Strategic Awareness, Staff Management Flashcards
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is prevention first?
This is the name of NZ Police operating model.
Delivering our VISION:
“To be the safest country in the world”.
Delivering our PURPOSE:
To ensure everyone can “Be safe and Feel safe.”
Delivering our MISSION:
“To prevent crime and harm through exceptional policing”.
Delivering our GOALS:
“Safe homes, Safe roads, Safe communities”.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What are the drivers of crime.
1: Family Harm
2: Drugs and Alcohol abuse.
3: Mental Health Issues.
4: Young Offending.
5: Gangs and Organised Crime.
6: Road Trauma.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
Different types of harm?
1: Alcohol- related harm.
2: Drug harm.
3: Gang violence and harm.
4: Organised crime.
5: Youth.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is the heart of policing by consent?
Maintaining this trust and confidence in Police.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management.
(Te Huringa o Te Tai).
Nga Pou?
1: Pou Mataara. (Alert / Vigilant / Awake.)
- Be first then do
+ Our people and their mindset.
2: Pou Mataaho. ( Outside Post Wharenui.)
- Delivering the service NZ expects and deserved.
+ Effective initiativesand improved practice.
3: Pou Hourua. ( Partnership.)
- Focused Prevention through Partnership.
+ Effective partnership.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is CPTED?
Crime prevention through environment design.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is te Pae Oranga?
A marae based initiative for low level offenders to be held accountable.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
In our deployment model, what are our 5 key inputs.
1: Performance.
2: Our goals and priorities
3: Demand.
4: Intelligence.
5: Our available resources.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is PHPF
Police High Performance Framework.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
Police Values?
- Professionalism.
- Respect.
- Integrity.
- Commitment to Māori and the Treaty.
- Empathy.
- Valuing Diversity.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
S8 Policing Act 2008?
- Principled / effective / efficient policing.
- Public support and confidence.
- Respect human rights
- Act professional / ethical / integrity.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is S9 Policing Act 2008?
Functions of Police
- Keeping the peace.
- Maintaining public safety
- Law enforcement.
- Crime prevention.
- Emergency management.
- National Security.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is S20 Policing Act 2008?
Code of Conduct
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is S30 Policing Act 2008?
Command and Control
- Every Police employee must obey and be guilded by:
(a) General instructions.
(b) Local orders - Obey the lawful commands of his suprvisor.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is S63 Policing Act 2008?
Acting appointments.
- Commissioner may appoint an employee temporarily to any higher level at any time.
- Commissioner can also revoke that position at any time.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
Code of Conduct
Ngā Tikanga Whakahaere
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is PIP / SPT / LPS
1: PIP = Performance Improvement Plan.
2: SPT = Strategic Performance Template.
3: Level Purpose Statement.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
Step 1: Initiate
Step 2: Meet with employee to formulate a PIP for future implementation.
Step 3: Finalise to PIP.
Step 4: Formal review meeting.
Step 5: Confirmation of outcome.
Step 6: Additional steps and final PIP’s
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
Stand Together.
Kia Tū policy is our approach for preventing and addressing unexceptable behaviour in Police.
- Identify unexceptable behaviour
- Raise concerns of unexceptable behaviour.
- Seek support and advice.
- Resolve concerns.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
5 Principles of Kia Tū
1: People-centric.
2: Trusted.
3: Responsive.
4: Tikanga Haumaru.
5: Noho haepapa.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is unacceptable behaviour?
Any harmful behaviour toward other police.
- Serious emotional harm.
- Bullying.
- Cyberbullying.
- Discrimination.
- Harassment.
- Sexual harassment.
- Racial harrassment.
- Indecent assault.
- Sexual violation.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is NOT unexceptable behaviour.
- Difference of opinion.
- Legitimate leadership action to improve performance.
- insistance of high standards of performance.
- Cooerative team working, punctuality and attendance.
- An isolated incident of abruptness.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
Responding to unexceptable behaviour?
4 ways to repond.
1: Address it yourself.
2: Address it with support.
3: Address with a manager.
4: Report it confidentially.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is conflict of interest.
A conflict means:
Conflict between a public duty and private and/or personal interest.
- Personal interest can be fiinancial / family / friends / associates.
- Conflict maybe potential / perceived.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
What is the Mandatory stand down period for a death or life threatening injury in a shooting.
10 days
as it was intentional not intentional.
Must see 3 / 6 / 12 months Psychologist
- If Pursuit in Death or serious injury: 5 days with additional 5 days if required.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
The Privacy Act 2020?
Prohibits the access / use / disclosure of official information for private use.
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
Independant Police Conduct Act 1988?
Duty of Commissioner to notify Authority of certain Incidents involving death or serious bodily harm
Strategic Awareness & Staff Management
Serious Bodily Harm means?
- Fracture
- Deep laceration.
- Significant injury.
- Significant impairment.
- Head blow (Unconscious) (Concussion).
- Admission of Hospital not A&E.
Only dog bites that are not deep lacerations that are admitted to hospital to clean the wound are needed to be reported.