HT SI LU LI patterns - exam prep Flashcards
What types of urinary issues does SI pattern cause?
Does it cause diarrhea, constipation or both?
Abnormal urination due to Small Intestine dysfunction mainly manifests in changes in frequency and quantity:
copious or scanty urination;
frequent, nocturnal or reduced urine output;
Exopathogenic cold invasion, chronic illness, improper diet or improper treatment, and aging all impair functions of the SI in transforming and absorbing fluid, as well as separating the clear from the turbid –
diarrhea or loose stools
Epilepsy occurs in a few zang fu patterns. Make a note of which ones - what are the similarities and differences?
phlegm misting the heart
LI excess heat
Ht and KD lack of communication
cause of Heart Vessels Obstructed?
What types of patterns/pathogens do NOT cause this pattern?
Heart Vessels Obstructed Pattern
Continuous or Fright palpitations, chest tightness and distress, Intermittent chest pain, pain radiates to the shoulder and arm
pathogenic cold
Sudden onset,
severe pain, relieved by warmth,
cold limbs,
Pale tongue with white coating,
deep and slow or deep and tight pulse
Heavy and tight pain, heavy sensation in the body,
white greasy tongue coating,
deep and slippery pulse
blood stasis:
Sharp pain needle prick,
purple tongue or purple spots on the tongue,
a thready and choppy pulse
qi stagnation
Distending pain, paroxysmal (a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms);
induced by emotional stress,
a slight red tongue, and
wiry pulse
do NOT cause this pattern?
Excess heat, Deficiency
Wind-Cold Invading the Lungs vs Wind-Heat Invading the Lungs vs Dryness Invading the Lung
Chills and fever, cough, nasal congestion, headache, superficial pulse
Wind-Cold Invading the Lungs
Headache, body aches
Wind-Heat Invading the Lungs
Sore throat, thirst
Dryness Invading the Lung
Dryness, thirst, possibly
Are you able to identify the differences between qi deficiency in each organ?
Common: SoB, dislike talk, fatigue, spont sweat, worse with exertion
Pale tender tongue
Deficient weak pulse
Palpitation, chest tightness
Epigastric discomfort
Poor app, bloat, loose stool, emaciation, edema
Cough with clear thin phlegm
Asthma, wheezing, Aversion to wind
Dizz, floaters, nervousness, timidity, indecision
Low back and knee pain, frequent urination, ears ringing, infertility
Panting, difficult inhale
Lung Yin Deficiency
Heat Congesting the Lungs
Wind-Heat Invading the Lungs
Dryness Invading the Lung
Lung Yin Deficiency
Dry mouth, emaciation, hoarse voice, malar flush, night sweats, five-center heat
Red tongue with scanty coating;
thin rapid pulse
Heat Congesting the Lungs
High fever w/ flaring nostrils, rapid breathing, pain in the chest, dry stools, dark urine
Red tongue with yellow coating;
rapid pulse
Wind-Heat Invading the Lungs
Slight aversion to wind or cold
Red tongue tip, thin, yellow coating;
superficial and rapid pulse
Dryness Invading the Lung
Dryness, dry stool, scanty urination; absent or slight sweating
Dry tongue coating, possibly yellow;
superficial, possibly rapid pulse
Heart Yin Deficiency vs Heart Blood Deficiency
Palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep
Heart Yin Deficiency
Palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep,
low-grade fever in the afternoon or evening, five-center heat, night sweats
Tongue: Red tongue with scanty coating
Pulse: Thin and rapid pulse
Key Symptoms: Palpitations, insomnia, plus yin deficiency signs and symptoms
Heart Blood Deficiency
Fright or continuous palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep,
dizziness, poor memory and concentration, pale or sallow complexion, pale lips, pale nails
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Thin and weak
Key Symptoms: Palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, plus blood deficiency signs and symptoms
Yang mania:
phlegm fire harassing the heart pattern
yin mania:
phlegm misting the heart pattern.
Yang mania has a more aggressive outward presentation like violence and shouting vs yin mania
Phlegm-Fire Harassing the Heart
Diseases and Treatments Relating to Phlegm-Fire Harassing the Heart Pattern
Yang Mania:
Schizophrenia, neurosis, psychosis, OCD, anxiety, ADD/ADHD
more extreme abnormal manic behavior, such as improper laughter, shouting and crying.
