Stowage and Securing Cargoes, Cargo Handling Gears Flashcards
Intermediate bulk container means a rigid, semi rigid or flexible portable bulk container packaging of not more than _____ cubic meter.
The sheave diameter to be used with a 2 inches manila rope:
You are going to load bales of wool having a stowage factor of 100 in #3 lower hold which has a bale cubic of 62,000. How many tons of the wool can be stowed in the compartment, assuming 10% broken stowage?
You are going to load bales of wool having a stowage factor of 100 in #3 lower hold which has a bale cubic of 72,000. How many tons of the wool can be stowed in the compartment, assuming 10% broken stowage?
You are loading a cargo of canned goods with a stowage factor of 65. If you allow 15% for broken stowage, how many tons can be loaded in a space of 55,000 cubic feet?
You are going to load bales of wool having a stowage factor of 96 in #3 lower hold which has a bale cubic of 84,000. How many tons of wool can be stowed in the compartment?
How many board ft of dunnage are in draft 4 ft wide, 1.5 ft high and 13 ft long?
In a partly filled compartment, a division , if fitted shall extend ____ of the maximum breadth of the compartment above the level of the grain surface and to the same distance below the grain surface.
Jan 8, 2015
You are to load a consignment of lumber. Each piece measures 2-inches thick, 10-inches wide and 16-feet long. There are 30,000 pieces in the shipment. How many board feet would be listed on the Bill of Lading?
You are to load a consignment of lumber. Each piece measures 3-inches thick, 12-inches wide and 16-feet long. There are 30,000 pieces in the shipment. How many board feet would be listed on the Bill of Lading?
The deduction of your vessel’s freeboard when loading in fresh water is 7.4 inches and the displacement is 15,400 tons. Find the TPI at summer load draft.
52 tons
The displacement of a box-shaped vessel is 1028 tons. Her measurement is 150 feet x 30 feet x 14 feet, draft is 8 feet. The KG is at the waterline. The weight of 20 tons is shifted from forward towards the stern at a distance of 100 feet. Calculate th
1.09 inches
Solve for the effect of adding 100 tons to cargo hold No.1, 150 feet forward of the tipping center. ITM=1423 feet-tons. Find the half trim.
5.27 inches
Your vessel has a fwd draft of 26’-11” and an after draft of 29’-07”. How many tons of cargo can be loaded before the vessel reaches a mean draft of 28’-06” if the TPI is 69?
207 tons
A weight of 250 tons is loaded on your vessel 95 feet forward of the tipping center. The vessel’s MTI is 1000 ft-tons. Find the total change of trim?
23.75 inches
A vessel has a draft of 3 feet and 8 inches in water of density 1024. Find her draft in water of density 1008.
3 feet 8.7 inches
The present drafts of a ship 140m long are 8.1m fwd and 9.9m aft. TPC = 30, MCTC = 250 tonnes-meter, COF = 3m fwd. 300 tonnes ballast was pumped out of No. 5 DB tank, 50m abaft amidships. Find the new drafts fwd and aft.
F = 8.29m / A = 9.49m
The length of your vessel is 480 feet, draft is 18 ft. 7 inches forward and 33 ft. 3 inches aft. TPI is 46, MCT1 is 1130 ft-tons, CF is at amidships. A weight of 100 tons is loaded forward from amidships. Calculate parallel sinkage.
2.17 inches
Your vessel’s draft is 16’-00” fwd and 18’-00” aft. The MTI is 500 ft-ton. How many tons of water must be shifted from the after peak to the forepeak, a distance of 250 ft, to bring her to an even draft forward and aft?
48 tons
Your vessel’s forward draft is 24’ 00” and the aft draft is 26’ 06”. The trim is:
2’ 06” by the stern
A tanker’s mean draft is 32’05”. At this draft, the TPI is 178. The mean draft after loading 1200 tons will be:
A vessel’s corrected draft Fwd 10.5201m, Aft 10.8250m and Mid 10.685m has a deflection of _____________.
0.0125m sagging
According to the International Grain Code, One (1) degree is equivalent to how many radian?
0.01745 radian
A vessel with corrected drafts of 10.9987 m fwd, 10.4478 m aft and 10.700 m midships, find the deflection.
0.0233m hogging
In the International Grain Code, the residual area between the righting arm curve and heeling arm curve shall not be less than _______.
0.075 meter-radian
The intact stability requirement of any ship carrying bulk grain should be such that the initial GM, after correction for free surface of liquids in tanks, shall not be less than _____.
0m 18s
The initial metacentric height (GM), after correction for the free surface effects of the liquids in tanks, shall not be less than:
0.30 meters
How far are cars stowed between cars to allow a passage ways?
0.30 mtrs
A vessel has a summer draft of 11.184 m, a FWA of 254 mm and TPC of 46.99 t. She is loaded in a berth where the water density is 1.011 t/m3 and her present mean drafts is 10.98 m. How much more cargo can she load in order to be at her summer load-line on
1,603.7 tions
If the height of the timber deck cargo exceeds 4 meters, the spacing for the lashings should be:
1.5 meters
The lashing spacing should be ________ apart If the height of timber deck cargo exceeds 4 meters.
1m 30s
Find the vessel’s quarter mean draft with corrected drafts of Fwd 10.2525m, Aft 10.3615m and Mid 10.3155m.
10.3134 Meters
A vessel with corrected drafts of Fwd 9.2517 m, Aft 9.5263 m and Mid 9.3525 m. Find the quarter mean draft.
