Neuro Flashcards
Central Sulcus
This anatomic landmark separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe,
and is useful to find if you haven’t learned the lazy Neuroradiolgisf s go to descriptor “fronto-parietal region.”
Practically speaking, this is the strategy I use for finding the central sulcus:
Pretty high up on the brain, maybe the 3rd or 4th cut, I find the pars marginalis. This is called the “pars bracket sign” - because the bi-hemispheric symmetric pars marginalis form an anteriorly open bracket. The bracket is immediately behind the central sulcus. This is
present about 95% o f the time - it’s actually pretty reliable.
Central Sulcus Trivia - Here are the other less practical ways to do it.
Superior frontal sulcus / Pre-central sulcus sign: The posterior end o f the superior frontal sulcus joins the pre-central sulcus
Inverted omega (sigmoid hook) corresponds to the motor hand
Bifid posterior central sulcus: Posterior CS has a bifid appearance about 85%
Thin post-central gyrus sign - The precentral gyrus is thicker than the post-central gyrus (ratio 1.5 : 1).
Intersection - The intraparietal sulcus intersects the post-central sulcus (works almost always)
Midline sulcus sign - The most prominent sulcus that reaches the midline is the central sulcus (works about 70%).
Superior frontal sulcus
often intersects the pre CS
inverted omega
On the central sulcus
represents the motor hand
intraparietal sulcus
intersects the post CS
precentral is
postcentral is
the post cs is bifid
about 85% of the time
Homunculous Trivia
The inverted omega (posteriorly directed knob) on the central sulcus /
gyrus designates the motor cortex controlling hand function.
ACA territory gets legs,
MCA territory hits the rest.
Normal Cerebral Cortex
As a point of trivia, the cortex is normally 6 layers thick, and the hippocampus is normally 3 layers thick. I only mention this because the hippocampus can look slightly brighter on FLAIR compared to other cortical areas, and this is the reason why (supposedly).
Dilated Perivascular Spaces (Virchow-Robins):
These are fluid filled spaces that accompany perforating vessels. They are a normal variant and very common. They can be enlarged and associated with multiple pathologies; mucopolysaccharidoses (Hurlers and Hunters) / ‘gelatinous pseudocysts” in
cryptococcal meningitis, and atrophy with advancing age. They don’t contain CSF, but instead have interstitial fluid. The common locations for these are: around the lenticulostriate arteries in the lower
third of the basal ganglia, in the centrum semiovale, and in the midbrain.
Cavum septum pellucidum
-100% of preterm infants,
- 15% of adults.
- Rarely, can cause hydrocephalus
- Anterior to the foramen of Monroe
- Between frontal horns
Cavum Vergae
- Posterior continuation of the cavum septum pellucidum (never exists without a cavum septum pellucidum)
- Posterior to the foramen of Monroe
- Between bodies of lateral ventricles
Ventricular Anatomy
You have two lateral ventricles that communicate with the third ventricle via the interventricular foramen (of Monro), which in turn communicates with the fourth ventricle via the cerebral aqueduct.
The fluid in the fourth ventricle escapes via the median aperture (foramen of Magendie), and the lateral apertures (foramen of Luschka). A small amount of fluid will pass downward into the spinal subarachnoid spaces, but most will rise through the tentorial notch and over the surface of the brain where it is reabsorbed by the arachnoid villi and granulations into the venous sinus system.
Blockage at any site will cause a noncommunicating hydrocephalus. Blockage of reabsorption at the villi / granulation will also cause a noncommunicating hydrocephalus.
Arachnoid Granulations
These are regions where the arachnoid projects into the venous system
allowing for CSF to be reabsorbed. They are hypodense on CT (similar to CSF), and usually round or oval. This round shape helps distinguish them from clot in a venous sinus (which is going to be linear). On MR they are typically T2 bright (iso to CSF), but can be bright on FLAIR (although this varies a lot and therefore probably won’t be tested). These things can scallop the inner table (probably from CSF pulsation).
Basal Cisterns overview
People say the suprasellar cisterns look like a star, with the five corners lending themselves nicely to multiple choice questions. So let us do a quick review; the top of the star is the interhemispheric
fissure, the anterior points are the sylvian cisterns, and the posterior points are the ambient cisterns.
The quadrigeminal plate looks like a smile, o r … I guess it looks like a sideways moon, if you
don’t like smiles.
The Ambient Cistern is
a bridge between the
Interpeduncular C. ► Quadrigeminal C.
suprasellar cistern star
Anterior interheispheric cistern
sylvian cistern sylvian cistern
ambient cistern ambient cistern quadrigeminal plate citern (sideways moon)
Midbrain tectum vs tegmentum
Cerebral peduncle Cerebral peduncle
(usbstantia nigra) (substantia nigra)
tegmentum tegmentum
(red nucleus) (red nucleus)
tectum (aqueduct) tectum
Foramen rotundum
showing Foramen Rotundum (FR) in the coronal and sagittal planes is a very common sneaky trick.
On the coronal view, FR looks like you are staring into a gun barrel.
On the sagittal view, think about FR as being totally level or horizontal.
Foramen spinosum and ovale
With regard to the relationship between Spinosum and Ovale, I like to think of this as the footprint a
woman’s high heeled shoe might make in the snow, with the oval part being Ovale, and the pointy
heel as Spinosum.
Hypoglosal canal
The Hypoglossal Canal is very posterior
and inferior.
This makes it unique as a skull base foramen.
Jugular foramen overview
The jugular foramen has two parts which are
separated by a bony “jugular spine.”