Stomach and Esophagus Flashcards
How many layers of the esophagus? What are they from outermost to innermost?
4 layers: Serosa/adventitia muscalaris externalis submucosa mucosa
What are the three layers of the esophageal mucosa?
- epithelium
- lamina propria
- muscularis mucosa
What are the functions of the esophageal mucosa epithelium?
protective, absorptive, secretory –> may form glands –> often in folds/villi to increase SA
What is the esophageal mucosa epithelium composed of?
nonkeratinized stratified squamous/columnar -> undergoes continuous renewal
The upper third of the espohagus is composed of what muscle fibers?
skeletal muscle fibers, but undergo involuntary contractions
The middle third of the espohagus is composed of what muscle fibers?
mixture of smooth and skeletal muscle
The lower third of the espohagus is composed of what muscle fibers?
only smooth muscle
What does the lamina propria of the esophageal mucosa have?
glands, lymphatic tissue, and macrophages
What is the muscularis mucosa?
- outer layer of the esophageal mucosa
What is the function of the muscularis mucosa
promotes movement of mucosa
What is the muscularis mucosa composed of?
2 thin layers of smooth muscle
what forms the submucosa?
dense connective tissue made from collagenous and elastic fibers
–thrown into folds
What is another name for the submucosal plexus?
What is another name for the meissner’s corpuscle?
Where would we find exocrine glands in the esophagus?
Where do we find meissner’s plexus?
at the junction between submucosa and inner circular layer of the muscularis externa
Where do we find superficial glands? what else are the called?
superficial glands = cardiac glands
- found only in the lamina propria of the proximal and distal esophagus
What do esophageal cardiac glands do?
provide a thin, highly viscous film of mucous to lubricate the esophagus
What are the deeper glands of the esophagus?
aka esophageal glands = submucosal glands
- secrete acidic mucin
- located in the submucosa –> penetrate the muscularis mucosa to reach the lumen of the esophagus
What are two layers of the muscularis externa?
inner circularly arranged layer
outer longitudianally arranged layer
they may be smooth or skeletal