Small Intestine 1-5 Flashcards
SI 1 Name
Lesser Marsh
SI 1 Location
On the ulnar side of the little finger, corner of nail
SI 1 Classification
Jing Well (metal)
SI 1 Needling
0.1 prick to bleed
SI 1 Actions
Clears Heat
Benefits the sensory organs
Revives consciousness
Promotes lactation and benefits the breasts
SI 2 Name
Front Valley
SI 2 Classification
Ying Spring (Water)
SI 2 Location
When loose fist is made, on ulnar end of the crease in front of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger, at the junction of the red and white
SI 2 Needling
0.3-0.5 Perp
SI 2 Actions
Clears wind heat and reduces swelling
Benefits the eyes, ears, and throat
Activates Ch/ Pain
SI 3 Name
Back Stream
SI 3 Classification
Shu Stream (Wood)
SI 3 Location
Ulnar end of distal palmar crease, proximal to 5th meacarpophalangeal joint at end of transverse crease at junction of red and while
SI 3 Needling
0.5-0.7 Perp
SI 3 Action
Benefits the occiput, neck, and back
Act Ch/ Pain
Clears wind and heat
Treats malaria
Calms spirit, treats epilepsy
Clears heat and benefits sensory orifices
Regulates GV