Retina disorders Flashcards
AD or X linked recessive
Tx: prophylactic laser (controversial), RD repair
Coats disease (Levers miliary aneurysms)
Males (10:1)
90% unilateral, 50% progressive
-Telangectatic vessels leak, large amt of subretinal lipid in OPL
-exudative RD in 66%
-subretinal and intraretinal cholesterol deposits
-FA: blood fluid levels, saccular aneurysms
Norrie’s disease
X linked recessive
- defect of retinal development
- bilateral
- retinal dysplasia, peripheral NV, hemorrhagic RD, retinal necrosis
- assoc with deafness and MR
Fundus flavimaculatus
-pisciform yellow-white flecks at level of RPE
AKA Stargardts: most common hereditary macular dystrophy
-FA: dark choroid due to accumulation of lipofuscin in RPE
Best’s disease
- 2nd most common inheritable macular dystrophy
- EOG abnormal
Sorsby’s (pseudoinflammatory macular dystrophy)
Pattern dystrophies
normal ERG, abnormal EOG
- Adult vitelliform
- Sjogrens reticular: fishnet configuration
- Butterfly: gray yellow butterfly lesion
Congenital achromatopsia
Complete rod monochromatism -Chrom 14 (ACHM1); AR -20/200 vision VF: central scotoma ERG: normal scotopic, abnormal photopic
Blue cone monochromatism
X linked recessive
ERG: absent cone response, normal rod response
Most AR
- photoreceptor atrophy including outer nuclear layer (inner layers preserved)
- RPE cells invade retina and surround retinal vessels
Treatable RP
Bassen-Kornzweig (abetalipoproteinemia)
Refsums (elevated phytanic acid)
Gyrate atrophy (elevated ornithine)
Leber’s congenital amaurosis
RP variant AR Blind or severe vision loss in infancy Rubs eyes ERG flat
Usher’s syndrome
Most common syndrome assoc with RP
RP and deafness, ataxia, MR, low phosphate (rickets)
Refsum’s disease
def of phytanic acid oxidase
Dx: increased serum copper and ceruloplasmin
Tx: phytanic acid restriction
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome
AR Abetalipoproteinemia -inability to transport and absorb lipids -def of ADEK -Tx: vit A and E supplements