mother is controlling you, trying to figure out that it is mom constantly critiquing child that controls them
Continue the transaction past the time when the system usually turns on the yellow/red light.
techniques to challenge the family structure
-Boundary making
-Teach complementarity
explain boundary making
Boundary making techniques regulate the permeability of boundaries.
-Where they sit in a session
-Do not want to overuse this, moving where people sit does change the dynamics of the room
-It is very powerful
-Shifts the boundaries
One can use
-Cognitive constructs
-Might be is there someone else that might be an authority for this person right now, anyone willing to help out and guide them through school and whatever it is that they’re doing
Concrete maneuvers
-Would you two be willing to do something on Saturday together and then come back and talk about it
what are cognitive constructs
-Someone is too helpful
-“you’re helpful, you take Jane’s memory.” (iow separation is desirable)
Using them to have a person imagine a situation in a different perspective
what are concrete spatial maneuvers
-Use of therapist arms or body
Move chairs
-Boundaries around dyads
Homework which supports people interacting longer than normal
-Increase contact
what is unbalancing
Goal: to change the hierarchical relationship.
-One may empower someone low in the order
-Empowering children, good to do when you are seeing something where parents cannot see concern and how they are contributing to the problem
-Ignores the family switchboard
-Joins coalitions against a family member
-Questions of ethics
-Affiliation with family members
-Alternating affiliation - new ways of relating
-Coalition against family members
what is teaching complementary
-The degree to which needs and abilities dove-tail help to provide a key factor in harmonious family functioning.
-Good child-bad child/tender mother-tough father
Maintains equilibrium – represents teamwork in well functioning families
-Not as intense as homeostasis
explain challenging the family reality
Transactional patterns depend on and contain the way people experience reality. Must develop new ways of interacting.
-Cognitive constructs
-Paradoxical interventions
-Emphasizing strengths
Alternative Ways of Seeing Things
-Tradition (age of child) “Is she 4?”
-Dr. Browning’s example of a child who is large sitting on her mom’s lap, behavior of a 4 year old even though they are biologically 7
-Common sense “Well, everyone knows that children attend school.”
-Things that “everybody knows”
what are family truths in challenging the family reality
use their world view to expand their functioning (mad or bad)
-Ex. What a family might be seeing as “bad behavior” we might be seeing mental health issue, a good intervention for this is assessment
what is expert advice in challenging the family reality
at times families will want this
-Ex. The family that did not process your grief
-Ambiguous loss: anything where they are physically absent but psychologically present or psychologically absent and physically present, (ex. Drug addict or person in the military)
-We are experts on this, if we are talking to someone whose spouse is deployed we have to use our expertise on ambiguous loss in this situation
what is paradox and the two types
-Redefining – behavior is seen as benignly motivated to stabilize the system. (anger is caring; suffering is self-sacrificing)
-Prescribing – having been defined in a positive way, the symptom-producing cycle is then prescribed as inevitable conclusion of family logic. Family is confronted by itself.
-Restrain from change to follow through on the logic of your diagnosis of the system.
-Help families see the strength in their natural or culturally based system.
-Direct and non-direct
what is a direct paradox
mother who is protecting her son, being overprotective; I see that you are worried about your child being sick, in addition to wearing a jacket, should they also wear bags over their hands
-Allow the person to see the absurdity of what they are doing
non-direct example
recognize both sides of an issue can be seen as correct, have the couple where the husband is taking care of his mother constantly and the wife is complaining about how much time the husband is spending with his mother
-Both sides are right, have the other recognize that they are both right and the other is not necessarily wrong; understand the others positions
therapists role in paradox
Element of Paradox:
-support while challenging
-Attach while encouraging
-Sustain while undermining
The therapist is for the people who need help, against the system of transactions that cripple them.
First, establish a working relationship. Accommodate enough to not be rejected, but not so much that you are inducted.
Find the right balance of probing, advancing/withdrawing
“Little room for neutral listening or floating attention.”
explain the active therapist
-Hypotheses are: tested, expended, corrected
-Therapist is: selectively oriented toward process and away from content.
-How they relate increases, what they say decreases – language used for metaphor
explain what the map has in structural therapy
-complementary patterns
-explain therapist evolution in structural family therapy
Dancer -> stage director -> film director
-Start as a dancer, move back and forth and try to hear everything; then you move into a stage director; then close in on people as the film director
-Deciding to get a close-up
-“Air” the close up
Thinking of the next scene
-Where would I be moving to next clinically
Scenarios are created to: uncover hidden resources or confirm suggested limitations
-Looking for specific situations to help understand
always remember whole picture
squestion in your mind as a therapist about homeostatic maintainer
How is this family keeping its homeostasis? Once determined, can I disrupt to form a new, more complex equilibrium?
someone is often called the HM (homeostasis maintainer), there is someone or multiple someones who has desire to keep things the way they are
-Not necessarily the identified patient, but it is someone who seems more investment in the family not make change
-Ex. Child with behavior problem and the dad always says “boys will be boys” about it
what is the therapist doing in essence
-Moving around the system – blocking stereotyped interactions.
-Fostering the development of new ones.
-Enough empathy to understand and keep distance
-Joining is not just being accepted, but rather, being accepted with a quota of leadership.
explain maintenance in therapy
The therapist lets him/herself be organized by the same rules that regulate the transactional process
-E.g. 4 generations – approval of grandmother.)
But the therapist does not perform maintenance that leave him/her powerless
-E.g. therapist does not follow the rules to verbally abuse Kathy about her misdeeds.
explain how disequilibrium is done in therapy (changing the system)
Reframe: change the definitions of the original complaint from a problem of one to a problem of many.
-Anything we can do that offers an alternative perspective
-E.g. Is this how you run your lives together? Vs. Is this how she behaves usually?
She is uncontrollable
-Mom – “We try to make her do it.”
-Dad – “I make her do it!”
-More complex – Mom is ineffective, Dad is authoritarian, child is undisciplined.
7 categories of restructuring
1) Actualize family transaction patterns
-Ex. Have dad talk to child instead of mom, literally shift how they are transactioning
2) Mark boundaries
-Shifting chairs or moving people around
3) Escalate stress
-Ex. Project 5 years in the future, if things continue like this I do not think this marriage will make it
4) Assign tasks
5) Utilize symptoms
-I wonder if X’s depression is leading to the family rallying and supporting him or if it is bringing the family farther apart
6) Manipulate mood
-I think there is a lot more happening here in terms of people supporting each other than you are giving credit
7) Support/Educate/ Guide
-Do not take over the process completely, but it is important to educate
-Always allow window for them to disagree with you