What is the meeting point of the GB, SI, and SJ channels?
Tong Zi Liao GB1
This point will benefit the eyes, eliminate wind and clears heat.
Tong Zi Liao GB1
This point is indicated by headache, redness and pain of the EYES, failing VISION, and LACRIMATION, as well as deviation of the eye and mouth.
Tong Zi Liao GB1
This GB point is in front of the year, just below SJ21 and SI19
Ting Hui GB2
This point benefits the EARS, eliminates wind and clears heat.
Ting Hui GB2
This GB point is where the GB, SJ, and ST channels meet.
Shang Guan GB3
This point is indicated by HEADACHE, DEAFNESS, tinnitus, deviation of the eye and mouth, AND TOOTHEACHE
Shang Guan GB3
This is the meeting point of GB and UB channel, above the ear
Tian Chong GB9
This is the meeting point of GB and UB channel, means Mastoid Process
Wan Gu GB12
This is the meeting point of GB and SJ channel, Yang Qiao Mai and Yang Wei Mai.
Feng Chi GB20
This point is indicated by headache, vertigo, insomnia, pain and stiffness of the neck, blurred vision, glaucoma, red and painful eyes, tinnitus, nasal obstruction, common cold, febrile diseases, and epilepsy.
Feng Chi GB20
This is the meeting point of GB, SJ, ST channels and Yang Wei Mai, called Shoulder Well.
Jian Jing GB21
Because this point is excellent at moving qi and blood, it is used to regulate qi, as well as lowers phlegm and dissipates nodules. It also makes it contraindicated in pregnancy.
Jian Jing GB21
This is the Front Mu point of GB, as well as the meeting point of GB and SP channel, means ‘Sun and Moon’.
Ri Yue GB24
This point will benefit the GB and spread LV qi, lower rebellious qi and harmonize the middle jiao, as well resolve damp-heat.
Ri Yue GB24