stress Flashcards
physical and metal changes that occur in response to a challenging or threatening situation
a stressful stimulus, a condition demanding adaptation
stress response system
(1) cognitive appraisal
(2) physiological response
(3) subjective feelings
(4) behavior
catastrophic events
sudden, unexpected, partially life-threatening experience
life changes/ strains
life circumstances that create demands to which people must adjust
chronic stressors
those that continue over a long period of time
daily hassles
irritations, pressures, and annoyance that add up
fight or flight response
an outpouring of epinephrine and norepinephrine from inner adrenal glands increasing heart and respiration rates
general adaptation system (gas)
Han Seyle
a three stage parter of responses triggered by the effort to adapt to any stressor
GAS stages
(1) alarm reaction
(2) resistance
(3) exhaustion