Stratigraphic classification and correlation of Rocks Flashcards
Deals with the lithologic or physical properties of the rocks and their organization into units on the basis of their lithologic properties
Is the study of rock units on the basis of the fossils they contain
Deals with the ages of strata and their time correlation
Sesmic stratigraphy
Addresses stratigraphic packages of strata bounded by unconformities and their correlative conformable contacts
Is based on correlations using stable isotopes
Deals with stratigraphic relationships of sed rocks based on their magnetic properties
Categories of stratigraphic classification
Lithostratigraphy Biostratigraphy Chronostratigraphy Seismic stratigraphy Sequence stratigraphy Chemostratigraphy Magnetostratigraphy
What is correlation?
It is the determination of equivalence in time-stratigraphic or rock-stratigraphic units of the succession of strata found in two or more different places
Correlation involves two main tasks?
- Age determination (relative to one another) of units exposed in an area of interest
- Determination of where the age of units fits relative to a standard geological time scale
What 3 types of correlation are recognized by the North american stratigraphic code?
Correlation can be regarded as ____ or _____?
Direct - can be established physically and unequivocally. It involves physical tracing of continuous stratigraphic units
Indirect - Can be established by umerous methods such as core/outcrops, well logs, or fossil assemblages
Name and briefly describe different ways of correlating rocks.
Lithocorrelation - correlating rocks based on lithology
Well logs- Correlation by similarity of electric records
Correlation by radiometric ages - Correlating rocks by similar absolute ages
Isotope variation - Variations in the ratio of O18 and O16 down through deepsea sediments
Magnetic properties - Important for lavas and finegrained iron rich sediments
Fossils - Correlation using index fossils
Index fossils are characterized by:
Wide geographic distribution
Short stratigraphic duration
Easily recognizable
Abundant numerically