Stomach 35-45 3 Stars Flashcards
ST 36 Name
Leg Three Mile
ST 36 Classification
He-Sea and Earth (Horary) Point
Command Point of the Abdomen
Sea of Water and Grain (with ST 30)
ST 36 Location
3 cun below ST 35, one finger-breadth from anterior border of tibia
ST 36 Needling
0.5-1.2 perp
ST 36 Actions
Harmonizes stomach
Fortifies spleen, resolves dampness
Supports the correct qi and fosters original qi
Tonifies qi and nourishes blood and yin
Clears fire and calms spirit
Activates the channel, alleviates pain
Revives yang and restores consciousness
ST 36 Indications
Every case of deficiency
Stomach heat- ravenous
Pair with ren 6 for immunity and longevity
High BP
Women’s health – abdominal
All disease treatment and tonification
ST 40 Name
Abundant Bulge
ST 40 Location
8 cun superior to tip of external malleolus, lateral to ST 38 about 2 finger breadth lateral to anterior border of the tibia
ST 40 Needling
ST 40 Action
Transforms phlegm and dampness
Benefits chest
Clears phlegm from lungs, alleviates cough and wheezing
Clears phlegm from heart, calms spirit
Activates channel, alleviates pain
ST 40 Indication
PHLEGM – substantial and nonsubstantial
ST 41 Name
Stream Divide
ST 41 Location
On dorsum of foot, at midpoint of transverse crease of ankle joint, in depression between tendons of m. extensor digitorum longus and hallucis longus, approx. at the level of tip of external malleolus
ST 41 Needling
Needling: 0.5-0.7 in
ST 41 Caution
Caution: anterior tibial vessels and nerves lie deep to this point
ST 41 Action
Clears heat from stomach channel and Fu
Calms spirit
Activates channel, alleviates pain
ST 41 Indication
Swelling and inflamed face (other end of channel)
Atrophy disease of foot and leg
Hanger and hunger
ST 44 Name
Inner Courtyard
ST 44 Classification
Classification: Ying-Spring Point (water)
ST 44 Location
Proximal to web margin between 2nd and 3rd toes, in depression distal and lateral to second metatarsal
ST 44 Needling
Needling: 0.3-0.5 perp
ST 44 Action
Clears heat from Stomach channel and alleviates pain
Harmonizes the intestines and clears damp heat
ST 44 Indication
Pair with LI 4 for tooth and gum issues, facial swelling
Aversion to talking
Calms overactive mind
ST 40 Classification
Luo Connecting
ST 41 Classification
Jing River