10.6819 Meters
The code of safe practices for solid bulk cargoes (BC Code) covers:
11 sections
A ship enters port with arrival sea water draft of 11.00 m. If her FWA is 254, what will be her draft in dock water with relative density of 1.009?
11.16 Meters
The angle of heel due to shift of the grain shall not be greater than ____.
12 degrees
The stability requirement of vessels loaded with bulk grain should be such that any angle of heel due to grain shift shall not exceed _____.
12 degrees
In union purchase, the angle between the two runners must not exceed:
120 degrees
To what depth can a ship with FWA of 200 mm submerge her load-line in dock water of density 1010 kg/m3?
120 mm
How many kN strength of the lashings to be used when securing cargoes?
To what depth can a ship with FWA of 192 mm submerge her load-line in dock water of density 1008 kg/m3?
130 mm
You are loading 530,000 barrels of cargo oil. At 0945 on 13 March, you find that you have loaded 202,000 barrels. At 1130, you find that you have loaded 223,000 barrels. If you continue at the same rate, you will finish at:
1305, 14 March
The amount of strain on each runner of amarried fall system lifting 2000 lbs. When the angle made by the legs is 90° would be:
1414 lbs
A vessel floats at a draft of 17 feet 8.5 inches in water of density 1005. If her Fresh Water Allowance is 7.25 inches. Find her draft on passing into water of Density 1025.
17 feet 2.75 inches
At least how many lashings is required for a package stowed at the upper outboard edge of the stow of the timber deck cargo?
2 each
In securing timber cargo on deck, what should be the distance of the first lashing from an end bulkhead?
2 meters
A box shape barge when fully loaded in salt water has a draft of 2.18 m. To what draft she could load in water 1.010 tonnes/m3?
2.21 meters
How long is the standard container used to measure equivalent units?
20 feet
The optimum lashing angle against sliding is about how many degrees?
25 degrees
Every lashing should be provided with a tightening device or system so laced that it can safely efficiently operate when required? The load to be produced by the tightening or system should not be less than _________.
27 KN in the horizontal part
In preparation for receiving chilled reefer cargo, the reefer space has been precoolled for over 24 hours. You may begin loading when the space has been cooled to a temperature between:
28°F and 40°F
On a vessel loaded with timber deck cargoes, uprights must be spaced at intervals not to exceed:
3 meters
A box shape barge has a draft of 3.39 m in FW. Find her draft in SW.
3.31 meters
How many degrees is the preferable angle when lashings are attached to a securing point?
30 to 60 deg
When lashings are attached to a securing point, how many degrees is the preferable angle?
30 to 60 deg.
You are loading a cargo of cases into a hold which has a bale cubic of 44,000. The cargo consists of cases measuring 4 ft by 2 ft by 1.5 ft. Estimated broken stowage is 15%. What is the maximum number of cases which can be stowed in the hold?
3116 cases
Your vessel has a deadweight capacity of 5000 tons and a cubic capacity of 300,000 cu. ft. You are to load lead, with a stowage factor of 18, and cotton, with a stowage factor of 80. If you load full and down, how much cotton should you load?
3387 tons
What is the maximum capacity of a flexible intermediate bulk container?
3m³ or 3,000 liters
A box shape lighter with a draft of 4.24 m in density 1002 kg/m3. Find her draft in brackish water of density 1021 kg/m3.
4.17 meters
The optimum lashing angle against tipping it about how many degrees?
45-60 degrees
Specific requirement of the IMO Grain Code require that shifting boards shall have thickness of not less than _____, be grain tight and where necessary, supported by uprights.
50 mm
With reference to the requirements of the International Grain Code, the maximum unsupported span for shifting boards of 2.5 meters shall have a thickness of:
50 mm
According to the International Grain Code, One (1) radian is equivalent to how many degrees?
57.3 degrees
The code of safe practices for solid bulk cargoes (BC Code) have:
6 appendices
What is the sheave diameter to be used with a 3 inches manila rope?
6 inches
How long is the standard container used to measure equivalent units?
6 meters
With reference to the requirements of the International Grain Code, the maximum unsupported span for shifting boards of 3.0 meters shall have a thickness of:
60 mm
A vessel with corrected drafts of Fwd 7.4352 m, Aft 7.8215 m and Mid 7.5853 m. Find the quarter mean draft.
7m 35s 766ms
A vessel has a mean draft of 7.55m in salt water, displacement of 20,628 tons, TPC of 28.65 and Fresh water allowance of 180 mm, what will be the mean draft in fresh water?
7.73 meters
With reference to the requirements of the International Grain Code, the maximum unsupported span for shifting boards of 3.5 meters shall have a thickness of:
70 mm
A vessel’s hold has a grain capacity of 15,446.3 cubic meter and bale capacity of 13,901.6 cubic meter, a cargo of barley in bag is to be loaded with stowage factor of 1.67 cubic meter per ton. What is the amount of cargo that can be loaded in the said hold?
8,324.3 metric tons
The normal height of container cargo is:
8.5 ft
With reference to the requirements of the International Grain Code, the maximum unsupported span for shifting boards of 4.0 meters shall have a thickness of:
80 mm
Which vessel is to be loaded Full but NOT Down?
a break bulk vessel loaded with palletized cargoes
Which vessel is to be loaded full but not down?
a break-bulk vessel loaded with palletized cargoes
You are on a containership. Which statement about the stowage of hazardous materials in containers is TRUE?
