Stroke Flashcards
Stroke is the ___ leading cause of death in the US
What are the 2 kinds of strokes?
- Infarcts (thrombotic or embolic)
- Hemorrhages
What are the 3 subtypes of ischemic stroke?
- lacunar infarct
- carotid circulation obstruction
- vertebrobasilar occlusion
What are the 4 subtypes of hemorrhagic stroke?
- spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
- subarachnoid hemorrhage
- intracranial aneurysm
- arteriovenous malformations
Describe lacunar infarcts
They are small lesions (<5 mm in diameter) that occur in the distribution of short penetrating arterioles in the basal ganglia, pons, cerebellum, internal capsule, thalamus
What are lacunar infarcts associated with?
poorly controlled hypertension or diabetes
The prognosis for recovery from the deficit produced by a lacunar infarct is usually good, with partial or complete resolution occurring over the following - weeks in many instances.
What leads to a cerebral infarction?
A thrombotic or embolic occlusion of a major vessel
What causes a cerebral infarction?
- TIA causes
- atherosclerosis of cerebral arteries
What does deficit following a cerebral infarction depend on?
the particular vessel involved and the extent of any collateral circulation
What leads to an increase in neurologic deficit following a cerebral infarction?
Cerebral ischemia leads to the release of neuropeptides that augment calcium flux into neurons, thereby leading to cell death and increasing the neurologic deficit.
Onset of stroke is usually _____.
What does occlusion of the ophthalmic artery lead to?
Amaurosis fugax (sudden and brief loss of vision in one eye)
What does an occlusion of anterior cerebral artery distal to its junction with anterior communicating artery lead to?
- weakness and cortical sensory loss in the contralateral leg
- mild weakness of the arm (especially proximally)
- contralateral grasp reflex
- paratonic rigidity
- abulia (lack of initiative)
- frank confusion
- urinary incontinence
- marked behavioral changes
- memory disturbances
What does an occlusion of middle cerebral artery lead to?
- contralateral hemiplegia
- hemisensory loss
- homonymous hemianopia
- global aphasia
- drowsiness
- stupor
- coma in extreme cases
Involvement of the anterior main division of the middle cerebral artery leads to what?
- expressive dysphasia
- contralateral paralysis and loss of sensations in the arm, the face and, to a lesser extent, the leg