Intro to Terms and Concepts Flashcards
What is health outcomes of a group of individuals including the distribution of such outcomes within the group
Population health
What is prevent occurence of disease but also arrest its progress and reduce its consequences once it is established
What type of prevention is this?
Conditions within social, economic or physical environment to minimize emergence of factors known to increase disease risk
Primordial prevention
What type of prevention is this?
specific risk factors in a suspceptile population
Primary prevention
What type of prevention is this?
early detection of disease during asymptomatic period through clinical and pop. bases screenings
secondary prevention
What type of prevention is this?
actions taken to limit disability and improve length and quality of life among symptomatic individuals
Tertiary prevention
What is process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health
Health promotion
What is to demonstrate the political feasiblility or organizational possibilies of various forms of action to address social, economic, and environmental determinants of health
Health education
What is science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities
Public health
What is way of living based on identifiable patterns of behavior
What are action, activity, or process which can be observed or measured
What is optimal state of health of individuals and groups; involves the realization of the fullest physical, psychological, social spiritual and economical potential of an individual