Miscellaneous Questions F2 Flashcards
The piping that routes and oil cargo from the manifold directly to a cargo tank and serves only one tank is known as a:
Tank drop
Battens are fitted in cargo holds across the frames of the vessel from the turn of the bilge upward. The purpose of these Cargo battens is:
To prevent cargo from coming in contact with the vessel’s frames or shell plating
A cargo of caned stuff is packaged in cartoons. Each cartoon is 36 cubic feet and weight 340 lbs. the stowage factor of the cargo is:
Compressed, liquefied or dissolved gasses are classified as:
Class 2
For vessels fitted cargo gear, an initial test of the units under the proof load shall be conducted. Subsequent tests and exams of the same nature shall be carried out at what time interval?
4 years
On a crane, the load chart relates the allowable load to the combination of boom length and:
Load radius
Sometimes it is desirable to connect a member of both by riveting and welding. Which statement is TRUE concerning this procedure?
The welding must be completed before riveting commences
Corrosive liquids and acids should have what kind of level?
Odorous cargoes are those that:
Give off fumes that may damage other cargoes
The purpose of the inclining experiment is to:
Determine the lightweight center of gravity location
Which of the following actions is first priority on a ship that is damaged, no list nor trim with short rolling period and the free board is reduced by 3 meters?
Pump out amidship center tanks ballast
What authorities arranged the order of merit of ships built according to the standard of seaworthiness?
Classification society
What position in a storm is a ship to bring the wind on starboard quarter, note the course and hold on that course?
Navigable semicircle
What is the tendency of the opening of the vessel to be compressed or closed?
Racking stress
How is the test conducted on both the collision bulkhead , at the forepeak bulkhead and the aft peak bulkhead?
Filling the peak tanks with water to loadline levels
How long will a 12 knot steamer normally complete one circle turn at full rudder angle?
8 minutes
Which of the following compartment refers to a compartment loaded and trimmed at the highest possible level of bulk grain as required by regulation?
What part of the running riggings of the derricks is used in lowering or hoisting the cargo without moving the derrick?
cargo runner
What is a long narrow navigable channel within an ice field?
Which bulkhead is the vessels immediate protection in the event of a broken stern tube?
after peak
In ship handling as the beam of the vessel increase for a given length , it is apparent that directional stability :
How are SWL clearly done before using pulley blocks in hoisting or lowering?
What type of substance or chemical is used for fumigation called rat-proofing?
Sodium flouracetate
In what regulations can you find regulation’s concerning stowage, lashing and securing of cargoes?
What happen when the main engine is in bridge control?
Watch officer personally regulates engine RPM
How will a reverse current relay prevent DC generator system of the following?
Tripping the circuit breaker
The advantage of sewing derrick system is which of the following?
All of these
What is the cause to the vessel subjected to pitching and racing of engine, longitudinal stresses, slamming and pounding at the fore end when the vessel is steaming ahead to sea?
Wave impact
Which of the following surveys is an initial survey other than the classification in surveys for the first entry?
Classification During construction
What is percentage of loss in headway for every corresponding change in degrees of heading as a rule of thumb in handling of VLCC?
25-30 percent / 90 deg.
What is said of the vessel which temporarily discontinue the voyage and maneuver the vessel to rid out the storm due to the stress of weather?
What doors are classified the strongest doors among the doors?
What is the minimum distance for effective segregation of compatible cargo in order not to interact dangerously in case of accident?
3 meters
What isolates the vibration from diesel engines and engine driven equipment from the hull structures ?
Flexible engine mountings
What should have been done of split or other retaining devices for the nuts of pivot bolts when doing repairs in cargo gears?
The use of aluminum alloy in a structure can result in reduction of how many percent of the weight of an equivalent steel structure?
What is the ability of a material which has been deformed in some way to return to its original shape and size after the deforming force has been removed?
What method is assumed that the flooded compartment has free communication with the sea in solving the effect of flooding on transverse stability and the buoyancy of the flooded space is lost ?
Lost buoyancy
Where does operational pollution by tankers of all size results from ?
All of these
How many times the depth of the water is normally used in anchoring to hold the ship on normal weather condition ?
What bulkheads subdivide the ship into independent compartments to limit the extent for flooding?
Transverse watertight
What provision shall be regarded for a safe margin of stability at all stages of voyages?
