Stress and Illness Flashcards
psychological and physiological reaction that occurs when perceived demands exceed existing resources to see those demands
Uses many cognitive resources, therefore if task is complex, stress will harm performance
Thing that causes the stress
Stress Response
Reaction to stressor
Acute Stress
short events (giving a speech, car accident)
Chronic Stress
long term events (i.e. marital problems, illness)
cognitive act of assessing and evaluating potential threat and demands of an event
Primary Appraisal
is this a threat?
Secondary Appraisal
determining how to cope with stress (can i deal with it?)
-if yes, stress is minimized, if no stress increases/continues
Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)
- increased stress can lead to health problems
- death of spouse or divorce most stressful
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS):
-theory of stress responses involving stages of alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
recognition of threat and physiological reactions that accompany it (i.e. increased heart rate)
using physical and mental resources to respond to stressor in appropriate way (i.e. studying for quiz)
stressful experience depletes physical resources and physiological stress response declines
Stress Pathways
Hypothalamic- Pituitary- Adrenal (HPA) Axis
Tend and Befriend Response
Hypothalamic- Pituitary- Adrenal (HPA) Axis
Hypothalamus (corticotrophin releasing factor)-> Pituitary (adrenocorticotrophic hormone)-> Adrenal Cortex (cortisol)
chemicals that are a part of HPA axis ad is affected by social stressors
high level of stress-> glucocorticoid increases-> receptors in brain inactive to try to bring down stress level
Tend and Befriend Response
women tend to seek out friendship networks for support rather than running away or fighting
stress sensitive hormone typically associated with maternal bonding and social relationships
-lowers stress, associated with bonding, trust
study of relationship between immune system and nervous system functioning
- Stress can cause decrease in immune response, easier to get sick if stressed
- Acute stress tens to activate immune system, chronic stress suppresses it
Food and Stress
- High levels of stress linked to developing coronary heart disease
- People are drawn towards sweet and fatty foods when stressed
- Food influences dopamine reward system
- Chronic stress suppresses reward system, eating sweets increases activity to bring it back to normal
- Eating sweets and fatty foods provides body with more energy to deal with stressor
Stress and Aids, Cancer
Stress causes those with HIV to be less responsive to vaccines, elevated levels of norepinephrine worsen illness
-Stress can cause cancer to progress (norepinephrine and cortisol support cancer cell growth, and are released when stress occurs)
Stress, Personality, and Illness
- Easily distressed children tend to be more prone to illness during adulthood
- Children better able to focus their attention on tasks tend to be healthier in adulthood
- infants securely attached to mothers show reduced activity in sympathetic nervous system when mothers are absent
Type A Personality
people who tend to be impatient and worry about time, easily angered, competitive, highly motivated
- tend to drink, smoke more and sleep less than Type B personality - usually more stressed
Type B Personality
people who tend to be more laid back, patient, easy going, relaxed