Gall Bladder Flashcards
6 stage name for GB
Foot ShaoYang
Organ connections for GB
Other connections
eye, ear, lateral side of the body, breast
Command Chart for GB
GB44- JW, Metal GB43-YS, Water GB41- SS, Confluent point of the Dai Mai GB40- Yuan Source GB39- Hui Meeting point of marrow GB38- JR, Fire GB37- Luo GB36- Xi Cleft GB34- HS, Earth GB25-Front Mu of the KD GB24- Front Mu of the GB
GB20 location
Below the occiput, between the origins of the SCM and the trapezius
GB20 actions
Eliminates wind “Wind Pool” ext./int. wind
Benefits the head and the eyes
GB2 location
In the hollow between the inter tragic notch and the condyloid process of the mandible
GB2 actions
Benefits the ears, TMJ, Toothache
GB8 location
In the temporal region in the slight depression, 1 fun above the apex of the ear
GB8 actions
eliminates wind, benefits the head, harmonizes the diaphragm and stomach, alleviates vomiting, treats alcohol intoxication
GB 12 location
In the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process
GB12 actions
Calms the spirit
Eliminates wind
GB13 location
On the forehead, 1.5 within the anterior hairline (directly above the outer canthus)
GB13 actions
Spirit issues, HA, dizziness, epilepsy
GB 14 location
1 cun superior to the midpoint of the eyebrow
GB14 actions
Benefits the eyes
Pain in the forehead
GB21 location
midway between DU 14 and the tip of the acromion, high point of the trapezius
GB21 actions
Regulates QI Lowers Phlegm Benefits the breasts expedites delivery * C/I in pregnancy
GB24 location
In the 7th ICS, 4 fun lateral to the ML (inferior to LV14)
GB24 actions
Front Mu of the Gb
Benefits GB, spreads LV Qi, disorders of the GB
Harmonizes the middle jiao
resolves damp heat
Gb25 location
Anterior and Inferior to the free end of the 12th rib
GB25 actions
Front Mu of the KD
Tonifies KD, regulates water
Fortifies SP, regulates intestines
Disharmony with KD and SP
GB26 location
Anterior and Inferior to the free end of the 11th rib
GB26 actions
Regulates the Dai Mai
Drains dampness
Any pattern of leukorrhea
great combo with SP 9 for damp heat
GB29 location
Midpoint of the line between the greater trochanter and the ASIS
GB29 actions
Hip disorders, weakness, sciatica
GB30 location
1/3 of the distance between the greater trochanter and the sacrococcygeal hiatus
GB 30 actions
disorders of the hip/leg
#1 point for sciatica
Urticaria, Eczema
GB31 location
Directly below the greater trochanter, 7 cun superior to the popliteal crease
GB31 actions
“wind market” (to eliminate wind, always treat blood first)
Wind, cold damp Bi
GB34 location
Below the lateral aspect of the knee, 1 fun anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula
GB34 actions
Hui meeting point of sinews Benefits sinews and joints Spreads LV Qi, disorders of the lateral costal region Clears LV and GB damp heat disharmony of GB
GB37 location
5 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
GB37 actions
benefits the eyes
GB39 location
Above the ankle, 3 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, between the posterior border of the fibula and the tendons of peroneous longus and brevis
GB39 actions
Benefits the sinews, bones, marrow
Benefits neck
dispels wind damp
Clears GB fire
*hui meeting pt of marrow
GB40 location
At the ankle- anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus
GB40 actions
Spreads LV Qi/heat and stagnant Qi in the GB channel
Clears GB damp heat
Regulates Shao Yang
Disorders of the GB organ
GB41 location
In the depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones
GB41 actions
Spreads LB QI- LV Qi stagnation in the GB channel
Benefits the chest, lateral costal region
Clears the head
Benefits the eyes
Transforms phlegm nodules
*w/TW5: outer canthus, ear, cheek, neck, shoulder
43: Heat, Damp heat in GB
44: Heat disturbing the head, insomnia, nightmares