STIs and Contraception Flashcards
What are the components of a sexual history?
PC- dysuria, pain, itch, discharge, bleeding, systemic syx
BBV risk
Gynae history
Gender based violence
What questions should you ask in the BBV risk section?
nationality of partner
IV drug use
Partner high risk HIV/Hep B/C?
Non professional tattoo/piercing
Paid for sex?
What should you ask about in the gynae history?
assess pregnancy risk
last menstrual period
smear up to date
HPV vaccines
What test is available for herpes simplex virus?
PCR test via swab
What is the management of herpes?
saline bathing
What is the latest time post exposure prophylaxis for HIV can be administered?
72 hours
What is the length of course for post exposure prophylaxis?
28 days
What agents are used for post prophylactic exposure?
truvada and raltegravir
Patient presents to A&E with unprotected anal sex with another male. When would you test for HIV?
at 8 weeks
Name one criteria for prescribing HIV pre exposure prophylaxis
MSM or transwoman who has had >2 partner in past 12 months or STI in past 12 months
Partner with HIV detectable viral load
Which virus causes genital warts?
HPV 6 and 11
What is the management of genital warts?
What is the most common cause of abnormal discharge?
bacterial vaginosis
What is normal vaginal pH?
What is the pH of someone with bacterial vaginosis?
> 4.5
How is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed?
Thin homogenous discharge
High pH
What is the name of the criteria to diagnose bacterial vaginosis?
Amsel’s criteria
Which cells can be seen on microscopy in bacterial vaginosis?
clue cells
What is the most common causative agent of candida?
candida albicans
How is candida diagnosed?
history and macroscopic appearance
pH <5
What is the management of uncomplicated candida?
pessary or cream clotrimazole
Name two indicator conditions for HIV
recurrent shingles
recurrent bacterial pneumonia
any STIs
What are the stages of syphilis infection?
primary lesion (chancre)
secondary lesion (Rash)
latent serology
tertiary syphilis (CDV, neuo)
How many days after giving birth do you need contraception?
21 days