Strategy Flashcards
T1 Bright
melanin (melanoma)
blood (subacute)
protein rich fluid
calcification (hyalinized)
slow moving blood
laminar necrosis
T2 Bright
blood (extracellular methemogloving)
most tumors
T1 and T2 dark
flow void
REstricts diffusion
hypercellular tumor
abscess (bacterial)
acute demyelinations
T2 shine through
PEDS neck looks cystic
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst Brachial cleft cyst Necrotic Level 2 Node Hemangioma of Infancy Cystic Hygroma Phlebectasia
PEDS neck looks cystic
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
*MIDLINE Ultrasound in Axial Planes C T / MRI in Sagital Planes Posterior to Tongue Anterior to Hyoid
PEDS neck looks cystic
Brachial Cleft Cyst
Axial Plane Most Likely
Anterior to the
Sternocleidomastoid (type 2)
PEDS neck looks cystic
Necrotic Level 2 Node
Looks Just like BC Cyst - but the kid is too old (late teens / “young adult”)
Thyroid CA, or Nasopharyngeal HPV related CA
C T axial plane - most likely
PEDS neck looks cystic
Hemangioma of Infancy
T2 Bright
Will have flow in it on doppler
If you saw it you’d think to yourself “if that doesn’t involute that kid is never getting a date to prom”
PEDS neck looks cystic
Cystic Hygroma
OB Ultrasound - most likely modality Cystic Hygroma . J2 Brjght DOES NOT Enhance Will NOT have flow in it on doppler Turners, Downs.
PEDS neck looks cystic
Kinda looks like a big dilated jugular vein (because it is a big dilated jugular vein)
No stenosis or collaterals
PEDS neck looks solid
Septic Thrombophlebitis Ectopic Thyroid Fibromatosis Coli Rhabdomyosarcoma Metastatic Neuroblastoma
PEDS neck looks solid
Septic Thrombophlebitis
Jugular Vein with a clot - they will have to prove that has a clot in it - fprobably with doppler us Lemierre’s Syndrome Septic Emboli to the lungs Recent ENT procedure, or Infection Fusobacterium Necrophorum
PEDS neck looks solid
Ectopic Thyroid
Back of the tongue or in front of the hyoid
Tc-MIBI, or 1-123
PEDS neck looks solid
Fibromatosis Coli
“Two Heads” of the Sternocleidomastoid
PEDS neck looks solid
Seriously pissed off looking mass (probably in the orbit - maybe in the masticator mass)
Enhances heterogenous,
PEDS neck looks solid
Metastatic Neuroblastoma
MRI orCT Soft Tissue Mass, Calcifications, Restricted Diffusion Classic is the orbit
Cyanotic peds
TOF TAPVR Transposition truncus tricuspid atresi
not cyaotic peds
ASD VSD PDA PAPVR AORTIC coarctation (adutl type - post ductul)
Congenital Heart on C X R
cyanotic, right sided arch, incrased pulmonary vasculature
Truncus (types 1-3)
Congenital Heart on C X R
cyanotic, right sided arch,normal pulmonary vasculature
Congenital Heart on C X R
cyanotic, left arch, massive heart
Ebsteins or
Pulmonary Atresia without VSD
Non-Cardiac (wo n ’t be cyanotic)
- Infantile Hemangioendothelioma
- Vein o f Galen Malformation
Congenital Heart on C X R
cyanotic, left sided arch, normal heart size, increased pulmonary blood flow
- TAPVR (especially type 3)
- D-Transposition -Ebsteins
- Truncus (look for R A rch)
- “Tingle Ventricle”
Congenital Heart on C X R
cyanotic, left sided arch, normal heart size, decreased or normal pulmonary blood flow
- Ebsteins
- Tricuspid Atresia