Any of these
What must be accurately determined to asses potential progressive flooding after a vessel is damaged/
the integrity of the watertight boundaries
Which doors usually have lever type , quick acting closures?
Where should the crew restrict their movement when they are not participating in the fumigation of the ship?
Safe space for occupancy
IMO Grain Regulations assumes a pattern of grain movement in a void spaces above the grain surface for what reason?
Rise to adverse heeling moment
What operation is done in tankers anchored in deep water and another ship alongside to receive cargo?
Ship to ship transfer
Who can give the best information on the nature and extent of the damage of the ship?
personnel on the scene of damage
What is the ultimate purpose of the anchor?
Hold the bow up against the wind
Who carried out the tests of cranes or hoist and accessory gears?
shore firms
Which of the following is an appropriate maneuver to keep the ship close to the berth without tugs?
Engine working ahead very slow on the spring
What is the effect of water density to draft of the vessel from the river to sea?
What is drawn to give the immersed area of transverse section to any draft and may be used to determine the longitudinal distribution of buoyancy?
Bonjean curves
“Surface current” is associated with what component force?
Which has the purpose to provide emergency power to the lightening distribution panel?
Automatic bus transfer
What would be the effect when plugging the holes below the waterline?
Reduce the entry of water as much as possible
In accordance with the International Load Line convention (1966), which became effective in July 1968, load lines were established for all new vessels of what length?
150 gross tons or over if they engaged in foreign voyages
Relative density of substance is the number of times that any volume of the substance is heavier than an equal volume of pure fresh water at a temperature of __________.
Every lashing should be provided with a tightening device or system so placed that it can safely and efficiently operate when required. The load to be produced by tightening device or system should not be less than:
27 kN in the horizontal part
The load to be produced by the tightening device or system should not be less than:
16 kN in the vertical part
The maximum spacing of the lashings for loose or packaged sawn timber should be determined by the maximum height of the timber deck cargo in the vicinity of lashings:
for a height of 4m. and below, the spacing should be 3m.
For height of above 4m, the maximum spacing of lashing for loose or packaged sawn timber should be:
3.0 m.
The timber deck cargo should be secured throughout by independent lashing spaced not more than _____ apart.
3 m.
All lashings and components used for securing should posses a breaking strength of not less than:
133 kN
A metal ring on the bottom of a block to which the standing part of a tackle is sliced is known as a (an):
A block that can be opened at the hook or shackle end to receive a bight of the line is a:
Snatch lock
A snatch block would most likely be used as a …
When a block and tackle is “ROVE TO ADVANTAGE”, this means that the ….
Hauling part leads through the movable block
To draw both blocks of a tackle apart is called …
The standing part of a tackle is :
That part of the falls made fast to one of the blocks
The sheave diameter to be used with a 3 inch manila rope is:
6 inches
Open or partially opened hatches should not be:
Covered with tarpaulins
Binder chains used to lash down deck cargo may be shortened by …
oad binders or turnbuckles
Which of the following statements is true about hooks and shackles?
Shackles are stronger than hooks of the same diameter
Using the “house fall” method of cargo handling…
All of the above
With a yard-and –stay rig:
One boom plumbs directly over the hatch; the other boom extends over the wharf
The effects of the free surface on initial stability depend upon the dimensions of the surface of the free liquids and the :
Volume of displacement
Which practice should be followed while loading a tanker?
When closing valves, close them down, then open one or more two turns, and re-close
The stress brought by the uneven distribution of weight all along the entire length of the vessel:
The space or tanks formed by the bottom shell plating on the inner bottom or tank top.
Double bottom
A term applied to a fore and aft girder running along the side of the ship and also to the outboard strake of plating on any deck.
It is outer watertight covering the hull. The purpose is to provide longitudinal strength and to bind the whole vessel together.
Shell plating
Form the foundation for the decks, they are situated athwartship from side to side of the vessel.
Deck Beams
The pulsation in and out of the bow and stern plating as the ship alternately rises and plunges deep in to the water.
If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center of gravity, there will always be an increase in the:
Vertical moments
If the VCG of the ship rises 1.7 feet, the GZ for the various of inclination will:
When using a multiple-part wire rope , tackle such as purchase on a jumbo, the greatest load occurs when:
the hauling part because it must absorb the frictional looses of all the sheaves
What type of rudder may loose its effectiveness at angles of 10 or more degrees?
