STOMACH Flashcards
What are the actions of Ren Ying ST9?
Regulates qi and blood and lowers rebellion, benefits the throat and neck, alleviates pain
What are the indications of Ren Ying ST9?
Sore throat, goiter, flushing of face, dizziness
What are the actions of Si Bai ST2?
Eliminates wind, clears heat, benefits the eyes
Stomach is the origin of what?
What point’s function is to receive the Qi of 5 Zang?
Ren Ying ST9
What is the Front Mu point of LI?
Tian Shu ST25
What are the actions of of Qi Chong ST30?
Regulates qi in the lower Jiao, regulates the penetrating vessel, subdues Running Piglet Qi
What are the indications of Si Bai ST2?
Eyelids twitching, night blindness, redness, swelling, lacrimation of eyes
What are the indications of Xia Guan ST7?
Deafness, tinnitus, otorrhagia, toothache, facial paralysis, pain of the face, impairment of the jaw
Which direction does Stomach Qi flow?
What are the actions of Di Cang ST4?
Eliminates wind from the face, activates the channel and alleviates pain
What are the actions of Xia Guan ST7?
Benefits the ears, jaw and teeth, activates the channel and alleviates pain
What is the Meeting point of ST and GB channel?
Ren Ying ST9
What is the Xi cleft point of ST?
Liang Qiu ST34
What is the Sea of Water and Grain point?
Qi Chong ST30
St, GB and Yang Wei vessel meet at what point?
Tou Wei ST8
Where does ST channel end?
Middle three toes!
What does Di Cang ST4 mean?
“Earth granary / storehouse” the mouth!
What is the meeting point of ST and GB channel?
ST7 Xia Guan (means Below the Joint - meaning the TMJ)
What are the actions of Tian Shu ST25?
Regulates the intestines, regulates the SP and ST, resolves dampness and damp-heat, regulates the qi and blood and eliminates stagnation
The ST channel meets with LI, Yang Motility, and REN at what point?
Di Cang ST4
What are the indications of Qi Chong ST30?
Abdominal pain, borborygmus, hernia, pain of external genitalia, dysmenorrhea, irregular mensuration, impotence
What does Tou Wei ST8 mean?
Head corner
Palpation on ST____ can be used to establish a patient’s prognosis
ST9 Ring Ying