What are the actions of He Gu LI4?
(Yuan Source, Cmd Pt Face and Mouth) Regulates Wei qi and adjusts sweating, expels wind and releases the ext, regulates the face, eyes, nose, mouth and ears, activates the channel and alleviates pain, induces labor, restores the yang
Where does the Large Intestine primary channel end?
LI20 - lateral to nostril
What are the indications of San Jian LI3?
(Shu Stream Wood) Toothache, sore throat, redness and swelling on index finger and dorsum of hand, borborygmus, diarrhea
What is the full name of the LI channel?
Hand Yang Ming
What are the indications of Shang Yang LI1?
(Jing-Well Metal) Revive consciousness, febrile disease, sore throat, toothache, swelling of submandibular region
What are the actions of Wen Liu LI7?
(Xi cleft) Clears heat and detoxifies poison, moderates acute condition, regulates and harmonizes the intestines and stomach, clears yang Ming fire and calms the spirit
What are the actions of Yang Xi LI5?
(Jing-River Fire) Clears heat and alleviates pain, clears Yang Ming fire, calms the spirit, benefits the wrist joint
What are the actions of Qu Chi LI11?
(He Sea Fire) Sore throat, toothache, pain and redness of the eye scrofula, urticaria, febrile disease, vomit, diarrhea, abdominal pain, acute allergy
What are the indications of Bi Nao LI14?
Scrofula, rigidity of the neck, pain in the shoulder and arm
What is the He-Sea Earth Point of LI?
Qu Chi LI11
What are the actions of Bi Nao LI14?
Activates the channel and alleviates pain, regulates qi, dissipates phlegm nodules, benefits the eyes
What is the meeting point of LI with SI and UB?
Bi Nao LI14
What is the Shu Stream Wood point of LI?
San Jian LI3
The Large Intestine primary channel follows which nerve?
Radial Nerve
What are the actions of San Jian LI3?
(Shu Stream Wood) Expels wind, clears heat and benefits the throat and teeth, dispels fulness and treats diarrhea
What is the xi-cleft point of LI?
Wen Liu LI7