Stress Flashcards
What is the procedure of Johansson’s study?
It was a quasi experiment using independent measures design. Participants in the high demand group worked at set pace, had complex work and required a great deal of knowledge. They worked in social isolation and were responsible for wages. Other participants had low risk of stress and were maintenance workers.
They were asked to give a daily urine sample, an were asked to complete a self report four times a day.
What is the aim of Johansson’s study?
To investigate whether was stressors increase stress related physiological arousal and stress relates illness.
Who were the participants of Johnasson’s study?
24 Swedish saw mill workers. 14 is high risk and 10 in low risk stress groups
What were the result of Johansson’s study?
The high risk group secreted more stress hormones on work day than rest days and were more likely to take days off.
What was the aim of Kanner’s study?
To compare the Hassels and Uplofts scale and the Berkman life events scal as predictors of psychological symptoms of stress.
What was the methodology of Kanner’s study?
A repeated measures design in that each participant in that each participant completed both scales. They then assessed their psychological symptoms of stress using the HSCL and the BMS.
Who were the participants of Kanner’s study?
100 people who had previously competed a health survey in 1965. They were from California, mostly white protestant.
What was the procedure of
Kanner’s study?
All test were sent out by post. They were asked to complete the hassles for 9 months, life events after 10 months and HSCH and BMS every month for 9 months.
What were the findjngs of Kanner’s study?
Hassels correlated more positively with stress symptoms than life events.
What was the conclusion of Kanner’s study?
Hassles are more of a cause of stress because they occur more regularly than life events.
What was the aim of Geer and Maise’ls study?
To see if pereived control or actual control can reduce stress reactions.
What was the methodology of Geer and Maisel’s study?
Lab experiment where participant were shown photographs of dead car crash victims, measuring stress using a GSR and ECG monitoring. Participants were split into 3 groups.
Who were the participants in Geer and Maisel’s study?
60 students
Group 1- given control over how long the viewed images for and were told a tone would precede each new image.
Group 2- were warned the photos would be 60 seconds apart and each photo would show for 35 seconds
Group 3- were told that from time to time they would see photos and hear tones but were not given timings or control
What was the procedure for geer and Maisel’s study?
Each participant was seated im a sound proof room and wired to a GSR and ECG machines. Instructions were read over intercom.
What were the results of Geer and Maisel’s study?
ECG recording were discarded as they were inaccurate. Group 1 were least stressed, Group 3 were most stressed.