A refrigerated container with a fuel tank containing a flammable liquid must be stowed on deck
The IMO regulations for Timber Deck Cargoes require:
a tault lifeline on the ship’s C/L
Ullages are measured from the:
Above deck datum
On the fully containerized ship, approximately one-third or more of the cargo is on deck above the rolling center. Top stowed containers are subject to:
Accelerations greater than on conventional vessels
All the ferrous components of a ship will sustain strong corrosive action in the presence of:
acid waters
During closing after loading operation, what is done to ensure the watertightness of the hatch cover?
air blowing all around the panel and coaming
Using the ‘house fall’ method of cargo handling ______.
All choices
Safety is increased if:
all lashings are made up, and the decks are clean and clear
Which of the following is/are source of moisture in the air of a cargo load?
All of the above
Prior to loading cars or vehicles propelled by petrol on roll-on/roll-off, the required precaution includes:
all of the above
How do you ensure that hatches are kept watertight?
All of these
Which of the following will you do to ensure that hatches are kept watertight?
All of these
Bilges of cargo holds should be regularly sounded. Bilge soundings indicates _______.
All of these
How will you ensure that the hatches are kept watertight?
All of these
It is essential that dunnages of all cargoes in the hold should be:
all of these
When using a multiple part wire rope tackle, such as a purchase on a jumbo boom, the greatest load occurs on:
all the parts, dividing the load equally
Ship’s officers should check every cargo compartment after it is filled with bulk grain to ensure __________.
All void spaces are filled
The vessel’s officer should check every cargo compartment after it is filled with bulk grain to ensure _________.
all void spaces are filled
You have a quantity of bagged cargo to stow in a block in #3 UTD. Which method of stow will provide maximum block stability?
Alternate layer directions
The angle of heel for which the openings in the hull, superstructure or deck houses, which can not be closed weather tight is immersed, is called:
angle of flooding
This is defined by the International Grain Code as an angle of heel at which the openings in the superstructure or deckhouses which cannot be closed weathertight is immerse.
angle of flooding
The angle of a bulk cargo as between its cone shape and the horizontal plane surface to which it is stowed is called?
Angle of repose
The maximum angle at which grain, coal or other products loaded in bulk will retain their form or remain in a heap is called:
angle of repose
The maximum slope angle of non-cohesive granular material, it is the angle between a horizontal plane and the cone slope of such material:
angle of repose
The boom indicator on a crane will indicate the ______.
angle of the boom
When preparing a cargo hold for reception of grain cargoes in partially filled compartment, the minimum distance between overlaps of burlap covers must be:
at least 1.8 meters
The heel block is located ______.
at the base of the boom
A “Peck and Hale” gear is mostly used for storing what kind of cargo?
On cargo booms, preventers are ____.
Auxiliary guy
It is the shipping term use for the volume of full load of bales or cases in a given compartment, as measured inside the spar ceiling.
Bale cubic
The standard unit of liquid volume used in the petroleum industry as well as the tanker industry is a:
What is the sequence of identifying location of container cargo?
Bay, row and tier number
The Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes is also known as ______.
BC code
To separate different kinds of bulk grain stowed in the same hold, separation cloth should ______.
be laid slack between the cargoes
Volatile petroleum oil has a flash point:
below 60°C
This is a kind of shipboard handling system involving bin type bottom structure to permit cargo onto belt conveyors. The cargo is raised to a deck-mounted slewing arm supporting another belt conveyor by which the cargo is off-loaded to shore.
Belt unloading system
Ballast lines to deep tanks should be:
blanked prior to loading dry cargoes
Stowing all the cargo for one port in the same area is termed as:
block stowage
The terminal indicates to you that they are going to use a booster pump to assist the discharging operation. You start the discharge, and in a few minutes the pressure drops sharply. This could be a result of the:
Booster pump coming on the line and discharging property
A “Heterogeneous cargo” refers to:
both b and c
Personnel in charge of cargo stowage and securing cargo should have: I. Proper qualification and experience II. A sound practical knowledge of the application and content of Cargo Securing Manual
Both I & II
The safe stowage and securing of cargoes depend on: I. Proper planning II. Execution and supervision
Both I & II
The space lost in a compartment due mainly to the variable sizes/shapes of goods to be loaded is termed as:
Broken stowage
A kind of shipboard handling system which can be deck mounted or suspended from a shore-mounted structure. They consist of a set of digging buckets. The cargo is fed to a conveyor which dumps it into a transverse conveyor which deposit it ashore.
Bucket wheel unloaders
A deck mounted tower-like structure that provides horizontal restraint for stacks of deck stowed containers are called ______?
The recommended lashing materials for passenger cars is _____________.
The word “toxic” is used to describe a petroleum liquid when it:
can harm you if it touches a sensitive part of the body
A log which is “slab-cut” or ripped lengthwise so that the resulting thick pieces have two opposing, parallel flat sides are called _______?
Hygroscopic cargo is defined as:
Cargo capable of absorbing moisture in the form of gas
Eductors are used within oil tanker cargo operations for:
cargo stripping
These are materials which contain at least some fine particles and some moisture, usually water, although they need not appear visibly wet.
cargoes which may liquefy
The code of safe practices for solid bulk cargoes (BC Code) section 8 is titled:
cargoes which may liquefy test procedure
Stacked containers are prevented from moving in the hold by:
cell guides
If you were to pass a stopper on a wire rope, what should the stopper be made of?
This is a kind of shipboard handling system that uses an enclosed tube or through within which a constantly moving chain drags the material. The system can be handled by ship’s gear.
Chain unloaders
Vehicles, including roll-trailers not provided with adequate securing arrangements, should be stowed and secured in accordance with chapter_____ of the Code of safe practice for cargo stowage practice?