You are in a tank wearing the fresh air breathing apparatus and you desire to return topside. How many tugs of the lifeline mean, “Take up slack”?
You are making a heavy lift with the jumbo boom. Your vessel displaces 18,000 T. The 50-ton weight is on the pier, and its center is 75 feet to starboard of the centerline. The head of the boom is 112 feet above the baseline, and the center of gravity of the lift when stowed on deck will be 56 feet above the baseline. As the jumbo boom takes the strain, the ship list is 3.5 degrees. What is the GM when the cargo is stowed?
3.56 feet
Your ship of 12,000 tons displacement has a center of gravity 21.5 feet above the keel. You run aground and estimate the weight aground is 2500 tons. The virtual rise in the center of gravity is:
A cargo or 40 tons is to be lifted with a boom located 40 feet from the ship’s centerline. The ship’s displacement including the suspended cargo is 8,000 tons and the GM is 2 feet with cargo suspended. What will the list of the vessel be with the cargo suspended?
5.7 degrees
Which of the following could result in an incorrect oxygen concentration reading on the oxygen indicator:
Exposure to carbon dioxide for more than 10 minutes
In the presence of external forces, the center of buoyancy of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the:
The KG of the vessel is found by dividing the displacement into the:
Sum of the vertical moments of the vessel
The stability which exist after the unintentional flooding of a compartment is called:
Damaged stability
You are required to fill out the cargo distance form. At 0800, your mean draft was 34-10 and at 1700 your draft was 28-10 forward and 28-08 aft. What quantity of cargo has the vessel discharged if the TPI is 70?
5110 tons
The free surface effects of a partially-full tank in a floating vessel increase with the:
Surface area of the fluid in the tank
Sidewise pressure of the propeller tends to throw a ship stern to the right or left, depending on rotation. The pressure is caused by:
Greater pressure on the lower blades
If you want to lift many small articles, which of the following would you use?
Cargo net
Certain cargoes must be segregated because of their:
Inherent characteristics
Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the transverse moments by the total weight yields the vessel’s:
Righting moments
Where a propeller shaft passes through the hull, water is prevented from entering by means of an:
Stuffing box
By regulation, cargo tanks must be inert before and during what operation?
Crude oil washing
If you are operating a non-ocean 200 GT vessel, how much of the accumulated oily waste must you be able to retain on board?
On an electric magnetic cargo winch when a weight is in mid-air and power is lost to the winch:
The magnetic brake automatically engages and suspends the weight in the air
When handling cargo, the majority of cargo gear breakdown is due to:
Guy failures
Which statement is TRUE?
LPG has a higher boiling point than LNG
You have a quantity of bagged cargo to stow in block in #UTD. Which stow will provide the maximum block stability?
Alternate layer directions
A reciprocating pump whose plunger connects to the crankshaft that is geared to the countershaft and connected to a driving motor by a flat belt:
Power pump
When cargo is shifted from the lower hold to the main deck, what may possibly happen?
No charge in the stability
What is NOT a securing system on a containership?
Stacking system
In order to carry LPG in bulk by water you must:
Reduce its volume and liquefy it by cooling or compression
Which factor is most important in preventing sweat damage within a cargo hold?
Dew point of the cargo hold
The space containing carbon dioxide cylinders shall be properly ventilated and designed to prevent an ambient temperature in excess of:
An item of mooring equipment used to maintain or change the direction of a rope or wire in order to provide a straight lead to winch drum.
The stress to which the ship is subjected caused by a combination of rolling and pitching action tends to twist its hull.
The curvature of the deck in the longitudinal direction. It is measured between the deck height at amidships and the particular point on the deck.
If reefer space are not properly cleaned prior to loading cargoes, it will most likely cause:
Mold to develop on commodities
Intact buoyancy is term used to described:
an intact space below the surface of a flooded area
A container vessel carrying a container which is displaying a hazardous cargo placard displaying the number 2285. This indicates that it is carrying what cargo?
Your vessel is floating in water or density 1010. The water allowance is 8 inches. How far below her marks may she be loaded so as to float at her mark in salt water of density 1025?
4.8 inches
The term ‘bollard pull” refers to a towing vessel’s:
Pulling ability under static conditions
Your vessel is damaged and is listing to port. The rolling period is short. There is sufficient freeboard so that deck edge submersion is not a problem. What corrective action should be taken first in regards to the vessel’s stability?
