Pedostatigraphy Flashcards
What is pedostratigraphy?
The study of paleosols (ancient soil horizons) developed in one or more lithic units now burried by a foramlly defined lithostratigraohic or allostratigraphic unuits
The study of soils
Chemically and physically weathered rock that is not eroded or transported but remained in place
An ancient soil preserved in the rock record
List and define the soil horizons from top down
O horizon - Loose and parly decayed organic matter
A horizon - Mineral matter mixed with some humus
E horizon - Zone of eluvation and leaching
B horizon - Accumulation of clay transported from above
C horizon - partially altered parent material
Unweathered parent material
Soil formation is influenced by a number of factors:
Climate Substrate composition Slope sttepness Drainage Time Vegetation
The study of pedologic horizons in the stratigraphy
Pedostratigraphic unit
Is a body of rock that consists of one or more pedologic horizons developed in one or more lithostratigraphic, allostratigraphic, or lithodemic units and is overlain by one or more formally defined litho. or allo. units
naming one
Compound name consisting of a geographic name and rank in this case ‘geosol’
How do you distinguish between a pedostratigraphic unit and other stratigraphic units?
1) It is a product of surface alteration of one or more older material units
2) Its lithology and other properties differ markedly from of the parent materials
3) a single pedostratigraphic unit may be formed in situ in parent material units of diverse compositions and ages