Chapter 5
The primary purpose of a “bilge well” is to:
collect water to be pumped out
What are the materials that undergo some form of purification process by physical separation of undesired ingredients?
The proper sequence to follow when connecting a bonding cable is to:
Connect bonding cable, close switch, and connect cargo hose
This is kind of shipboard handling system that uses an endless chain of wire rope and steel buckets suspended by two pulleys or sprockets.
Continuous bucket unloaders
What is the main advantage of the use unitized cargo system such as pre-slinging, palletizing and containerizing of cargo is:
Cost reduction in terms of cargo operation
Which cargo would require a dangerous cargo manifest?
The process of lowering a boom to a horizontal position and into its deck support is called _____.
Cradling a boom
The wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and deck is called ______.
Protection of cargo against tainting damage can be best obtained by _____.
Danger of a heavy ship sweat exist; constant and vigorous ventilation is required
The force acting on a single cargo runner which is vertically lifting or lowering a hold is greater when _____.
Decelerating when lowering the load
As per SOLAS Regulation VII/6, the stowage of dangerous goods in packaged form that give off dangerous vapours shall be stowed in a mechanically ventilated space or on _______.
To determine the weight capacity of a deck in a cargo hold, you would refer to the ________.
Deck capacity plan
When considering a vessel’s stability, which spaces in a general cargo vessel are the best locations for the carriage of bulk grain?
Deep tanks
The most important factor to consider to ventilate or not cargo space is:
Dew point
Sweat damage in a hatch full of canned goods and cartons will occur when the:
Dew point is lower than the temperature of the cargo
Which factor is most important in preventing sweat damage within a cargo hold?
Dew point of the cargo
Which factor is most important in preventing sweat damage within the cargo hold?
dew point of the cargo hold
Sweat damage will occur in a cargo hold containing cased machinery when the __________.
dew point of the hold is higher than the temperature of the ship’s skin
The moisture equilibrium chart can be used to determine the :
Dew point temperature that the air surrounding a hygroscopic commodity will have when in moisture equilibrium with that commodity
Transport of liquid cargo from ship to shore on board LNG carriers goes from cargo tanks, cargo, liquid cargo lines, manifold, ______ then to the shore terminal tanks.
discharge arms
What is the main function of a stripping system on board?
Discharge liquid left in the cargo tanks after the main pump have discharged the bulk
How should coal cargoes be ventilated?
Do not ventilate
The weakest part of a freight container is the:
What is the most often used standard lashing method for fourty foot container on sea side slot:
double parallel lashin
This is a kind of shipboard handling system that uses a heavy scrapping device pulled by means of a wire rope and a winch to dump the cargo into a hopper at one end of a hold. A bucket elevator then elevates the cargo vertically to a belt-type off-loading conveyor.
Drag scrapper unloader
When bunkering operations are completed, the hoses should be:
Drained, blanked off and stored securely
What type of structure has the tendency to set up the keel to the up thrust of the keel blocks resulting in a change in the space of the transverse section?
Dry Dock Stress
MacGregor style hatch covers are secured against unwanted movement by:
eccentric wheels
Which of the following is not a mechanical properties of metals?
The signal man has both arms extended out, palms down, and is moving his arms back and forth. This is the signal to:
emergency stop
All liquids can change into vapour and the process is called:
Wale shores would be used when drydocking vessel with:
excessive deadrise
What is the main advantage of container vessels over a conventional general cargo vessel.
Fast turn around
In grain loading, which of the following statement is INCORRECT:
feeders can be used to increase the grain loading capacity of a hold
Which material should not be used to secure cargo on deck for a voyage?
Fiber rope
When loading “on deck cargoes” , what material should NOT be used?
fiber ropes
This is defined by Regulation 3 of SOLAS 1992 as any compartment in which after loading and trimming the bulk grain is at its highest possible level.
filled compartments
What is NOT an advantage of containership operations over conventional break-bulk operations?
flexibility of operation
A container vessel has many advantage over conventional break-bulk vessel, Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a container vessel over a conventional break-bulk vessel.
Flexibility of operations
Which of the following is not an advantage of containership operations over conventional break-bulk operations?
Flexibility of operations
It is a flexible portable packaging to be used for the transport of solids with a capacity of not more than 3 m³ or 3,000 liters.
flexible intermediate bulk container
It is a state that occurs when a mass of granular material is saturated with liquid to an extent that, under the influence of prevailing external forces such as vibration, impaction or ship’s motion, it looses its internal shear strength and behaves as a
flow state
The weight of the container and its contents is supported on deck by what parts?
Four lower corner casting
A loaded container is supported on deck by what parts?
four lower corner castings
The weight of the container and its contents is supported on deck by what part(s)?
Four lower corner castings
According to the Cargo Information Data Sheet of LNG, the primary health hazard when this liquid spills over a person’s skin is:
frost bite
Of the general methods of stowing bagged cargo, which allows maximum ventilation?
Full bag method
A ship has LBP 215 m, TPC 59.05 tonnes, MTC 767.41 t-m, LCB -7.08 m with displacement of 31979 tonnes and floating on dockwater density 1.022 t/m2 with draft 4.18 m forward and 7.69 m aft. What will be her draft in seawater considering there is no change
Fwd 4.16 M / Aft 7.67 M
The value on the discharge side of a cargo pump on a tanker will usually be a:
gate valve
This is a close container with doors at one end and others with doors in one end and sides, sometimes ventilated but not insulated:
General cargo container
What is the purpose of the orange peel bucket?
grab the wood chips from hold to hopper
The BC code provides guidance to Administration, Ship owners, Shippers and Masters in the standards to be applied in the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes EXCEPT:
This term as defined in the International Grain Code include wheat, maize, oats, rye, barley, rice, seeds and processed forms thereof, whose behavior is similar to that of grain in its natural state.
