Stomach Flashcards
6 stage name for Stomach channel
Yang Ming
Command Chart
ST45- JW ST44- YS ST43- SS ST42- Yuan Source ST41- JR ST40- Luo ST39- Lower HS of SI ST37- Lower HS of LI ST36- HS ST34- Xi Cleft ST30- Chong ST25- Front Mu of LI ST9- WOH
ST 18 location
directly below the nipple in the 5th ICS
ST18 actions
Benefits the breasts
ST 25 location
On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus
ST 25 actions
Regulates the Intestines
Resolves dampness/damp heat
Eliminates Stagnation
ST 28 location
Level with CV4- 2 cun lateral to ML (3 cun inferior to the naval)
ST 28 actions
“water passage”
Gate of the uterus (L) ,Child’s Door ®
Always for excess d/t Qi and Blood stagnation, dampness, or damp heat
ST 29 location
2 cun lateral to the ML, 4 cun inferior to the umbilicus, level with CV3
ST 29 actions
Warms the Lower Burner
Regulates menstruation, amenorrhea of any kind
ST 30 location
Level to the superior border of the pubic symphsis
ST 30 actions
Regulates the Chong Mai
ST 34 location
2 cun proximal to the superior border of the patella
ST34 actions
Xi Cleft- acute conditions and pain
ST 36 actions
All disorders of the ST, excess/deficient, cold/hot
Dampness resulting from SP Qi deficiency
Deficiency of Qi, Blood, Yin
Mental disturbances
disorders of the ST channel
Yang collapse
ST 37 location
3 cun inferior to ST 36
ST37 actions
Lower HS of LI
All intestinal disorders (diarrhea and constipation)
ST 38 location
midway between the tibiofemoral joint and the lateral malleolus
ST38 actions
Benefits the shoulder
ST39 location
3 cun inferior to ST37
ST 39 actions
Small Intestine Qi pain
ST40 location
midway between the tibiofemoral joint and the lateral malleolus, 2 finger breadths lateral
ST 40 actions
ST 44 location
BEtween the 2nd and 3rd toes
ST 44 actions
Clears heat, mental disorders
Intestinal disorders with damp heat
ST 45 location
Lateral side of the 2nd toe.