Spleen 1-10 1+2 Star Points Flashcards
SP 1 Name
Hidden White
SP 1 Classification
Jing Well (Wood)
SP 1 Location
On the medial side of the big toe, 0.1 cun to corner of nail
SP 1 Action
Stops bleeding
Regulates the spleen
Unbinds the chest
Calms the heart and spirit
Restores consciousness
SP 1 Indication
Stops bleeding
Reckless heat in blood
Pair with ST 45 for dream disturbed sleep
SP 2 Name
Great Metropolis
SP 2 Classification
Ying Spring (Fire) One of the few YS that tonifes
SP 2 Location
On the medial side of the big toe, distal and inferior to the first metatarsodigital joint in the depression of the junction of the red and white skin
SP 2 Needling
Perp 0.1-0.3
SP 2 Action
Regulates the spleen
Resolves dampness and damp heat
Harmonizes the middle jiao and clears hear
SP 2 Indications
Febrile stomach heat with ST 44
Febrile disease, ST heat
SP 3 Name
Supreme White
SP 3 Classification
Shu Stream (Earth)
Yuan Source
SP 3 Location
Proximal and inferior to 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, in the depression of the junction of the red and white skin
SP 3 Needling
Perp 0.3-0.5
SP 3 Action
Tonifies the spleen and resolves dampness and damp heat
Regulates Qi
Harmonizes the spleen and stomach
SP 3 Indication
Sticky stubborn dampness
Heaviness in body, pain in joints
Strengthen spinal muscles
SP 5 Name
Shang Mound
SP 5 Classification
Jing River (Metal)
SP 5 Location
In the depression distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, midway between the tuberosity of the navicular bone and the tip of the medial malleolus
SP 5 Action
Fortifies the Spleen and resolves damp
Benefits the sinews and bones
Calms the spirit
SP 5 Needling
0.2-0.3 Perp
SP 5 Indication
“Brain drain” metal helps moving earth along
Damp obstruction
Ankle sprain
Stiffness and pain in root of tongue/ impaired speech
Excessive thinking
SP 7 Name
Dripping Valley
SP 7 Location
6 cun from the tip of the medial malleolus, on the line connecting the tip of the medial malleolus and SP 9, posterior to the medial border of the tibia
SP 7 Needling
Perp 0.5-1
SP 7 Action
Fortifies the spleen and resolves damp
Promotes urination and disperses swelling
SP 7 Indication
Leaky gut
Leaky urination
Leaky discharge
SP 8 Name
Earth Pivot
SP 8 Classification
SP 8 Location
3 cun below SP9
SP 8 Needling
Perp 0.5-1
SP 8 Action
Regulates menstruation and invigorates the blood
Harmonizes the Spleen resolves damp
Moderates acute conditions
SP 8 Indication
Acute pain and blood (cramps)
Fibroid cysts
Pair with LI 4 for dysmenorrhea
SP 10 Name
Sea of Blood
SP 10 Location
When knee is flexed, 2 cun above mediosuperior border of the patella, on the bulge of the medial portion of the m quad
SP 10 Needling
0.5-1.2 Perp
SP 10 Action
Invigorates blood and dispels stasis
Cools the blood
Harmonizes menstruation
Benefits the skin
SP 10 Indication
Choppy pulse
Purple tongue
Excessive bleeding
SP 10 +11 good for skin heat and rashes