The internal volume of a cargo hold measured from the inside of the side shell, the underside of the deck, and the tank top is known as _____.
grain cubic
The product of the weight of the shifted grain multiplied by the horizontal distance between the initial and final centers of gravity ia called:
grain heeling moment
A large basin cut into the shore, closed off by a caisson, and used for drydocking of ship is known as a:
graving dock
A sheave is a ________.
groove wheel in a block
Which method of stowing bags will result in the smallest percentage of broken stowage?
Half bag
A small light tackle with blocks of steel or wood that is used for miscellaneous jobs is called:
A cargo block that is secured to the upper tip of the derricik boom is called the _______.
head block
When snaking cargo into the wing of a hold with the cargo winch, the runner should be lead from the _______.
heel block to a snatch block
The Safe Working Load for the assembled cargo gear and the minimum angle to the horizontal for which the gear is designed shall be marked on the _______.
heel of the bottom
The signal man assisting the crane operator has his foream vertical, forefinger pointing up, and moves his hand in a small horizontal circle. This is the signal to:
A sling is a device used in :
hoisting cargo on board
Development of molds on reefer cargo inside a refrigirated cargo hold is most likely caused by:
holds not properly cleaned prior to loading cargo
Cargoes of similar likes and types are called ____?
Homogenuous cargo
Bulk cargo refers to __________.
homogenuous cargo not enclosed in a container
On a cargo crane, the boom indicator tells the operator what angle the boom angle is compared to the ______.
Horizontal position
On a crane, the boom indicator tells the operator what angle the boom angle is compared to the _______.
horizontal position
Any procedure using welding, fusing, melting and heating works are generally termed as:
Hot work
A high cube container is often used to stow :
household appliances
Cargoes that have the capacity of absorbing moisture are called:
The international code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemical in bulk is also known as ____.
IBC code
You are to load a bagged cargo in the lower hold of a ship equipped with drain walls in the after end of the hold. The first layer of dunnage should be laid down:
In the fore and aft pattern
it is the term use to denote a quality of change in some cargo which damages the commodity itself is:
Inherent vice
The word “special cargo” means what?
It has a high value that pilferage is temping
A “water shower curtain” is flushed under the manifold during cargo operation onboard LNG carriers. In the event of cargo spill, which statement below best explain why the above operation is being carried out?
it prevents the liquid cargo in being in contact with the hull thus avoiding structural damage.
The principal reason for cargo segregation is to:
keep apart cargo that should not be mixed
Separation cloths may be used to:
Keep bagged cargo leakage from contacting the deck
In ro-ro and container ships the ________ of cargo is an important safety consideration and calls for fittings which permits rapid, easyand effective securing of cargoes.
When securing a stack of containers with non-locking fittings, under normal weather and sea conditions, lashings are required when the tier exceeds what height?
lashings are always required
A conventional tanker has most of its tanks slack during the discharging of oil cargo, it is not of any great consequence; however, if an OBO has most of its holds slack during discharging (or loading) of oil cargo this will:
Likely cause a sudden or violent list due to the very large free surface in the broad beamed holds?
Which of the following is NOT a problem area when loading barges on a LASH type vessel?
Limiting depths alongside berths restrict barge drafts
Because of the arrangement of the cell guides, the MOST important factor while loading containers is the __________.
list of the vessel
All wire ropes used in shipboard cargo gears must be identified and described in a certificate. The certificate shall certify all of the following except the _______.
load at which the test sample broke
Regulations concerning the stowage, lashing, and securing of timber deck cargoes aboard general cargo vessels may be found in the _____________.
Load Line Regulations
On a crane, the load chart relates the allowable load to the combination of the boom length and :
Load radius
Binder chains used to lash down deck cargoes may be shortened by _____.
Loadbinders or turnbuckles
A cargo plan would not include:
loading and discharge equipment details
The regulation that governs the stowage, lashing and securing of deck cargoes are found in the ____.
Loadline regulations
An electro hydraulic grapple for handling logs in bundle. It grips only the uppermost logs in the bundle and is unaffected by submersion in the water.
Log grapple
What do you call an electro hydraulic grapple for handling logs in bundle? It grips only the uppermost logs in the bundle and is unaffected by submersion in the water.
Log grapple
When a vessel is heeled, due to a shift of cargo, the area below the heeling arm curve represents:
lost stability
The signal man assisting the crane operator has his arm extended downwards, forefinger pointing down, and moves his hand in a small horizontal circles. This means to:
An inert gas system installed on tankers is designed for:
lower oxygen level inside the cargo tank makes explosion remote
The signal man assisting the crane operator has his arm extended, his fingers closed and thumb pointing downward. This is the signal to ____.
Lower the boom
The signal man assisting the crane operator has his arm extended, his fingers closed, and his thumb poitning downward. This is the signal to ______.
lower the boom
The signal man assisting the crane operator has his arm extended, thumb pointing downwards, flexing fingers in and out. This is the signal to _______.
lower the boom and raise the load
The timber deck cargo should be secured throughout its length and the maximum spacing of lashings should be determined by the:
maximum height of the timber
Atmosphere laden with coal dust or grain dust caused by loading these cargoes ____.
may be explosive in some concentration
In handling break bulk hazardous materials, it is forbidden to use _________.
