CV Flashcards
Command Chart for CV
CV3- Front Mu of the Bladder, crossing pt of cv. lv. sp. kd.
CV4- Front Mu of the SI, crossing pt. of cv. lv. sp. kd.
CV5- Front Mu of TW
CV12- Front Mu of ST, meeting pt. of FU
CV14- Front Mu of HT
CV15- Luo point
CV17- Front Mu of PC, Sea of Qi, Meeting pt of Qi
CV3 Location
On ML, 4 cun inferior to the umbilicus, 1 cun above pubic symphysis
CV3 Actions
Front Mu of the BL Drains dampness, damp heat Benefits the Uterus, regulates the menses Dispels stagnation Benefits the Lower Warmer
cooling point that is favored for excess
CV4 location
On ML of lower abdomen, 3 cun inferior to the umbilicus
CV4 actions
Front Mu of SI- SI Qi pain
The only point that tonifies Qi, Blood, Yin, Yang, Tonifies and nourishes KD, fortifies original Qi, benefits Essence, Fortifies KD Yang, Regulates Lower warmer, warms and fortifies the SP, Strongly tonifies
Best for deficient cold
CV6 location
On ML, 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus
CV6 actions
Yuan Source point of Huang Tonifies Qi, moves Qi, regulates Qi Tonifies KD, fortifies Yang Harmonizes Blood Urinary, Reproductive, Digestive
Mainly tonifies Qi and Yang, moving quality
CV8 Actions
Warms Yang, rescues collapse, harmonizes and warms Intestines
CV9 Location
1 cun superior to the umbilicus
CV9 actions
Regulates water and treats edema
dispels accumulation
promotes circulation of fluids in abdomen
CV12 Location
4 cun superior to naval (midway between naval and sternal costal angle)
CV12 actions
Front Mu of the ST, meeting pt. of Fu- All ST diseases
Tonifies ST, SP, SP deficiency
Harmonizes middle warmer, descends rebellion
treats all phlegm diseases, mental, neurological problems
CV14 location
On ML, 2 cun below sternal costal angle
CV14 actions
Front Mu of the HT Regulates the HT Transforms Phlegm, clams the spirit (mental disorders) Descends LU Qi, unbinds chest Harmonizes ST, descends rebellion Combined ST and emotional issues
descending property
CV10, CV12, CV13
10- lower cavity: food stag.
12- middle cavity: entire stomach
13- upper cavity: HT of mental disorders, descends rebellion
CV15 location
1 cun below the sternal costal angle
CV15 actions
Luo point- spreads out over the abdomen
Mental, neurological, skin conditions
CV17 location
4th ICS on the sternum
CV17 actions
Front Mu of PC, Sea of Qi, Hui meeting point of Qi
Regulates and benefits gathering Qi
Descends rebellion of LU and ST
Benefits breasts and lactation
CV22 location
WOH- center of supra sternal fossa 0.5 cun superior to the suprasternal fossa
Throat disorders
Rebellious LU Qi
WOH: sudden onset of disorders
CV23 location
above the hyoid bone
CV23 actions
Benefits the tongue, regulates salivation
CV24 location
above the chin, in the center of the mento labial groove
meeting point of CV, GV, LI, ST
CV24 actions
extinguishes wind, benefits the face