Wind Stroke:
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) stroke when blood flow to a part of your brain is blocked or ruptured
Menopause syndrome, anxiety, neurosis, ADD/ADHD
Phlegm Misting the Heart - clinical manifestations
Clinical Manifestations of Phlegm Misting the Heart
Depression, neurosis, menopause syndrome, ADD/ADHD, autism
Yin Mania:
Schizophrenia, hysteria, neurosis, OCD, PTSD, ADD/ADHD
What types of urinary issues does SI pattern cause?
Does it cause diarrhea, constipation or both?
impair functions of the SI in transforming and absorbing fluid, as well as separating the clear from the turbid
change in frequency or quantity of urine
diarrhea and loose stools
Epilepsy occurs in a few zang fu patterns. Make a note of which ones - what are the similarities and differences?
Phlegm Misting the Heart - xian epilepsy
Sudden syncope with drooling saliva and spasms of the limbs;
a short blackout or period of confused memory,
odd changes in the way thighs look, sound, smell or feel;
after the symptoms pass, the patient manifests no abnormality
Phlegm misting HT can also be caused by:
Yin Mania
Phlegm collapse: syncope, loss consc.
Large Intestine Deficiency Cold vs. Small Intestine Deficiency Cold
Large Intestine Deficiency Cold
Main: Diarrhea loose stools
Failure to reabsorb fluids diluting stool
Chronic diarrhea,
Tongue: pale tongue with white tongue coating
Pulse: deep slow and forceless
dull abdominal pain, preference for warmth and pressure,
intolerance of cold, cold limbs
Small Intestine Deficiency Cold
Main: clear copious urine
Failure to separate clear from turbid - extra fluid pouring down
Dull pain in the lower abdomen that is relieved by pressure and warmth,
borborygmus, loose stools, frequent or clear copious urination,
Tongue: Pale tongue body, thin white coating
Pulse: Deep, weak and slow
intolerance of cold, cold limbs, low energy
LI damp heat causes and sx
What type of stool in LI damp heat? Constipation or diarrhea?
What type of stool in LI damp heat? Constipation or diarrhea? Diarrhea/Sticky Stool BUT! NOT so much constipation
External heat, summer heat, unhygienic food
Diarrhea, loose stool
Sticky stools, foul odor
Blood and pus
Tenesmus: constant feeling that you have to go to the bathroom
Fever + mild chills,
superficial pulse
Scanty yellow urine
Red tongue, yellow greasy tc
Rapid pulse
Wind-Heat Attacking the Lung vs
Heat Congesting the Lung vs
Heat-Phlegm Obstructing the Lung
Coughing, panting, dyspnea, thick yellow sputum
Wind-Heat Attacking the Lung
Chills and fever, headache, nasal congestion, sore throat
Red tongue tip, thin yellow coating;
superficial rapid pulse
Heat Congesting the Lung
Red tongue, yellow tc
Forceful rapid p
Heat-Phlegm Obstructing the Lung
Red tongue, thick yellow greasy tc
Slippery rapid p
Wind-Heat Invading the Lung
Heat Congesting the Lung
Wind Heat Invading the Lung
Cough with sticky yellow sputum, nasal congestion with thick yellow discharge, fever, slight aversion to wind or cold, slight thirst, and sore throat.
Tongue: Tongue has a red tip with thin yellow coating.
Pulse: Superficial and rapid
Key Points: Cough with sticky yellow sputum, plus exterior wind-heat signs and symptoms.
Heat Congesting the Lung
Coughing, panting, high fever with flaring nostrils, sore throat, rapid breathing, thirst, pain in the chest,
cough with foul pus and blood, dry stools, dark urine
Tongue: Red tongue with yellow coating
Pulse: Rapid
Key Points: Coughing, panting, plus interior excess heat signs and symptoms
Tongue and Pulse for HT patterns
Heart Qi Deficiency
Pale tongue with thin white coating;
weak pulse, rapid pulse without strength, knotted pulse, or abrupt pulse
Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest distress or tightness, worse with exertion, irregular pulse
Heart Yang Deficiency
Pale flabby tongue with moist white coating;
Weak, minute, knotted, or deep pulse without strength
Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest distress or tightness, worse with exertion, irregular pulse
Heart Blood Deficiency
Pale tongue with thin coating;
weak thin pulse
Palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, thin pulse
Heart Yin Deficiency
Red tongue with scanty coating or no tongue coating;
thin rapid pulse
Palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, thin pulse
Heart Fire Blazing
Clinical Manifestations: Red face and lips, irritability, anxiety, vexation, insomnia, bitter taste, thirst, canker sores on lips or tongue.