Metal bale books
In handling break bulk hazardous materials, it is forbidden to use:
Metal bale hooks
The code of safe practices for solid bulk cargoes (BC Code) section 6 is titled:
methods of determining angle of repose
To reeve a right-angle threefold purchase, start with the ______.
Middle sheave bottom block
When carrying a cargo of logs, loading the heaviest logs in the lower holds will have what effect?
Minimize the effects of a tender vessel
It is the movement of moisture contained in materials by settling and consolidation of the materials due to vibration and ship’s motion.
moisture migration
If reefer space are not properly cleaned prior to loading cargoes, it will most likely cause:
mold to develop on commodities
The signal man assisting the crane operator uses on hand to give the motion signal.
move slowly
Every vessel which loads bulk grain in the U.S. shall submit a stability calculation for the intended voyage to the attending _____ surveyor before a Certificate of Readiness to Load can be issued.
National Cargo Bureau
A block weighing 2,765 kgs. and measuring 6.0m x 0.9m x 0.5m will be placed in water of relative density 1.024. Will it float or sink?
Neither float or sink
On the cargo manifest, the weight of the cargo inside a container is called __________.
Net weight
When loading containers into cell guides in the hold of a container ship, which statement is TRUE?
No further securing is usually required
You are on a containership. The cargo includes a container of small arms ammunition, a container of lead-acid storage batteries and a container of methyl acetylene bottles. Which statement is TRUE?
No separation is required because freight containers are exempted
A vessel loaded with steel coils is coming from Panama to Vancouver. On passing North California, the holds were ventilated. What happens to the cargo?
no sweat will occur
When the dew point of the outside air is greater than the dew point of the air in the cargo hold, you should:
Not ventilate the cargo holds
Your vessel is loaded with nonhygroscopic cargoes and is proceeding from a cold climate to a warm climate, you should:
Not ventilate the cargo holds
For a general cargo vessel, if you are coming from a colder outside temperature to a hotter temperature, you should ______.
Not ventilate your cargo
What special precaution/s should be taken when loading and carrying concentrates?
obtain written cargo information from shipper
In a general cargo ship with the superstructure amidships, which location is best suitable for on deck stowage of cars?
on top of the hatch immediately aft of the amidships superstructure
In a general cargo ship with the superstructure amidships, which location is best suitable for an deck stowage of cars?
on top of the hatch immediately aft of the midship superstructure
The height of deck cargo above the weather deck for a cargo vessel in seasonal winter zone in winter: should NOT exceed _____ of the extreme breadth of the ship:
A vessel not having on board a document of authorization issued in accordance with part A3 of the International Grain Code may be permitted to load bulk grain provided that the total weight of the bulk grain shall not exceed:
one-third of the deadweight of the ship
A cargo vessel with cargo holds filled with general cargo with heavier goods stowed in the bottom results in the center of gravity to be at:
one-third the height of the hold above its deck
On a break-bulk vessel, a cargo hold filled with general cargo with heavier goods stowed in the bottom results in the center of gravity to be at:
One-third the height of the hold above its deck
You are on a container vessel. What concerning the handling and stowage of containerized hazardous materials is TRUE?
Open-bed containers may be used to transport hazardous materials if the cargo is properly secured
The unused volume between the surface of the liquid and the tank top in any cargo tank is known as:
Which of the following is not an advantage of filler cargo?
Over carriage is reduced or eliminated
What would be a “prima facie” evidence of unseaworthiness?
This is defined by Regulation 3 of SOLAS 1992 as any compartment wherein bulk grain is not loaded in a manner prescribed under the code.
partly filled compartments
The securing systems for containers were developed to prevent container movement during which of the following ship motions?
In the stowage of deck cargo, “cribbing” is:
Placed on deck to support the cargo
The two factors which make underwater hull repair difficult are accessibility and the ______.
Pressure exerted by the water
Bonding cables are used during cargo transfer to:
Prevent an accidental discharge of static electricity
Before loading bulk grain, bilge wells must be covered to ______.
prevent cargo shifting to the bilge well
The boom stops are installed on a crane to:
prevent the boom from being raised too high
It is a component part of cargo gear that controls the horizontal motion of the booms. it counter acts the tendency of the boom to come together when the suspended load is between the boom heads.
Mousing a cargo hook with marline or small line:
prevents the sling ring from coming out of the hook
Once a bulk carrier’s flood hold has been pumped out prior to commencement of loading, what precaution has to be taken?
properly cover all wells to protect both ballast and pumping arrangements
When you are determining the location for the stowage of deck cargo aboard a vessel, a primary factor to consider is:
Protection of the cargo from wind and sea spray
The process of replacing foul air in any of the ship’s compartment with pure air is
These things are used as wedges to fit the curvature of barrels for the purpose of preventing movement especially for the stowage of cask.
The signal man assisting a crane operator has his arm extended with his fingers closed and thumb pointing upward. This is the signal to ________.
raise the boom
The signal man assisting the crane operator has his arm extended, with the thumb pointing up, and is flexing his fingers in and out for as long as the load movement is desired. This is the signal to ________.
raise the boom and lower the load
A heated bulkhead has the effect on a hygroscopic commodity of:
Raising the vapor pressure of the commodity
Which is not an advantage of the flush method of welded shell plating?
reduces plate stress
The term “flow state” when referring to dry bulk cargoes means:
refers to the saturation of a dry bulk product with water to the point where it acts as a liquid
When referring to dry bulk cargoes, the term “flow state” __________.
refers to the saturation of a dry bulk product with water to the point where it acts as a liquid
Which of the following cargoes require strips of common building lathe as dunnage in order to carry away heat generated by the cargo?
