large intestine patterns Flashcards
Compare/Contrast: Phlegm fire harassing the Heart, Large Intestine heat accumulation, Small Intestine excess fire, Large Intestine damp-heat
Compare/Contrast: Large Intestine deficiency cold, Large Intestine damp cold, Large Intestine damp heat, Small Intestine deficiency cold
Large Intestine and Small Intestine deficiency Cold share which signs and symptoms?
What are the main symptoms of Large Intestine dryness?
Which LI patterns are not associated with constipation?
What are the specific bowel symptoms associated with damp heat in Large Intestine. Which ones are not?
LI Deficiency Cold Pattern 大腸虛寒 dà cháng xū hán
yang qi deficiency of the Large
Intestine that causes a transportation failure, leading to abnormal bowel movements.
Clinical Manifestations: Chronic loose stools or constipation, borborygmus, fecal incontinence, anal prolapse (qi sinking pattern), dull abdominal pain with a preference for warmth and pressure, intolerance of cold, cold limbs, clear copious urine.
Tongue: A pale tongue with white tongue coating
Pulse: Deep slow and feeble
Key Symptoms: Abnormal bowel movements, diarrhea or constipation, plus yang deficiency cold signs and symptoms
LI Dryness Pattern 大腸液虧 dà cháng yè kuī
deficiency of yin fluids in the Large
Intestine that causes a failure to transport, resulting in dry stools or difficult defecation, Also called: Intestinal humor depletion; large intestinal liquid depletion; intestinal dryness and liquid depletion; large intestinal yin vacuity dryness bind.
Clinical Manifestations: Dry stools, difficult defecation, no bowel movement for days, thirst, dry mouth
Tongue: Red tongue with a dry, scanty tongue coating
Pulse: Thin, or thin and rapid
Key Symptoms: Constipation, dry stool, plus body fluid deficiency signs and symptoms
LI Cold Dampness Pattern 大腸寒濕 dà cháng hán shī
cold-dampness accumulation inside
the large intestine, which impairs it transforming and reabsorbing functions.
Clinical Manifestations: Borborygmus, paroxysmal cold pain of the umbilicus and abdomen, watery diarrhea. There may be accompanying exterior symptoms such as chills and fever,
headache and a superficial pulse.
Tongue: White and glossy, or thick tongue coating
Pulse: Slippery or wiry tight
Key Symptoms: Watery diarrhea with borborygmi and pain in the umbilicus and abdominal region, acute onset, plus cold-dampness signs and symptoms
LI Damp Heat Pattern 大腸濕熱症 dà cháng shī rè zhèng
damp-heat accumulation in the Large
Intestine that inhibits its ability to transport and reabsorb, leading to diarrhea or dysentery
Clinical Manifestations: Abdominal pain, diarrhea with pus and blood, tenesmus, loose stools with discomfort or burning sensation of the anus, yellow sticky stools with strong foul odor, possibly fever, thirst, scanty yellow urine. There may also be accompanying exterior signs and symptoms, such as chills and fever, headache and a superficial pulse.
Tongue: A red tongue with yellow greasy coating
Pulse: Slippery and rapid
Key Symptoms: Dysentery or diarrhea, plus damp heat signs and symptoms
LI Heat Accumulation Pattern 大腸熱結
Definition: An interior excess heat pattern involving the retention of dry feces in the intestines due to a mixture of excess pathogenic heat with waste materials in the intestines; manifesting with high fever, abdominal pain, and severe constipation. It is also known as large intestinal heat bind, or the yáng míng organ fǔ pattern in six channel pattern identification.
Clinical Manifestations: Tidal fever or high fever that peaks at 3:00 pm (Yang Ming tidal fever), abdominal pain and distention that is resistant to touch or pressure, severe constipation, thirst with a desire to drink cold water; or diarrhea with dark greenish watery stools accompanied by a strong foul odor; or, coma, delirium, mania, irritability, insomnia
dryness + heat accumulation could be an emergency
Tongue: A thorny tongue with a thick, dry, yellow; or dark brown coating
Pulse: Deep, forceful
Key Points: Severe abdominal pain that is resistant to pressure, distension, bloating,
constipation with dry stool, plus interior excess heat signs and symptoms (痞滿燥實)