Tongue: Red tongue tip, or deep red tongue with yellow coating
Pulse: Rapid
In some cases, there are manic behaviors, delirium, nosebleed, vomiting blood, or skin sores or boils.
There may also be painful and burning urination.
Phlegm Fire Harassing the Heart
Clinical Manifestations: Fever, irritability, red face and eyes, thirst, heavy breathing, bitter
taste in the mouth, manic agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rash and violent behavior, uncontrolled laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself, or even coma and delirium
Tongue: Red tongue with yellow greasy coating
Pulse: Slippery and rapid
Heart (4):
shen disturbance,
chest distress,
Sleep disturbance
Other: canker sores, pale or dark facial complexion, poor memory, tongue ulcers, knotted, abrupt, or intermittent pulse, excessive sweating, red tongue tip or crimson tongue, yellow urine with burning and painful sensation
Small Intestine (3):
Abnormal urination (copious or scanty),
Loose stools or diarrhea
Abdominal distention and pain
Lung (3):
chills and fever,
abnormal respiration
Other: Nasal congestion, sneezing, edema, expectoration or hemoptysis, sore or itching throat, chest distress or pain, voice change, dry and withered body hair, abnormal sweating, and superficial pulse
Large Intestine (3):
Diarrhea or loose stools,
Abdominal distention, bloating, borborygmus
Dryness Invading the Lung and
Lung Yin Deficiency similarity
Dry cough without sputum, with little sticky sputum or with blood-streaked sputum, difficult to expectorate, dry mouth, throat and nose, thirst, cough with blood, nosebleed, dry stools, scanty urine
Exterior: fever, slight aversion to wind and cold, no sweating or little sweating
Deficiency heat: tidal fever, night sweats, feverish sensation in the five centers, red cheeks
Lung Qi Deficiency
Cold Water Shooting into the Lung
Dry-Phlegm Obstructing the Lung
Heart Yang Deficiency
Difficulty breathing, chest distress and pain
**Lung Qi Deficiency **
cough, panting, wheezing,
Pale tongue with thin white coating / weak pulse
Cold Water Shooting into the Lung
cough, panting, wheezing,
int + ext, foamy white sputum
Soft slow + slippery OR wiry p /
If exterior, superficial p
Dry-Phlegm Obstructing the Lung
cough, panting, wheezing,
Dry thick tc /
Slippery p
Heart Yang Deficiency
Pale flabby tongue, moist white tc / Weak, minute, knotted or deep without strength
Different Types of Phlegm differences???
Productive cough, wheezing,
shortness of breath,
Distress and tightness in the chest,
Phlegm in the throat,
feeling of heaviness,
Thick tongue coating,
slippery pulse
damp causes digestive issues
Chronic paroxysmal cough
with profuse white sticky sputum, easy to expectorate,
Worse after eating
aversion to lying down, nausea
Barking cough
with profuse sticky yellow or green phlegm, difficult to expectorate
Thirst, agitation, insomnia,
red tongue,
rapid pulse
with expectoration of thin white sputum,
worse with exposure to cold or at night
Cold hands and feet,
pale tongue,
slow pulse
Dry cough,
occasionally difficult expectoration of scanty white or blood-streaked sputum
Dry throat and nose,
dry coating
heart qi xu
lung qi xu
shortness of breath that worsens on exertion, fatigue, pale face, spontaneous sweating
Heart qi xu
weakness of motive force, which slows the circulation of blood, resulting in the Heart losing nourishment
Fright or continuous palpitations, chest tightness,
Tongue: Pale tongue with white coating
Pulse: Weak pulse, rapid pulse without strength, knotted pulse, or abrupt pulse
Key Symptoms: Fright or continuous palpitations, chest distress, plus qi deficiency
Lung Qi Deficiency
Lung hypofunction
Feeble cough and panting that is worse with exertion, copious thin, clear sputum;
shortage of Qi, aversion to speaking, weak voice, low energy, sensitivity to wind, easily catches cold