Refrigerated fruit that is ripening
The ratio of the amount of water vapor actually in the air to the amount that would be in the aif if the air is saturated is:
Relative humidity
What does the area between the righting arm curve and heeling arm curve measured up to a specified angle of inclination represents?
residual dynamic stability
What is the use of a “bridge fitting” when lashing containers?
restrains the container against horizontal motion
What purpose does a “Bridge Fitting” serve when lashing containers?
restrains the container against horizontal motion
The signal man assisting the crane operator has one hand occupied and one fist in fron of his chest with the thumb pointing outward and is tapping his chest with the heel of fist. This is the signal to _______.
retract the boom
When the mechanical power of a purchase is equal to the number of sheaves plus one, it is ________.
Rigged to advantage
The securing systems for containers were developed to prevent container movement during which ship motion?
What type of a ship which has one or more decks either closed or open, not normally subdivided in any way and generally running the entire length of the ship, carrying goods which are loaded and unloaded in a horizontal manner.
Ro-ro ship
A shore is a piece of securing dunnage that :
runs from a low supporting level up to the cargo at an angle
In relation to cargo gear, what does SWL means?
Safe working load
What is required to be stenciled at the heel of a cargo boom?
Safe working load
Which of the following is required to be stenciled at the heel of a cargo boom?
Safe working load
If the warranted breaking strength of a rope is divided by the safety factor required for a particular application, the result is known as the ______.
safe working load
After a partial discharge and prior to sailing, it is important to:
secure and shore the remaining cargo
Keeping certain cargoes separated because of their inherent characteristics is known as:
Segregation of cargoes refer to:
separating cargoes so that one cannot damage because of inherent characteristics
Marline tightly would on the rope by means of a board or mallet is called :
You are in a tropical port. The refrigeration machinery on a container loaded with air-coolded fruit fails. It cannot be repaired for 18 to 24 hours. Which step should you take to reduce the temperature rise and spoilage of the fruit?
Shade the container and periodically hose it down
When a section such as a beam is carrying a load, there is a tendency for some parts to be pushed upwards and for other parts to move downwards. This tendency is called _______.
What equipment is used to prevent grain in a slack grain hatch from reaching an angle of repose?
shifting boards
In accordance to the BC Code, any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a carrier shall be known as the _______.
Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by:
Ship’s sweat
Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damaged by:
Ship’s sweat
What type of vessel uses shifting board?
Ships that carry bulk grain cargo
A piece of securing dunnage that runs from a low supporting level up to the cargo at an angle is called:
What is/are the precaution/s to be considered when loading and stowing bulk cargoes having an angle of repose more than 35 degrees?
should be trimmed reasonably well
The part of the unloading equipment in a wood chip carrier that conveys the wood chips to shore hopper is the _____.
shuttle conveyor
It is a hatch cover that consists of two large panels and being rolled along a track at both side of coaming top.
side and end rolling
The movement of the crane that is not controlled by any wires is ______.
slewing operation
Prior to loading barges over the stern of a LASH vessel, the vessel should be trimmed in what manner?
Slightly by the bow
A block that can be opened at the hook or shackle end to receive a bight of the line is a ______.
Snatch block
It is any material, other than liquid or gas, consisting of combination of particles, granules, or any larger pieces of materials, generally uniform in composition, which is loaded directly into the cargo spaces of the ship without any intermediate form o
solid bulk cargo
This type of container is used transporting large, shapeless, or break bulk cargoes such as large machinery, pipes, vehicles etc.
Special container
Cargo spaces which is constructed with at least two vertical or sloping longitudinal, grain tight divisions which are coincident with hatch side girders or are so positioned as to limit the effect of any transverse shift of grain are called:
Specially suitable compartment
Which of the following statements concerning the lashings of containers with solid bar or wire rope lashings is TRUE?
Stack weights should be less when using a solid bar lashing as compared to a wire lashing
What is not securing system used on a containership?
stacking system
Which of the folloqing is not a securing system used in container operations?
stacking system
A note of protest, or writ of protest is a declaration made by the Master of a vessel before a notary or, if in a foreign port. What is the purpose?
State that the damage to ship, cargo or both was due to the perils of the sea.
The term “standing rigging” refers to _______.
stays and shrouds
The signal man assisting the crane operator has his arm extended with the palm down and holds this position rigidly. This is the signal to ______.
It is the type of wooden scantlings required for the dunnage used for the storage of cask.
The code of safe practices for solid bulk cargoes (BC Code) section 11 is titled.
stowage factors conversion table
In containerization, what is meant by “Stuffing”?
Stowing good inside a freight container
To “shore up” the main deck for stowage of deck cargo means to:
Strengthen the main decks by placing pillars underneath it in the tween-decks
Planning for a heavy lift, the preferred derrick type would be:
The cargo boom that can be swung from one hatch to the adjacent hatch is called:
stuelcken derrick
It is condensation, which forns on all surfaces and on all goods in compartment or hold due to inability of cool air to hold in suspension as much vapor as warm air.
The signal man assisting the crane operator has his arm extended and is pointing his finger in the direction to move the boom. This is the signal to _______.
This type of container is used for bulk liquid, and compressed gas.
tank container
On the cargo manifest, the total weight of an empty container cargo box is the __________.
