Liver Flashcards
6 stage name of Liver
Foot Jueyin
3 leg yin channels cross at what point?
Connection with LV and internal organs
Command chart of Liver
LV1- JW, wood LV2- YS,fire LV3- SS, Earth/Yuan Source LV4- JR, metal LV5- luo LV6- Xi Cleft LV8- HS, water LV13- Front Mu of the SP LV14- Front My of the LV
LV1 location
On the dorsal aspect of the big toe, lines drawn along the lateral border and the base of the nail.
LV1 actions
Regulates Qi in the lower warmer Treats Shan disorder Adjusts urination Stops menstrual bleeding Loss of consciousness Disorders of the Spirit
LV 2 location
Between the first and second toes, 0.5 fun proximal to the margin of the web.
LV2 actions
Clears LV Fire- LV Fire blazing, LV Yang Rising
Pacifies LV Wind
Spreads LV Qi
Clears heat, stops bleeding
LV3 location
In the hollow distal to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones
LV3 actions
Spreads LV Qi Subdues LV Yang Nourishes LV Blood and Yin Excess and deficient LV pathologies Eye disorders HA Dizziness disharmony with LV and other organs
LV4 location
anterior to the prominence of the medial malleolus, in the depression just medial to the tendon of tibalis anterior when the ankle is extended
LV4 actions
Jing River (metal)
Lower Jiao
ankle problems
LV5 location
5 cun superior to the prominence of the medial malleolus between the crest of the tibia and the muscle of the gastric.
LV 5 actions
Spreads LV Qi, benefits the genitals Clears dampness and heat from the lower jiao genital itching incessant erection psycho-emotional disorders
All Luo point on Yin channels deal with…
psycho-emotional disorders
LV 6 location
7 cun superior to the prominence of the medial malleolus
Xi Cleft
LV 8 location
Superior to the medial end of the popliteal crease, anterior to the tendons of semimembranosus and semitendinosus
LV 8 actions
Tonify/nourish Blood, invigorate Blood
Clears damp-heat in the lower jiao
Clears damp-heat in genital region
GYN problems with underlying damp heat and blood stasis
LV13 location
Directly anterior and inferior to the free end of the eleventh rib
LV13 actions
Harmonizes the LV and the SP
Spreads the LV QI
Regulates the middle and lower jiao
Disharmony between the LV and the SP; diarrhea
LV14 location
On the maxillary line in the 6th ICS-4 cun lateral to the ML
LV 14 actions
Spreads LV QI Invigorates Blood Disperses masses Harmnoizes LV and ST LV QI stagnation Blood stasis from prolonged/severe QI stagnation