constructivism (solution focused) Flashcards
what is constructivism
-The heart of Constructivism is the recognition that our hypotheses about the world are not provable.
-Kant over Locke. J. Locke saw knowledge as the result of the outside world etching a copy of itself onto our “tabula rassa”
-Meaning can only be made within an understanding of context (retirement is neither good or bad)
Psychotherapy is not value free
-Therapists have a lot of power and they are not taking account all of the power they are utilizing
-Neutrality is questionable.
explain therapy as a conversation
-Since Constructivists are not working to fix the problem, they are working to con-investigate a testable hypothesis.
-Believed we should move into a non-intervention style
-“There are no wet beds or depression without people. There is only talk about wet beds and depression.”
what happened with the Milan team split
Cecchine and Boscolo
-2ND Order Cybernetics—the role of interviewing to introduce differences, rather than have directive interventions
-Let the connections spontaneously occur, avoid hypotheses.
-Opinions, not truth
-Questioned the Positive Connotation
-By supporting the symptom, they negatively connoted family member’s anti-symptom views. Original Milan, in their eyes, forced someone to take the blame.
-Result: Possitivily connote symptom and all behaviors of the family as well.
and Deshazer and Berg did solution focused therapy
what is solution focused therapy
-Sprang from the soil of MRI
-What happens when the complaint does not?
-Shows that there are two realities and the problem is not always happen, there are always exceptions, anytime you can show exceptions means that this thing is not an absolute
-Rather than buy into the idea that problems are always with people, you look for exceptions.
-Do more of what works.
-De-emphases history
-They focus on the future where the problem can be solved.
explain child behavior problem
What does tend to work with your children?
-Can you do more of what does work?
Observe what is happening when your children do behave themselves.
Predict when one’s children will behave, and develop explanations for the correct predictions.
Came up with theories based on exceptions
explain skeleton keys
Obsessive thoughts
- – Write, Read Burn
Complaints about arguments
–Structured Fights
–Coin toss, winner bitches for 10 minutes, next person gets 10 minutes, 10 minutes of silence
“We have tried everything”
-More to the absurd, something different
“Oh, exceptions are accidental”
-No, “pay attention to what you do when you overcome the urge to…”
explain death of resistance
-deShazer believed that is was not resistance that kept people from improving, but rather, the client’s alternate method of cooperating.
-By changing the language of the problem, the problem can be changed.
-People are steered from “problem talk” to “solution talk.”
-They did not believe that people were ambivalent about change.