Strabismus Flashcards
How long are rectus muscles?
Longest overall muscle + tendon
Shortest overall muscle + tendon
Origin of IO
behind lacrimal fossa (periosteum of maxillary bone)
Which muscles do nor originate from annulus of zinn?
SO, IO, levator
2ndary action of vertical recti?
2ndary action of obliques?
elevation or depression
Monofixation syndrome
- binocular sensory state in patient with small angle strabismus (<8pd)
- central scotoma and peripheral fusion present
- 4BO prism test: normal eye (no refixation when over normal eye); scotoma eye (no initial eye turn)
Bagolini lenses
- determine retinal correspondence
- break in line is proportional to size of suppression scotoma
- right eye lens at 135, left lens at 45
- fixate on distant light
- esotropia with NRC: A
- exotropia with NRC: V
Criteria for refractive amblyopia
High ametropia: +5D, -8D, astigmatism 2.5D
Anisometropia: 1D hyperopia, 3D myopia, 1.5D astigmatism
Hering’s law
Equal and simultaneous innervation to synergistic muscles
-2ndary deviation larger than primary deviation
Sherrington’s law
Innervation to ipsilateral antagonist decreases as innervation to agonist increases
Angle kappa
- angle btwn visual axis and anatomic axis (pupillary axis)
- POSITIVE: causes slight temporal rotation of globe (light reflex appears nasal)–> ROB, toxocara
Congenital esotropia
- present by 6 months
- increased freq of CP or hydrocephalus
- usually >30PD
- assoc with DVD, IOOA (involved eye elevates with adduction), latent nystagmus
- Sx: BMR recession, MR recession and LR resection of same eye
Accommodative esotropia
- onset 6mos to 7years
- assoc with amblyopia (usually from anisometropia)
- refractive: normal AC/A ratio (tropia within 10pd at distance and near)
- nonrefractive: high AC/A ration (tropia greater at near, reduced at near with plus lens (consider miotics to treat, bifocals)