Tongue: Pale tongue with thin white coating
Pulse: Weak
Key points: Feeble cough and panting that is worse with exertion, plus qi deficiency
Dryness Invading the Lung vs
Lung Yin Deficiency
Dry cough without sputum, with little sticky sputum or with blood-streaked sputum, difficult to expectorate, dry mouth, throat and nose, thirst, cough with blood, nosebleed, dry stools, scanty urine
Exterior: fever, slight aversion to wind and cold, no sweating or little sweating
Lung Yin Xu:
Deficiency heat: tidal fever, night sweats, feverish sensation in the five centers, red cheeks
Tongue and Pulse
Normal or sl red tongue w dry coat;
P superficial AND rapid,
superficial AND tight pulse
Lung Yin Xu:
red AND cracked tongue body w little coat;
P thin AND rapid
Heart Qi Deficiency
Heart Blood Deficiency
Heart qi xu
Fright or continuous palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath that worsens on exertion, fatigue, pale face, spontaneous sweating
Tongue: Pale tongue with white coating
Pulse: Weak pulse, rapid pulse without strength, knotted pulse, or abrupt pulse
Key Symptoms: Fright or continuous palpitations, chest distress, plus qi deficiency
Heart Blood xu
Fright or continuous palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, dizziness, poor memory and concentration,
pale or sallow complexion, pale lips, pale nails
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Thin and weak
Key Symptoms: Palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, plus blood deficiency
Heat Phlegm Obstructing the Lung
Heat Congesting the Lungs
Wind-Heat Invading the Lungs
Warm Dryness Invading the Lung
Heat Phlegm Obstructing the Lung
Agitation, insomnia
Red tongue, Thick or greasy yellow tc
Rapid slippery pulse
Heat Congesting the Lungs
High fever, flaring nostrils, rapid breathing
Chest pain
Dry stool, dark urine
Red tongue, yellow tc
Rapid pulse
Wind-Heat Invading the Lungs
Sl. aversion to wind / cold
red tongue tip, thin yellow tc
Superficial and rapid pulse
Warm Dryness Invading the Lung
Dry mouth
Sl. red tongue w thin white coat
Superficial and rapid pulse
Warm dryness vs
cool dryness
Overall, warm dryness presents with obvious dry signs, in addition to heat.
Dryness predominates over heat
Warm dryness
Heat damages body fluid
Late summer, early autumn
Yellow or blood streaked sputum
Pref cold drinks
Sl. red tongue, thin white tc
Rapid pulse
Cool dryness
Cold constricts and obstructs body surface/channels
Late autumn, early winter
Sl. aversion cold, No sweat,
white sputum, HA
Normal tongue, thin dry tc
Sl. tight pulse
Wind-Cold Invading the Lung vs.
Cold Invading the Lung vs.
Cold-Phlegm Obstructing the Lungs
Key Points:
1. Course of illness: chronic and long vs. acute and short
2. Exterior signs, i.e., chills and fever
3. Tongue and pulse
Cough, panting, thin clear sputum
Wind-Cold Invading the Lung
acute, chills and fever
Thin white tc
Superficial, tight pulse
Cold Invading the Lung
Thin white tc
Deep, tight, slow pulse
Cold-Phlegm Obstructing the Lungs
Greasy white tc
Slippery pulse
Dryness Invading the Lung Pattern
燥邪犯肺 zào xié fàn fèi
What type of pattern is this?
Eight Principles:
exterior pathogenic dryness attacking the Lung and damaging Lung yin. Also called ‘lung dryness’ or ‘exterior dryness’. Depending on accompanying pathogens, it may manifest as warm-dryness 溫燥 wēn zào, or cool-dryness 涼燥 liáng zào
Clinical Manifestations:
Dry cough, scanty sticky sputum or blood-stained sputum, difficult expectoration,
Dry mouth, dry throat and dry nose, or nosebleeds, cough with blood, dry stool, scanty urine.
accompanied by fever, slight chills, and absent or slight sweating.
Tongue: Thin and dry tongue coating
Pulse: Superficial AND rapid, or superficial AND tight
Key Points: dry cough with scanty sticky sputum, dry mouth, throat and nose, plus mild exterior sx.
