Strange Situation-evaluation Flashcards
Van ljzendoorn et al conducted a meta-analysis of nearly 80 studies in America covering over 6000 infants. What did they find out?
That they agreed with Ainsworth
What is meta-analysis?
A group of psychologists get studies together and analyse them
Van ljzendoorn et al conducted a meta-analysis of nearly 80 studies in America covering over 6000 infants. How does this support Ainsworth?
Most children were found to be securely attached
What is validity?
The extent to which we are measuring what we intended to measure
What was the strange situation intending to measure?
Individual differences in attachment types
How can you argue that the strange situation is not valid?
Only done on one adult
Measuring the attachment with that one parent tarter than the actual attachment
How can you come back and say in fact the strange situation is valid?
Bowl by said all attachments are the same as their main relationship,so wouldn’t matter who you did it with.
Supported by Main et al
Done again at age 9, the supports Bowlby and Ainsworth
What is reliability?
If repeated you,d get the same results
What is inter-rate reliability?
Comparing the ratings made by a panel of experienced judges. And them having prefect results
What is intra-rate reliability?
Same results with other studies
How can you argue that Ainsworth lacks reliability?
Because it was done as an observation and people observe differently
How can you say that Ainsworth is reliable?
They found almost perfect agreement when rating exploratory behaviour
How can Ainsworth be said to be unethical?
No protection from harm as the infants experience stress
What would Ainsworth comeback be from the unethical point of view?
No more stress than everyday life situations
Is there a link between attachment type and behaviour in later childhood? And which pair found the conclusions?
Yes, Prior and Glaser
What did Prior and Glaser find about the attachment type and later childhood behaviour?
Secure attachment- associated with positive outcomes
Avoidant attachment- related to later aggressiveness and negative effects
Resistant attachment- grater anxiety and withdrawn behaviour
Disorganised- hostile and aggressive behaviour
What do Prior and Glaser mean when they say secure attachment is associated with positive outcomes in later childhood?
Less emotional dependence
Higher achievement orientation
Interpersonal harmony
What research is there that disputes Ainsworth?
Low corrections between measures of maternal sensitivity and the strength of attachment (Raval et al)
How can we use the temperament hypothesis as evaluation?
Born with certain characteristics and that affects the attachment
What is the real world application of Ainsworths study?
Teachers and carers are taught signals of distress so can identify these in a child who e.g. Isn’t securely attached
What did Hazan and Shaver find when doing the ‘love quiz’?
That there were characteristic patterns of later romantic behaviour associated with early attachment type.
What did the ‘love quiz’ involve?
Asked questions about early experiences (classify attachment type) and current love experiences involvements and also about attitudes towards love
What did Bowlby believe was the reason there are patterns between early attachment types and later social functioning?
The mother’s behaviour creates an internal working model of relationships that leads the infant to expect the same in later relationships
Where does sensitivity fit into attachment types?
Ainsworth studied whether evidence supports the link between sensitivity and specific attachments