STRAT Flashcards
Engagement of learners to be able to understand concepts
The process of imparting knowledge and skills from a teacher to a learner
- Process of gaining knowledge or skill (Merriam Webster)
- persisting change in human performance (Driscoll, 1994)
- The relatively permanent change in a
person’s knowledge (Mayer, 1982)
is the art and science of directing and controlling the movements and activities of the army.
Is a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure, instructional
objectives, and an outline of planned tactics, necessary to implement the strategies
Teaching strategy
the generalized plan of the whole lesson plan.
- does not follow a single track all the time, but it changes according to the demands of the situations
- more comprehensive than method.
- refers to goal directed activities of the teachers.
is a large or small group activity that encourages students to focus on a topic and contribute to
the free flow of ideas.
are effective ways to get students to practically apply their skills, and their understanding of
learned facts, to a real-world situation. They are particularly useful where situations are complex, and solutions are uncertain.
Case studies
structured way of exploring the range of views on an issue. It consists of a structured contest of
argumentation, in which two opposing individuals or teams defend and attack a given proposition
lets class members work actively with the ideas and the concepts being pursued, and sessions can be an extremely effective in changing behavior or attitudes.
students complete learning normally covered in the classroom in their own time (by watching videos and/or accessing resources), and classroom time is dedicated to hands on activities and interactive, personalized learning, leading to deeper understanding.
The flipped classroom
is a method of instruction that gets students to work together in groups.
The art of asking questions is at the HEART of effective communication and information exchange,
which underpins good teaching. If you use questioning well, you can improve the student learning experience in a whole range of Teaching Settings.
are instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a “world” defined by the teacher. They
represent a reality within which students interact.
The broadest of the three, making technique the most specific, and the method found in between approach and technique
An organized, orderly, systematic, and well-planned procedure aimed at facilitating and enhancing student’s learning
Encompasses the personal style of the teacher in carrying out specific steps of the teaching process
views the teacher as manager of complex
classroom processes, a person charged with bringing about certain outcomes
with students through using the best skills and techniques available.
The executive approach
mode or manner of teaching
it places a high value on what students bring to the
classroom setting, it places considerable emphasis on making use of students’ prior
The facilitator approach
is rooted in notions of liberal education, wherein
the goal is to liberate the mind to wonder, to know and understand, to imagine and create, using the full intellectual inheritance of civilized life
The liberationist approach
- It takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his own experience
and prior knowledge - It refers to various instructional design models that engages students in learning through
Discovery learning
- Involves the learning of specific concepts
- Involves more data collection usually through research
Conceptual teaching
- Treats all writing as a creative act which requires
time and positive feedback to be done well. - An approach which provides students with an abundance of projects
Process writing
- The information handler, being a teacher, a student, or another educational environment, is at the center of this educational model.
- The main inherent characteristics of this model are extreme flexibility, integration, ease of interaction, and being evolutional.
- It is based on a breakdown of knowledge to integrated modules of information
Unified teaching
It is the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and information onto their students
Teacher-centered approach
relies on explicit teaching through lectures and teacher led demonstrations
Direct instruction
Student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction.
Student-centered approach
focuses on student investigation and hands on learning. Teacher’s primary role is that of a facilitator, providing guidance and support for students through the learning process.
Inquiry-based learning
emphasizes group work and a strong sense of community. “Think-Pair-Share”
Cooperative learning
Lecture method, Discussion method, Storytelling method and so on.
Telling method
Project method, Problem solving method, Textbook method and so on.
Doing method
Demonstration method, Supervised study method and so on.
Visual method
Inductive, Deductive, Analysis, Synthesis method etc.
Mental method
directly related to the presentation of the lesson. Which a teacher should use, depends on the nature of the subject, and the tact of the teacher.
It is a procedure by which new knowledge fixed in the minds of students permanently. For this
purpose, a teacher does extra activities in the class.
encompasses all the materials and physical means an instructor might use to implement instruction and facilitate students’ achievement of
instructional objectives
Instructional media
such as chalkboards, handouts, charts, slides,
overheads, real objects, and videotape or film
Traditional materials
such as computers, DVDs, CD ROMs, the Internet, and interactive video conferencing.
Newer materials
helps students visualize a lesson and transform abstract concepts into concrete, easier to remember concepts
Instructional media
an excellent way to pose assessment questions for the class to answer or give students task to complete
Instructional materials that require projection and electricity’s in their using process
Projected media
Instructional materials that do not require the process of projection before its operation can take place
Non-projected media
- Cassettes and compact discs
- Allow students to hear other languages
Audio media
- Offer supplemental instruction
- Videos, computer mediated instruction, and television
Motion media
- Computer networks, software, and the internet
- Offer resources beyond the library
Hyper media
- computer games
- Provide a playful environment for learning
Gaming media
- a social science that draws from the biological,
environmental, psychological, physical and medical sciences to promote health and prevent disease, disability and premature death through education driven voluntary behavior change activities - the development of individual, group, institutional, community and systemic strategies to improve health knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behavior.
Health education
means whole that concerns the whole
person and his integrity, soundness or well-being.
Soundness of body or mind that condition in which its are duly and efficiently discharged.
- (Oxford Dictionary)
WHO has given a comprehensive definition of health in its preamble to constitution in _________
is a state of complete physical, mental, and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
message should be conveyed by the trusting people
firstly, we should find the need of the
community to create interest
choice interest topic
Firstly, convey the message to change
the behavior
firstly, find the capacity of the people which need the baseline data
need repeat follow up
starts what knowledge they have up to the knowledge they don’t have
Known to unknown
build rapporting to the community’s people
Good human relations
Should be given to the community what change occur, how many people developed knowledge and many others
- Responsible for the effective management of the class from start to finish
As a manager
Teachers are expected to respond constructively when problems crop up concerning student behavior
As a counsellor
Teachers encourage and motivates learners to study well and behave properly in and outside the classroom
As a motivator
Teacher should look his best all the time, master his lessons, etc.
As a model
Teacher deals with people outside the school with credibility.
As a public relations specialist
In school, the teacher is the parent of the learners.
As a parent surrogate
The learners must be given the chance to discuss things under the close supervision and monitoring of the teacher
As a facilitator
The main function of the teacher is instruction
As an instructor
- Most effective leadership style in education
Authoritative leadership
- promote social factors
- sense of belongingness
Affiliative leadership
Builds and nurture partnership among stakeholders
Democratic leadership
Role models
Pacesetting leadership
All about mentoring
Coaching leadership
The teacher who enjoys teaching shows genuine interest in patient and displays confidence in his or her professional abilities.
Professional Competence
all relationships, it is important that teachers listen to learners and try to see the world through their eyes
Interpersonal Relationship
Factors that impede the ability to deliver educational services
Passionate teachers exude spontaneity in ministering to the needs of the students
A clean joke will always elicit rapport in a learning environment
Values connotes standards, code of ethics and strong beliefs
Values and attitude
It refers to teacher’s uncomplaining nature, self-control, and persistence
Refers to eagerness and excitement
A solemn promise to perform the duties and responsibilities mandated by laws and code of ethics of the profession.
perceives himself as someone who can effect change or learning
Professional teacher