Stroke Flashcards
What is a stroke?
Rapidly developing clinical signs/symptoms of focal or global loss of brain function lasting >24hours and leading to death with vascular origin
What is the difference between a stroke and TIA?
Stroke >24 hours
TIA <24 hours
Which score on the Rosier score indicates that a stroke is likely?
> 0
What is the max score achieved on the Rosier score?
What would get you minus points on the Rosier score?
Loss of consciousness/syncope
Seizure activity
How is stroke investigated first line?
Which type of stroke can be ruled out quickly on CT?
Haemorrhagic as blood is bright white on the scan due to iron
What investigations should be carried out for cause of stroke?
ECG Carotid doppler FBC Angio Echo
How is stroke managed acutely?
Thrombolysis/thrombectomy Swallow assessment Assess nutrition and hydration Anti-platelets DVT prevention
How is stroke managed more long term?
300mg aspirin (after bleed excluded and 24 hours after thrombolysis) Compression stockings for DVT Discuss lifestyle Carotid surgery Rehab
What is the secondary prevention of stroke?
Manage co-morbs
Anti-coags in AF
Lifestyle advice
What are the components of the CHA(2)DS(2)VASc score?
Congestive HF or LV dysfunction HTN Age >= 75 DM Stroke/TIA/thromboembolism Vascular disease Age 65-74 Sex category
What is the max score achieved with CHA2DS2VASc?
Over which CHA2DS2VASc score is oral anticoagulation recommended?
1 = oral anticoagulant or aspirin (OAC preferred) 2+ = OAC
What are the components of the HASBLED score?
Hypertension Abnormal renal/liver function Stroke Bleeding Labile INR Elderly >65 Drug or alcohol use
What is the max score in the HASBLED score?