Strategies for Promoting Physical Activity Flashcards
Name the aspects of the SMARTS Principle
- Specific
- Measurable
- Action-oriented
- Realisitc
- Timely
- Self-determined
What is the best type of exercise perscription to be given to individual’s?
FITT Principle
Name the aspects of the FITT principle
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Time
- Type
What is the following a defintion of?
- May enhance the link between exercises intentions and behavior
- Reflect an individual’s specific and detailed plans to exercises (i.e. where, when, with whom)
Implementation Intentions
What do environments promoting instrinsic motivation focus on?
- Providing positive feedback to increase feelings of competence
- acknowledging individual difficulties within the program
- enhancing sense of choice and self-initation to build feelings of autonomy
What are some ways that social support can be given from?
From instructor, family members, workout partners, coworkers, neighbors, etc.
What are the factors that are included in problem-solving
- identify barrier
- brainstorm ways to overcome the barrier
- select a strategy generated in brainstorming
- analyze how well the plan worked and revise as necessary
What is the following theory called?
Supports encouraging individuals to pick an exercise activity they enjoy
Hedonic theory
What type of intensity is usually chosen ?
Moderate intensity
What are factors of relapse prevention?
Being aware of an anticipating high-risk situations and having a plan to ensure that a lapse does not become a relapse
What special population is this?
- lack knowledge about PA benefits or how to set up safe and effective exercise program
- Social support recieved is not always positive: family or friends saying things like “let me do it” or “take it easy”
Older adults
What are some specfic barriers that are faced by older adults?
- lack of or indifferent social support
- increased social isolation
- fear of falling/safety
- physical ailments
- fear the exercise will cause injury, pain and discomfort
What special population is this?
cite or recieve lack of resources and social support, confidence, fear, motivation
Individuals with mental illness
Why would excercise be good for individuals with mental illness?
Reduces state and trait of anxiety, depression, depressive symptoms
Improves mood and reduce sadness or anxiety
What special population is this?
- this pop. needs to determine if their motivation is extrinsic or intrinsic
- imperative to work toward establishig autonomy
What speical population is this?
- weight-related barriers such as feeling uncomfortable exercsing in public
- negative mastery experiences with exercise & will need to enhance their sefl-efficacy
- may be deconditioned and percieve moderate intensity excerise as challenging
- may need help setting realistic weight loss goals and identify appropriate levels of PA
Individuals with obesity
What special population is this?
focusing on enhancing task self-effiacy to ensure that they beleive they can do what is being asked of them
may face barriers due to their condition
Individuals with chronic diseases and health conditions