stomach patterns Flashcards
6 stomach patterns
- Stomach Yin Deficiency
- Stomach Deficiency Cold
Excess Patterns
- Stomach Fire
- Cold Invading the Stomach
- Blood Stagnation in the Stomach
- Food Stagnation
characteristics and fx of st
- receiving, containing, and fermenting food and drink; ‘Sea of water and grains’ 水榖之海 shuǐ gǔ zhī hǎi
- Decomposition, ‘rotting and ripening’ 胃主腐熟 wèi zhǔ fǔ shú granulating, grinding and fermenting food into chyme
- Governs descending: Transporting food downwards to the Small Intestine for further separation
- SP ST the pivot of the body’s qi circulation
- ST favors moisture, and disfavors dryness. Whereas, SP favors dryness and disfavors dampness
- Together the ST SP transform and transport water and fluids, maintaining normal water metabolism
- ST has an abundance of qi and blood, and is prone to excess
Common etiological factors in Stomach patterns
Improper diet is one of the most common causes of Stomach dysfunction
1. Improper diet: Overeating, undereating, excessive consumption of raw, cold,
greasy, hot, spicy or dry food; excessive intake of alcohol or caffeine
2. Invasion of exopathogenic cold, heat, dampness or dryness
3. Improper treatment: overuse of medication; herbs that are too hot, too cold,
too dry, or too greasy
4. Emotional stress: excessive worry, thinking, anger or anxiety
5. Chronic illness with Spleen deficiency
6. Constitution, aging
Pathological changes and clinical manifestations of the Stomach
Pathological changes of the Stomach are most often related to Stomach Qi failing to descend, which leads to the following signs and symptoms:
1. Rebellious Stomach Qi
2. Stomach failing to decompose
3. Stomach failing to receive food and drink
ST sx
- Vomiting, nausea, belching, hiccups and acid regurg (st qi rebellion)
- Aversion to food: loss of appetite, no desire to eat, or abdominal and epigastric discomfort or pain after eating (failure to receive/decompose caused by cold, stagnation or lack of moisture)
- Epig. bloating, distention and discomfort: Bloating is subjective, Distention can be seen and felt by both the patient and the practitioner. Epigastric discomfort is uncomfortable emptiness, burning and uneasy sensation
- Excessive appetite
- Bad breath
- Severe thirst
- Swollen or bleeding gums
Stomach Yin Deficiency
wèi yīn xū zhèng
Definition: Stomach Yin deficiency which leads to lack of nourishment & poor lubrication of the Stomach, resulting in Stomach Qi Rebellion
Clinical manifestations: Epig. pain w a burning sensation, hunger no desire to eat, epig discomfort, dry mouth and throat, nausea, hiccups, acid regurgitation, dry stools.
Tongue: Red with little coating
Pulse: thin and rapid
Key points: Hunger, no desire to eat, rebellious Stomach qi sx, plus yin xu sx
Spleen Yin Deficiency vs. Stomach Yin Deficiency
poor app, epig. discomfort, n&v, dry belch
t red, little/no tc
p rapid, thready
Spleen Yin Deficiency
chronic, long course, internal
no desire eat
discomfort after eat
dry lips
Stomach Yin Deficiency
relatively acute, external, short course
hunger, no desire eat
Key points to differentiate:
1. Chronic and long course vs. acute
2. Chronic overstrain/weak constitution vs. severe illness/ improper diet
3. No desire to eat, along with chapped and dry lips vs. hunger but no desire to eat
Stomach Yin Deficiency vs. Large Intestine Dryness Pattern
Key points to differentiate:
1. Acute vs. chronic
2. Hunger but no desire
to eat vs. constipation
with dry stools
Stomach Deficiency Cold
wèi xū hán zhèng
Definition: digestive system hypofunction, in which deficient Stomach yang fails to warm, leading to deficiency cold and Stomach qi rebellion. aka Stomach yang deficiency, and commonly comb w Spleen yang deficiency.
Clinical Manifestations: Discomfort or dull pain in epig. better w eating, likes pressure & warmth, no appetite, prefer warm drinks and foods, vomit clear fluid, no thirst, cold and weak limbs, tiredness, pale complexion.
