Stroke Flashcards
Definition of stroke
Sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen and nutrients
What are the two types of stroke
- ISchaemic
- Haemmorrhagic
What causes an ishaemic stroke
Occlusion of an artery leading to a brain so oxygen and nutrients can’t go to this part of the brain and these cells die
What are some types of ischaemic stroke
- thrombotic
- embolic
Difference between thrombotic and embolic stroke
Thrombotic- blood clot blocks blood flow to parts of the brain
Embolic -Stroke from somewhere else in the body and blocks an artery leading to the brain
What is a mini stroke
-doesnt leave any permanent disability and lasts for 24h
What is a haemorrhage stroke
Caused by rupture of an artery in or to the brain
What are the non-modifiable risk factors for a stroke
- Age
- Sex
- Race
- Family history
- Previous ischaemic stroke or TIA
Modifiable risk factors
- Hypertension
- Diabetes mellitus
- coronary heart disease
- left ventricular hypertrophy
- asymptomatic carotid stenosis
- excessive alcohol consumption
- smokinh
- hip to waist ratio
- fibrinogen
- sicks cell disease
- factor 8
- oxidative stress
How does atrial fibrillation increase the risk of stroke
AF allows blood to slow down or pool thereby increasing the risk of stroke
Different types of AF
- paroxysmal AF= episodes come and go and usually stop within 48h without treatment
- persistent = each episode lasts for longer than 7 days
- long standing persistent AF= continuous AF for a year or longer
- Permanent AF = present all the time
How to treat atrial fibrillation to reduce risk of stroke
- Medicines to reduce risk of stroke
- beta-blockers and anti arrhythmics to control AF
- cardioversion (electric shock treatment)
- catheter ablation (use radio frequency to destroy a part of the heart that’s causing an irregular rhythm
- having a pacemaker fitted
Diagnosing stroke ?
- physical examination
- Neurological examination
- Radiological examination (CT or MR)
Whats the right cerebral hemisphere responsible for
- Visual awareness
- Spatial awareness
- Proprioception
Whats the left cerebral hemisphere responsible for
- Language
- Analytical thinking
- Mathematical skills
How to treat ischaemic stroke
- recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (breaks down blood clots) which have a therapeutic window of 4.5h
- Mechanical thrombectomy (physical removal of blood clot from larger arteries)
- Carotid endarterectomy (surgery to remove carotid plaque)
How to treat haemorrhage stroke
No medical therapy so you just treat the hypertension instead
-Also have surgery to stop or prevent bleeding
What do beta blockers do
Slow down heart rate
What do anti arrhythmics do
Restore cardiac rhythm