STM and Working Memory Flashcards
Define episodic memories, procedural memories, and semantic memories.
Episodic memories are long-term memories and experiences from the past.
Procedural memory has to do with muscle coordination and is a long-term memory.
Semantic memory is memories of facts such as address for a birthday or names of objects.
What does the modal model place at the beginning of the process of memory?
Sensory and short-term memory
How long is short-term memory
15-20 seconds
What are the three types of memory proposed by Richard Shiffrin and Richard Atkinson? What are the time amounts for each?
- Sensory memory is an initial stage that holds all incoming info for seconds.
- Short-term memory holds 5 to 7 items for about 15 to 20 seconds.
- Long-term memory can hold a large amount of information for years or even decades.
What is an example of a control process in the STM, for Atkinson and Shifrin model? Define control processes.
An example of a control process that operates on short-term memory is rehearsal, repeating a stimulus over again in order to hold it in your mind.
Control processes are associated with structural features that can be controlled by the person and can differ from one task to another.
Control processes = strategies for memory. Example: memorizing phone number (Domino’s)
What are the structural features of the Atkinson and Shifrin model?
Sensory memory = short-term memory = long-term memory.
Think about the example in the book using Rachel and obtaining the number for pizza delivery. We call those steps using the model model.
When Rachel looks up the phone number to Domino’s Pizza on the Internet all the information enters her sensory memory.
Rachel uses the control process of selective attention to focus on the phone number so that the number enters her short-term memory.
She then uses her control process of rehearsal to keep it there.
She rehearses and memorizes it and the process she uses to memorize a number which involves the control process, transfers the number into long-term memory where it is stored.
The process of storing then the number in long-term memory is called encoding.
She uses retrieval to retrieve this information later.
What are more examples of control processes? Relate it to memory and attention.
1) Strategies to memory- something such as relating digits in a phone number to a familiar day in history
2) strategies of attention that helps focus on important info
Under “competing distractor conditions” during a flanker compatibility test, why would subjects be quicker to find their target in a high low task versus during a low task?
Participants have more cognitive resources left, therefore that space automatically processes the flanker or the distractor.
Expert video game players show a decrease in performance in the high load condition, why is this?
Because expert video game players have Extra cognitive space due to their speed of finding a target in a visual stimulation, they are able to find a target so quickly they are able to still process the flanker distractor. This slows them down.
What are the key brain areas that are active during the stroop test? What do they think this area’s function is?
Anterior cingulate cortex in the frontal lobe.
Arguments about what this does is conflict detection and goal maintenance.
Concerning distractors in a flanker compatibility test during a high load task and low low task how much does a distractor slow you down?
During a high load test, you don’t pay attention to a distractor as much.
During a low task, a distractor slows you down because the extra attention processing capacity cannot be idle therefore you notice a target.
What evidence did Sperling want for sensory memory?
What was the process of his experiment?
Sperling wanted research evidence for sensory memory and how much and how long it holds.
Sperling used whole report methods and partial report methods from subjects, using tonal delay. He had them recall letters on the screen in three rows where the result was an average of 4.5 letters reported out of 12, for a whole report no delay or tone. When high medium and low tones are used followed by a blank screen 3.3 letters reported out of four. When a partial report with a tone delay was reported an average of one letter reported out of four after one second delay.
What is the brief sensory memory for visual stimuli called in Spurling’s experiments? Which part of Atkinson and Shiffrin’s model can we compare this to?
Iconic memory. It corresponds to the sensory memory stage of Atkinson and Shiffrins modal model.
What factors influence your ability to automatize a task? What makes it difficult to automatize a task?
Consistent mapping. We practice and rehearse things which makes it easier for us to automatize a task. Inconsistent mapping makes it difficult to automatize the task.
Define short-term memory
Short-term memory is the system involved in starting small amounts of info for a brief period of time. Only very few reach the long-term memory.
What type of experiment did Peterson and Peterson do and what did they find?
Subjects had to recall ABC 37. The subjects had to say the letters ABC and count backwards from the number 37 35 33 then recall what the letters in the beginning was.
Peterson and Peterson believe that because the group could only retain about 12% after 18 seconds, they believed the memory had simply just decayed after the passage of time.
How did Keppel and Underwood redesign Peterson and Peterson’s experiment to come up with a different explanation for that memory decay?
Memory became worse after a few trials. Keppel and underwood suggested that the drop off the memory was not due to a decay of memory over time as Peterson and Peterson proposed, but to proactive interference.
Explain proactive interference and retroactive interference when explaining Keppel and Underwood’s explanation.
Proactive interference = previously learned info interferes with new information.
Retroactive interference = new learning interferes with remembering old learning.
What is the magic number according to George Miller? What did Vogel and associates find?
7, Plus or - 2, that it’s actually around 4.
What is Vogel’s change detection experiment? What did his experiment conclude?
Did change occur during picture 1 and 2? Conclusion from the experiment with that people often miss changes in a thing.
What type of interference is cramming for an exam?
Proactive interference