Large Intestine Deficiency cold sx
Aging, weak constitution
Overconsume cold foods
Loose stools, diarrhea, AND constipation
Abdominal pain, likes warmth and pressure
Cold intolerance, cold limbs, low energy
Flabby, pale tongue, white glossy tc
Deep, feeble pulse
LI xu cold
LI damp heat
LI heat accumulation
LI dryness
Large Intestine Deficiency cold
Causes: Aging, weak constitution, Overconsume cold foods
Loose stools, diarrhea
AND Constipation
Abdominal pain, likes warmth and pressure
Cold intolerance, cold limbs, low energy
Flabby, pale tongue, white glossy tc
Deep, feeble pulse
LI damp heat
Loose stools and diarrhea, possible fever
No constipation
T: Red tongue, yellow greasy tc
P: Rapid pulse
Large Intestine Heat Accumulation
Interior heat condition. Excess heat + accumulation in intestines
Tidal fever: A high-grade fever aggravated between 3-5 pm (Yang Ming Fu).
Abd pain resistant to pressure
Severe constipation
diarrhea dark green + foul odor
Coma, delirium, manic, irritable, insomnia
Thirst, desire drink
Tongue thick dry yellow tc, or dark brown tc with thorns
Pulse deep, forceful
LI dryness
dy mouth, thirst dry skin,
dry tongue coat
thin pulse
What does dryness do to the body fluids - how would this affect the pulse?
thin pulse
Clinical Manifestations of Phlegm Misting the Heart - Yin Mania
Chronic depression,
aversion to speaking or mumbling to oneself,
laughing or crying inappropriately
phlegm fire harassing the heart - yang mania
Schizophrenia, neurosis, psychosis, OCD, anxiety, ADD/ADHD
Irritability, flushed face, restlessness, agitations, fidgeting, vexation, shouting, manic behavior, bitter taste, fever, insomnia, yellow urine, constipation, thirst, red tongue with yellow coating, rapid pulse
HT vessels obstructed
HT yin xu
Clinical Manifestations: Continuous palpitations, tight sensation or distress in the chest,
intermittent chest pain attacks, and pain radiating to the shoulders and arms.
Tongue and pulse: n.a.
Key Symptoms: Palpitations, chest tightness and distress with pain
Yin Deficiency signs and symptoms will not be present in Heart vessel obstr
Small Intestine Deficiency Cold
Large Intestine Deficiency Cold
Large Intestine Cold-Dampness
Small Intestine Qi Stagnation
Small Intestine Deficiency Cold
Copious, frequent urination
Large Intestine Deficiency Cold
Dull abdominal pain, prefer warmth relieved by pressure,
intolerance of cold, cold limbs,
a flabby tongue,
a slow feeble pulse;
fecal incontinence, rectal prolapse
Duck drops
Large Intestine Cold-Dampness
Severe watery stool with borborygmus, cold pain of the umbilicus and abdomen,
Pulse may be wiry or tight
Watery stools, diarrhea
Small Intestine Qi Stagnation
caused by improper diet, Excessive emotions, especially anger, wailing
Lower abdominal twisting colicky pain, which may extend to the stomach area,
abdominal distention, dislike of pressure on the abdomen,
borborygmus, flatulence and abdominal pain relieved by passing gas.