Tongue: Pale and moist
Pulse: Deep, weak and slow
Key points: Dull, vague cold pain in the epig. relieved by warmth, pressure and eating, plus yang deficiency sx
Stomach Deficiency Cold vs. Spleen Yang Deficiency
Vague cold pain in the epigastrium which is relieved by warmth and pressure, epigastric and abdominal bloating and distention, pale complexion, cold and weak limbs, pale tender tongue with white, thin glossy coating, and slow pulse
epig. pain better with eat
vomit clear fluid
edema, scanty urine
loose stools
damp sx
copious vag discharge and phlegm
super common
Stomach Fire Pattern 胃熱熾盛證 wèi rè chì shèng zhèng
Definition: exuberant fire disrupting Stomach function. aka excess heat in the Stomach
Clinical Manifestations: Epigastric burning pain dislike pressure, thirst w desire cold water, excessive appetite, insatiable hunger, bad breath, painful, swollen, bleeding gums, mouth sores, vomit with sour or bitter taste, acid regurgitation, constipation with dry stools, scanty yellow urine.
Tongue: Red tongue with yellow coating
Pulse: Slippery AND rapid
Key points: Burning epigastric pain, excessive appetite, plus interior excess heat s/sx
Stomach Fire vs. Stomach Yin Deficiency
Hunger, thirst, burning pain in epigastrium, dry stool,
t red
p rapid
Stomach Fire
overeat but hungry
thirst, desire cold drink
sever pain, resist pressure/warmth
bad breath
bleeding/swollen gums
Stomach Yin Deficiency
hungry, NO desire eat
thirst, desire warm drink
dull vague pain, prefer pressure
low gr fever
dry belch, hiccup
Cold Invading the Stomach
hán xié fàn wèi zhèng
Definition: failure of Stomach qi to descend, due to pathogenic cold invading the Stomach
Clinical Manifestations: Acute severe colicky epigastric and abdominal pain, worse w cold and likes warmth; epigastric pain better after vomiting or w warmth; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with some undigested food, no thirst, profuse clear saliva, pale complexion, cold limbs
Tongue: Pale tongue with moist white coating
Pulse: Wiry or deep tight
Key points: Epigastric cold pain, plus interior cold signs and symptoms
Cold Invading the Stomach vs. Stomach Deficiency Cold
Epigastric cold pain alleviated by warmth, pale complexion, pale tongue, slow pulse
Cold Invading the Stomach
severe colicky pain, resistant to pressure, worse after eating
better with warmth or after vomit
t pale, white glossy tc
p wiry, tight
Stomach Deficiency Cold
dull vague pain, likes warmth/pressure, better after eating
t Pale flabby, thin white and moist tc
p deep, weak
Cold Invading the Stomach vs. Cold Dampness Encumbering the Spleen
Epigastric cold pain alleviated by warmth; nausea or vomiting, poor appetite, pale complexion, cold limbs
Cold Invading the Stomach
- Acute, severe, short course, excess
- severe colicky pain, resist pressure, worse w eating, pain better with warmth, or after vomit, cold in the epig.
- t Pale tongue, white glossy coating
- p wiry or tight
Cold Dampness Encumbering the Spleen
- Sub-acute, chronic, mild, long course, excess
- fullness, distension, dull pain in epig and abd, likes warmth
- yin jaundice, heaviness whole body, edema, scanty urine, bland slimy taste in mouth
- t flabby, greasy tc
- p Slow, moderate, slippery, or deep thin
Food Stagnation Pattern 食滞腸胃 shí zhì cháng wèi
Definition: improper food intake that leads to food being retained in the Stomach – overeat
s/sx: Epigastric and abdominal distention pain resist pressure, rotten belching, acid regurg, aversion to food, sour vomiting, pain better after vomit, diarrhea, with sticky foul-smelling stool, or constipation
Tongue: Thick, greasy tongue coating
Pulse: Deep, excess
Key points: Epigastric and abdominal pain and distention, sour vomiting, sticky foul diarrhea,
or acid regurgitation.
Blood Stagnation in the Stomach
xuè yū wèi wǎn
Definition: stabbing epigastric pain due to blood stagnation
S/sx: Severe stabbing epigastric pain worse at night or after eat, worse w pressure; n & v, possibly vomiting blood, black tar-like stool, dull complexion and lips.
Tongue: Purple tongue, or with purplish spotting
Pulse: Wiry or choppy pulse
Key points: Stabbing epigastric pain, purple tongue, and choppy pulse