Road Policing Flashcards
Sgt Exam
Road Policing
Primary Role of Police in Road Policing?
To encourage all road users to make safe choices when on the road.
Road Policing
When Urgent Duty Driving,
You must?
Lights and sirens must be used continuously unless a tactical response is undertaken.
Road Policing
Urgent duty driving is in accordance with which Acts?
1: Land Transport (Road User) Rule Act 2004.
Land Transport Act 1998.
Road Policing
Can a Tactical Approach be used after Fleeing Driver initiated?
Any deactivastion of warning devices must be in line the Fleeing Driver abandonment procedure.
Road Policing
What is the R.U.R.A
Clause 11.18?
Proceedings against a stop sign, giveway sign, or traffic signal.
1: Display red and blue lights and siren.
2: Not exceeding 20km/h.
3: Taking due care to aviods collisions.
Road Policing
What is the R.U.R.A
Clause 11.19?
Proceeding through a intersection.
1: Display red and blue lights and siren.
2: Not exceeding 20km/h.
3: Taking due care to aviods collisions.
Road Policing.
What is Section 95(6)(b)
Mandatory 28 days suspension for exceeding the speed limit by 40km/h
Road Policing
What is a Fleeing Driver?
A driver who has been signalled to stop by an enforcement officer but fails to stop or remained stopped.
Road Policing
Must for Police to each Fleeing Driver?
1: Reasonable, proportionate, and necessary.
2: Lawful.
3: Justified, for all circumstances.
4: Compliant with Police Instructions and policy.
Road Policing
If driver is likely to flee?
Contact ECC.
1: Advise reason for wanting to stop vehicle.
2: Intentions to signal driver to stop.
3: Whether the pursuit will be initiated.
4: Any plan to stop the vehicle.
Road Policing
Anchoring Factors for TENR Risk Assessment?
1: Time of Day.
2: Environment.
3: Driver/Occupants profile.
4: Offences.
Road Policing
Who can abandon a Pursuit?
1: Lead & 2nd vehicle drivers or passengers.
2: Field Supervisor.
3: Air Support.
4 Pursuit Controller or Dispatcher.
Road Policing
Pursuit must be abandoned if?
1: TENR identifies a risk.
2: Pursuing Unit lost visual with F.D.
3: Lost Comms with P.U.
Road Policing
Once abandoned all units must?
1: Immediately reduce speed and distance from F.D.
2: Deactivate warning devices, once below posted speed.
3: Stop as soon as its safe. Warning lights may needs to stay on for safety.
4: Advise ECC.
5: Consider options on bringing offender driver to account.
Road Policing
Tactical Options Available?
1: Air Support Unit.
2: AOS & STG.
3: Dog Unit.
4: Temporary road closure.
5: Cordon & Contain.
6: Tyre Deflation Devices.