Firearms & Taser & SD & Policing Act & Victims. Flashcards
What is S.22H, Arms Act 1983?
A person is disqualified from holding a firearms licence if convicted within the last 10 years from serious offences.
Revocation holder becomes not disqualified?
S22H does not apply to the previous convictions of a person who is an existing firearms licence holder at the date commencing being 24 Dec 2020.
Trespass Act 1980.
Under S.12 of the Trespass Act 1980, any person who commits an offence against the Act while at the time carrying or had with them a weapon may be disqualified.
Police Saftey Orders
Firearms Licence is suspended while in force.
FVA S.40
Police Safety Order
Bound Person
Must immediately surrender their Firearms Licence and any weapons
Final Protection Order
Firearms licence is deemed to be revoked
FVA 2018 S.99(1)(b) and S.163
What is S164 FVA 2018
Retention, return, and disposal of weapons obtained under the act.
What is S.66 Arms Act 1983?
Occupier of premises or driver of vehicle deemed to be in possession of firearms, airgun, pistol, imitation firearm, restricted weapon, prohibited magazine or explosive found therein.
What is S.66B Arms Act 1983?
Person in posession of firearms etc, must must give identifying information to Police.
1: Full name.
2: Full address.
3: DOB.
If they refuse.
First caution, then arrest without warrant
What is S.202A Crimes Act 1961?
Possession of offensive weapon or disabling substances.
Offensive Weapon: Any article made or altered for the use of causing bodily harm or intended by the person having it with him/her for such use.
Disabling Substances: Any anaesthetising or other substances produced for use for disabling persons or intended by the person having it with him/her for such use.
What is S.18 SASA 2012?
Warrantless searches associated with arms.
Catergory 3/4
Police Firearms
Who and when can a Police officer be deployed/carry a firearm?
1: A level one responder, when their PCA is likely to escalate to within death or grievous bodily harm.
2: To destroy animasls.
3: For training purposes.
An Inspector or above can authorise tempoarary carriage of firearms.
Police firearms
Particular Sections
39/40/41/48/62 Crimes Act 1961.
Police Firearms
Discharge involving death or injury.
1: Take control of scene.
2: Ensure first aid is rendered.
3: Manage the scene according to princibles.
4: Inform the District Commander.
Police firearms
Reporting and investigating unintentional discharge?
(No death or injury).
1: Follow steps 1-5.
2: Notify the district Police Integrity and Conduct Manager.
3: Instigate a review.
4: Send firearms and bullets to Police armoury.
Police Firearms
When do police report firearms?
1: Presentation.
2: Discharge.
3: Unitentional.
4: Destruction of animals.
When a taser is shown or used?
1: Notify Supervisor.
2: Post incident procedures by Supervisor.
- Consult with operator.
- Ensure proper after care.
- Scene preserved/photographed.
- All evidence including discharge.
- Examined by registered medical doctor.
- Record in POL 42 (Post Taser).
- TOR Report.
- Uploads.
- Review.
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
What is a Coroners role?
1: Recieve a report of death from Police.
2: Decide whether to directr a post mortem.
3: Satisfy evidence supporting identification of death.
4: Authorise release of body.
5: Decide whether to open an enquiry and whether an inquest should be held (S.42(1)).
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
What deaths must be reported to Police?
1: Unknown cause / Suicide / Unnatural / Violent.
2: Death that occurs Medically /Surgery / Dental / Giving Birth.
3: Death in official custody care (S.13).
4: A death that no doctor has given a doctors certificaite.
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
When must Police report a death to the Duty Coroner?
When Police find a body in NZ or recieves a report of death under S.14 must report immediately to the coroner (S.15).
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
What is NIIO?
National Initial Investigation Office.
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
What is a Inquest?
Open and conduct an inquiry and as part of the inquiry conduct a formal hearing in the Coroners Court called an Inquest.
- Need for evidence in Court
- Stop public speculation
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
Pathway to including the coronial investigation?
1: Conclude with Inquiry.
2: Conclude that inquiry without proceeding to a formal court hearing.
3: Conduct a formal hearing in the Coroners Court called an Inquest.
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
Initial Procedure?
1: Ensure Safety.
2: Use PPE.
3: Check for signs of life.
4: Inform Supervisor.
5: If suspecious / Self inflicted / Child under two, call onduty CIB.
6: Duly qualified person completes VOD.
7: When under treatment for illness that has caused the death generally a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (HP4720).
8: If HP4720 is completed then the Coroner does not need to be notified.
9: If Death is reported to Coroner, General guide “Dont move the deceased”.
10: Complete, Deceased Person Notification “DED”.
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
Who is qualify to verify Death?
- Registered Medical Practitioner.
- Nurse, Registered / Practitioner / Enrolled.
- Registered Midwife.
- Intensive Care Paramedic.
- Paramedic.
- Emergency Medical Technician.
Police can not leave until VOD has been completed.
Victim Rights
Victims Rights Act 2002 Section 7
VRA 2002 s.7
[7th Heaven treatment]
Victims must be treated with:
- Courtesy
- Compassion
- Respect for personal dignity & privacy
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
What is the POL 265A?
Deceased Person Identification Form.
Sudden Death / Coroners Act 2006
What is NOK
Policing Act 2008
What is S.32
Policing Act 2008?
Identifying particulars of person in Custody.
- Biological / Biographical.
- Photograph / Visual image.
- Fingerprints, Palmprints / Footprint.
Policing Act 2008
What is S.33
Policing Act 2008?
Identifying particulars for summons.
- A person who has GCTS and intends to bring proceedings against a person.
Policing Act 2008
What is S.36
Policing Act 2008?
Care and Protection of intoxicated people.
S.31 Crimes Act 1961 applies if need to detain.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.4
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.7
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
- Treat the person with courtesy / compassion.
- Respect victims / dignity / privacy.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.8
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Access to Service.
-Welfare / Health / Councelling / Medical / Legal.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.11
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Information about programmes / remedies and services.
- MSD.
- MOJ.
- Corrections.
- NZP.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.12
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Information about Proceeding.
- Information for the victim on all matter of the investigation.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.17AA
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
What is S.17AB
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Purpose of the VIS
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.17
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Information to be ascertained from victim.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.19
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Clearly States
Information obtained by the victim must be verified by the victim.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.18
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Procedures before ascertaining information from the victim.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
What is S.29
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Specified offence defined.
- Sexual Nature.
- Serious Offences etc.
May go on the VNR. POL 1065
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.29A
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Commissioner of Police to determine whether an offence effecting the victim is a specified offence. Also delegated to all police staff f or completing,
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
What is S.30
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Victims views about release on bail of offender.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.31
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Police to give victims of specified offences information about right to ask for notice and to appoint representative.
Commissioner of Police must inform the victim.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.40
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Representative for Notice.
Receiving VNR on behalf of victim.
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.49
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
IPCAA 1988
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
What is S.51
Victims’ Rights Act 2002?
Return of property held as evidence.