Tare weight
What do you call the total weight of an empty cargo box on a cargo manifest?
tare weight
The amount of cleaning which a cargo hold will require depends upon the nature of the cargo:
that has just been discharged and cargo that is to be loaded
A cargo of refrigerated fruit is packed in crates with transverse members dividing the crate into equal parts. Which of the following is true?
The cargo block should be stowed with air channels built throughout the stowed cargo
Which statement about the proof test applied to cargo gear is not correct?
The cargo boom must be not more than 15° from the vertical
Which statement about the proof test applied to cargo gear is not correct?
The cargo must be not more than 15° from the horizontal
A space should be ventilated when ______.
The cargo temperature is colder than the dew point of the air in the space
On a break-bulk cargo vessel, you are loading acetylene cylinders. How shold acetylene tank cylinders stored on a break-bulk vessel?
The cylinders must be stowed at least 10 feet away from corrosives if in the same hold
Hygroscopic cargoes should be ventilated in cases when:
the dew point of the air in the hold is very low
In handling a weight, what part of the tackle has the greatest stress when hoisting?
the hauling part
The greatest strain, when lifting a load with jumbo purchase, is on _____.
The hauling part because it must absorb the frictional losses of all the sheaves
A disadvantage of using chain lashing on heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is that _____.
the links looses strength if placed over corners
While loading a cargo of grain, your vessel develops a list to starboard. This will be corrected by ______.
the list man changing the discharge location of the chutes
For general cargo, thorough hold preparation is required. This is mainly to ensure that:
the next cargo is carried efficiently and safely
If there is cargo damage as a result of failure of the ship’s officers to ensure the fitness and safety of cargo spaces. A claim for cargo damages may be held against:
the ship owner
When lowering a weight, which part of the tackle has the greatest stress?
the standing part
Which is the most important consideration for a tank vessel?
The stress on the hull
Ullage is the term used to describe:
the vertical space above a liquid cargo
When timber deck cargo has been loaded, the stowage should be such that:
there is solid stowage to prevent water from flowing on deck
This type of container is insulated, refrigerated and temperature controlled cargo.
This type of container is used for bulk liquid and compressed gas:
Thermal container
A break bulk vessel loaded with palletised cargo is most likely:
to be loaded full but not down
A break bulk vessel loaded with palletized cargo is most likely :
to be loaded full but not down
Battens are fitted in cargo holds across the frames of the vessel from the turn of the bilge upward. The purpose of these cargo battens is:
to prevent cargo from coming in contact with the vessel’s frames or shell plating
When lowering a ramp on the pier apron or wharf, a plywood or rubber matting is normally laid under the ladder. What is the purpose of this?
to prevent damage to wharf
Which of the following is not a primary purpose for using dunnage?
To provide cargo segregation
What is the main purpose of dunnage?
To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo
Rigging a Jumbo Derrick for a heavy lift, which of the following is standard practice?
To put winches in double gear
It is a method of using timber to secure cargo by running the timber from an upper support down to the cargo either vertically or at angle is called:
Timbers that secure cargo by running from an upper support down to the cargo either, vertically or at an angle are known as:
Securing cargo by running timbers, either vertically or at an angle,from an upper support down to the cargo is called:
Securing cargo by running timbers from an upper support down to the cargo, either vertically or at angle, is called:
A heavy steel curved arch constructed athwartships and above the after deck on a towing vessel is sometimes called a __________.
tow span
A thrust block is designed to:
transmit the thrust of the propeller to the vessel
Under normal weather and sea conditions when securing a stack of containers with twist locks, lashings are required when the tier exceeds what height?
Two containers
The vertical distance between the surface of a liquid and the top of its container or that which is lacking from a full tank is called:
The safest way of stowing cargo in drums in the cargo hold is stowing them _____.
When the dew point of the out side air is lower than or equal to the dew point of the air in the cargo hold, you should:
ventilate cargo hold
The stowage factor is the:
volume per unit of weight
When carrying a cargo of asphalt or molten sulfur, which are carried at temperatures of over 300°F, one of the biggest dangers is __________.
water in the tanks or pipelines
When loading a container vessel, the opeation is basically that of vertical loading. The important factors to be considered when loading containers is port of discharge:
Weight and refrigeration
When loading in a container vessel, the operation is basically that of vertical loading. The important factors to be considered when loading containers is: port of discharge, _________.
weight and refrigeration
Which data cannot be found on a moisture equilibrium chart?
Wet bulb temperature
Sugar is a cargo which demands absolute freedom from dampness and avoidance of contact with iron because _______.
Wet sugar in contact with iron will cause corrosion.
Lashing condition should be checked except _____.
when transiting in canals
In the International Grain Code, A limit on the range of residual dynamic stability which can be considered effective is defined by which of the following:
whichever is the least among the selection
If all lashings are made up and the decks are clear as a matter of working system :
will increase the degree of safety on board
A semi automatic tool for handling unitized pulp bales w/out baskets. It has two locating tongues, one at each end so that it cannot slip off.
Wire clamp
How should you signal a crane operator to lower the boom?
With arm extended and fingers closed, point thumb downward
What type of a bulk carrier that has high freeboard and equipped with its own unloading equipments?
wood chip carrier
In the stowage of deck cargo, “cribbing” is (are):
Wooden blocks or dunnage place between a deck load and the deck
If you are loading fruit in reefer spaces and you notice that the fruit is beginning to mold, you should:
Write up exceptions on the cargo
In a Burton rig, the dock boom can also be called the _____.
Yard boom
Your vessel is going from a warm climate to cold climate with a hygroscopic cargo. Which statement is true?
You must ventilate constantly and vigorously to combat ship sweat