Shift any off center weights from port to starboard
Shell plating that has curvature in two directions and must be heated and hammered to shape over specially prepared forms is called:
Furnaced plate
You are loading 465,000 barrels of cargo oil. At 0900, you find that you have loaded 207,000 barrels. At 1030, you find that you have loaded 223,000 barrels. If you continue loading at the same rate, you will finish at approximately:
0910 the next day
A tanker loads at a terminal within the tropical zone. She will enter the summer zone six days after departing the loading port. She will burn off 45 tons / day by her summer load line?
Which of the following would have the GREATEST effect on a vessels longitudinal strength?
Grounding damage to the bilge strake, just aft of midships
What is the shift in the longitudinal center of gravity if 200 short tons are discharged from 30 feet forward of amidships with LCG 1.5 feet forward of amidships, and the vessel’s displacement is 9,000 short tons?
0.65 foot aft
From a distance 50 feet from the ship centerline a load of 75 tons is lifted. The displacement including the cargo is 6000 tons and has 6 feet GM. What will be the list of the vessel while the cargo is held on suspension?
5.94 degrees
A cargo of oil has a coefficient of expansion of .0005 per degree F. If this cargo is loaded at 70ºF, and a cargo temperature of 90ºF is expected at the discharge port, how many barrels would you expect to unload if you loaded 10,000 barrels?
A 7,000 ton displacement tank ship carries two slack tanks of alcohol with a S.G. of 0.8 each tank is 50 ft. Long and 30 ft. Wide. What is the reduction in GM due to free surface with the vessel floating in sea water, S.G. is 1.026?
0.72 ft.
500 tons have shifted 20 feet transversely. What is the shift in the center of gravity if your vessel is displacing 16,000 tons?
0.625 feet
Close link chain of not less than ¾” (or the fire rope equivalent) is required for lashing deck cargoes of timber. What size of flexible wire rope would provide the strength equivalent to ¾” chain, using a safety factor of 5?
The flash point of a product is 100ºF. What can happen if it is heated above 110ºF?
It may burn and explode if an ignition source is present
An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to:
Lower the oxygen level inside cargo tank, making explosion nearly impossible
A cargo of 10,000 barrels of gasoline is loaded at a temperature of 90º F, and a cargo temperature of 55º F, is expected on this voyage. It has a coefficient of expansion of .0006. How many barrels would you expect to discharge at your destination?
The perforated elevated bottom of the chain locker which prevents the chains from touching the main locker bottom, and allows seepage water to flow to the drains is called a:
In order to minimize the effects of a tender vessel, when carrying a cargo of lumber, you should:
Place the heaviest wood in the lower holds
Ten triangular piles of piping on the pier are to be loaded-each pile has a 20 foot base, is 15 feet high and 30 feet long. If the breadth of the hold is 60 feet and the piping is to be stowed fore and aft in a 30 foot space, how high will it stow?
25.0 feet
How many board feet of dunnage would you estimate to be in a pile 5 feet wide, 1 foot high and 14 feet long?
Which problem is virtually impossible to detect during an in-service inspection of used anchor chain?
The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tank vessel that connects one section of cargo tank to another section is called a:
You are lifting a 3 – ton weight with a single whip rove on a swinging boom set at an angle 20º to the horizontal. Use the formula for the size of a shackle with a safe working load and determine the minimum size shackle that should be used to secure the head block to the boom.
1 3/8 inch
You must load as much of a large shipment of case goods as possible into a hold which has 24,000 cubic feet of space. Each case measures 2 feet by 2-1/2 feet by 4 feet and weights 448 pounds. If you allow for broken stowage of 15% how many long tons can be loaded?
Lubricating oil is supplied to the crankpin bearings in a marine diesel engine by:
internal crankshaft passages
With which of the following types of diesel engine arrangements in a waste heat boiler most likely to produce the maximum steam pressure temperature and flow condition?
supercharged, four stroke / cycle diesel engine
A leaking diesel engine fuel injector will cause:
incomplete combustion
When preparing to light off a cold boiler equipped with a return flow fuel oil system, the recirculating valve directs the flow of oil:
back to the suction side of the service pump
You have steamed 1134 miles at 10 knots, and consumed 121 tons of fuel. If you have to steam 1522 miles to complete the voyage, how many tons of fuel will be consumed while steaming 1951 miles?
234 tons