GU Flashcards
Fetal lobulation
he fetal kidneys are subdivided into lobes that are separated with grooves. Sometimes this lobulation persists into adult life.
Fetal Lobulation VS Scarring:
Lobulation = Renal surface indentations overlie the space between the pyramids
Scarring = Renal surface indentations overlie the medullary pyraminds
Dromedary Hump
Focal bulge on the left kidney, which forms as the result of adaptation to the adjacent spleen.
Renal Agenesis
- Congenital absence of one or both kidneys. If it’s unilateral this can be asymptomatic. If it’s bilateral think about the “Potter Sequence.” When it’s unilateral (it’s usually sporadic), for the purpose of multiple choice think about associated GYN anomalies in women (70% of women with unilateral renal agenesis have associated genital anomalies - unicornuate uterus). With regard to men, 20% with renal agenesis have absence of the ipsilateral epididymis and vas deferens or have an ipsilateral seminal vesicle cyst.
Renal Agenesis
Ipsilateral seminal vesicle cysts, absent ipsilateral ureter, absent ipsilateral hemitrigone and absent ipsilateral vas deferens.
Potter Sequence:
Insult (maybe ACE inhibitors) = kidneys don’t form, if kidneys don’t form you can’t make piss, if you can’t make piss you can’t develop lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia).
Mullerian duct anomalies including absence or atresia of the uterus. Associated with unilateral renal agenesis.
Lying Down Adrenal or “Pancake Adrenal” Sign
describes the elongated appearance of the adrenal not normally molded by the adjacent kidney. It can be used to differentiate surgically absent vs congenitally absent.
Corticomedullary Phase (CMP)
angio nephrographic - i f you
wanna sound like a pretentious prick
25- 40 Seconds
Contrast in the vascular system and the extracellular interstitial space
Cortex is enhanced the medulla is not (hence the name).
• Characterizing renal tumor enhancement (relative to the cortex
—• clear cell similar to cortex,
— papillary less than cortex)
- Evaluation of renal arteries and veins
- Optimal phase to detect tumor invasion of the renal veins (important for staging / treatment planning)
Phase can be delayed (last longer) if the kidnevs are shit (failure, renal artery stenosis), obstructed, or in the setting of cardiac failure.
Corticomedullary Phase (CMP)
angio nephrographic - i f you
wanna sound like a pretentious prick
25- 40 Seconds
Contrast in the vascular system and the extracellular interstitial space
Cortex is enhanced the medulla is not (hence the name).
• Characterizing renal tumor enhancement (relative to the cortex
—• clear cell similar to cortex,
— papillary less than cortex)
- Evaluation of renal arteries and veins
- Optimal phase to detect tumor invasion of the renal veins (important for staging / treatment planning)
Phase can be delayed (last longer) if the kidnevs are shit (failure, renal artery stenosis), obstructed, or in the setting of cardiac failure.
Nephrographic phase (NP)
70-180 Seconds
Contrast makes its way through the loops of Henle and the collecting tubules (“gets filtered”! Fairly unifonn enhancement of the cortex and medulla
• Detect renal tumors
• Especially useful for small / central tumors
Excretory phase (EP)
180 Seconds - 8 Mins
Contrast is excreted into the urinary tract /collecting system
Progressive decrease in the nephrogram (depending on the timing of the exam)
• Evaluated morphology of the papilla (necrosis etc…)
• Evaluate for urothelial cell / TCC lesions
Renal Cell Carcinoma
The most common primary renal malignancy. RCC till proven otherwise: (a) Enhances with contrast (> 15 HU), (b) calcifications in a fatty mass. Risk factors include tobacco use, syndromes like VHL, chronic dialysis (> 3years), family history. These dudes make hypervascular mets. They are ALWAYS lytic when they met to the bones.
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Nephrogram phase
(80 seconds) =
Most sensitive for
detection o f RCC
Renal Cell Carcinoma
A less than 10 HU increase in attenuation is considered within the technical limits of the study and is not considered to represent enhancement. More rare once a cyst is larger than 1.5 cm.
Renal Cell Carcino
can it have fat
Oh yeah, for sure -especially clear cell. This leads to the potential sneaky situation of a fat containing lesion in the liver (which can be a RCC met). Now to make this work they’d have to tell you the patient had RCC - or show you one. A helpful hint is that RCCs with macroscopic fat nearly always have some calcification/ossification - if they don’t it’s probably an AML.
Renal Cell Carcinoma
clear cell
Most common subtype in the general population. This is also the one associated with VHL. It is typically more aggressive than papillary, and will enhance equal to the cortex on corticomedullary phase. The most classic look is a cystic mass with enhancing components.
Renal Cell Carcinoma
This is the second most common type. It is usually less aggressive than clear cell (more rare subtypes can be very aggressive). They are less vascular and will not enhance equal to the cortex on corticomedullary phase. They also are in the classic T2 dark differential (along with lipid poor AML and hemorrhagic cyst). Risk of primary renal malignancy in the transplanted kidney is six times that of the regular Joe. A point of testable trivia is that these cancers are usually papillary subtypes.
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Associated with Sickle Cell Trait. It’s highly aggressive, and usually large and already metastasized at the time of diagnosis. Patient’s are usually younger.
Renal Cell Carcinoma
All you need to know is that it’s associated with Birt Hogg Dube.
Conventional RCC Staging:
Stage 1: Limited to Kidney and < 7 cm Stage 2: Limited to Kidney but > 7 cm Stage 3: Still inside Gerota’s Fascia A: Renal Vein Invaded B: IVC below diaphragm C: IVC above diaphragm Stage 4: Beyond Gerota’s Fasica Ipsilateral Adrenal
clear cell
Most common
Hereditary appillary renal carcinoma
Transplant kindey
birt hogg dube