More gas than bowel
Heart Vessels Obstructed Pattern -
blood stasis
blood stasis:
Sharp pain needle prick
purple tongue or purple spots on the tongue,
a thready and choppy pulse
Heavy and tight pain, heavy sensation in the body,
white greasy tongue coating,
deep and slippery pulse
Lung Yin Deficiency,
Lung Qi Deficiency with Phlegm Heat
Dry cough
Low-grade fever in the afternoon and evening
Thirst, small sips
Dry cough without sputum, or with sticky scanty sputum, or blood-tinged sputum,
Difficult expectoration, dry mouth,
emaciation, hoarse voice,
low-grade fever in the afternoon and evening, malar flush, night sweats, five-center heat
Tongue: Red tongue with scanty coating
Pulse: Thin rapid
+ Feeble cough and panting that is worse with exertion, copious thin, clear sputum; shortage of Qi, shortness of breath, aversion to speaking, weak voice, fatigue, low energy, spontaneous sweating, Sensitivity to wind, easily catches cold, pale complexion
+ Barking cough with profuse sticky yellow or green phlegm, difficult to expectorate. Thirst, agitation, insomnia
Tongue: Pale tongue with thin white coating
Pulse: Weak
Tongue: Red
Pulse: Rapid pulse
Wind Cold Attacking the Lung
Damp Cold in the Large Intestine
Clinical Manifestations: Cough with thin clear sputum, aversion to cold, fever, headache, body ache, and nasal congestion and discharge with snivel, hoarseness or loss of voice
Tongue: Thin white coating
Pulse: Superficial and tight
Symptoms and signs: acute onset, rumbling intestines, cold pain of the umbilicus and abdomen, clear and watery diarrhea
Tongue: white and glossy tongue coating
Pulse: Moderate
Lung Qi and Yin Deficiency with Heart Fire Blazing
lung qi xu
yin deficiency sx
HT fire
Red face and lips, irritability, anxiety,
vexation, insomnia, bitter taste,
thirst, canker sores on lips or
Tongue: Red tongue tip, or deep
red tongue with yellow coating
Pulse: Rapid
In some cases, there are manic
behaviors, delirium, nosebleed,
vomiting blood, or skin sores or
boils. There may also be painful
and burning urination.
Lung Qi and Yin Deficiency with Heat Phlegm Obstructing the Lung
Lung Qi and Yin Deficiency with Heat Phlegm Obstructing the Lung
Qi xu
yin xu signs
Heat phlegm:
thirst, agitation, insomnia
Productive cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, distress and tightness in the chest, phlegm in the throat, feeling of heaviness, thick tongue coating, slippery pulse. Barking cough with profuse sticky yellow or green phlegm, difficult to expectorate.
Lung Qi Deficiency with Accumulation of Cold Phlegm
Lung Qi Deficiency
Cough with expectoration of thin white sputum, worse with exposure to cold or at night.
Other: Cold hands and feet,
pale tongue, slow pulse
Phlegm fire harassing the Heart
Large Intestine heat accumulation
Small Intestine excess fire
Large Intestine damp-heat
Phlegm fire harassing the Heart
Fever, irritability, red face and eyes, thirst, heavy breathing, bitter taste in the mouth, manic agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rash and violent behavior, uncontrolled laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself, or even coma and delirium
Tongue: Red tongue with yellow greasy coating
Pulse: Slippery and rapid
Large Intestine heat accumulation
Interior heat condition. Excess heat + accumulation in intestines
Tidal fever: A high-grade fever aggravated between 3-5 pm indicates Yang Ming Fu syndrome.
Abdominal pain resistant to pressure
Severe constipation, diarrhea dark green + foul odor
Coma, delirium, manic, irritable, insomnia
Thirst, desire drink
Tongue thick dry yellow tc, or dark brown tc with thorns
Pulse deep, forceful
Small Intestine excess fire
Frequent urination with painful, urgent, and burning sensation, scanty dark yellow urine or bloody urine, irritability, thirst with desire to drink cold water, sore throat canker sores, tongue ulcers.
Tongue: A red tongue with yellow coating
Pulse: Rapid
There may also be early stage exterior symptoms; e.g., fever and chills and a superficial pulse
Key Symptoms: Frequent urination with painful, urgent, and burning sensation, bloody urine,
plus interior excess heat signs and symptoms
Large Intestine damp-heat
Diarrhea, loose stool
Sticky stools, foul odor
Blood and pus
Fever mild chills, superficial pulse
Scanty yellow urine
T: Red tongue, yellow greasy tc
P: Rapid pulse
● Lung Qi Deficiency
● Heart Qi Deficiency
● Heart Blood Deficiency
● Cold Phlegm Obstructing the Lungs
● Cold Water Shooting into the Lungs
Lung Qi Deficiency
qi xu + cough
Heart Qi Deficiency
qi xu + palpitations
Heart Blood Deficiency
blood xu + palpitations
Cold Phlegm Obstructing the Lungs
shi cold + phlegm + cough
thin white sputum, worse with exposure to cold or at night
Cold hands and feet,
pale tongue,
slow pulse
Cold Water Shooting into the Lungs
shi cold + cough
Soft slow and slippery OR wiry pulse
Possibly Interior + exterior
If exterior, superficial pulse
Profuse white foamy sputum