Pregnancy, antenatal care and screening Flashcards
List three physiological changes in pregnancy
increased HR, CO, SV, plasma volume, RR, oxygen consumption, larygeal oedema
decreased residual capacity and arteria PCO2
By how much does oxygen consumption increase in pregnancy
What happens to the systemic and pulmonary resistance during pregnancy?
risk of hypotension
What happens to conc of serum iron and transferrin TIBC?
serum iron falls
increase in TIBC and transferrin
What is a consequence of plasma volume increase?
dilutional anaemia, increase in EPO
How does pregnancy affect renal blood flow and GFR?
50-60% increase
What happens to levels of urea, creatinine, urate, and bicarbonate in pregnancy?
Why is there an increased risk of UTIs in pregnant women?
bladder smooth muscle relaxation, enlarging uterus may put pressure on ureters, increase in residual urine
Why can mild glycosuria and/or proteinuria occur?
increase in GFR may exceed the ability of the renal tubules to reabsorb glucose and protein
List two reasons why pregnant women experience GORD, N+V, and constipation
decreased lower oesophageal sphincter pressure
decreased gastric peristalsis
delayed gastric emptying
increased small and large bowel transit times
List one dermatological change in pregnancy
hyperpigmentation of umbilicus, nipples, face, abdominal midline
spider naevi
palmar erythema
stria gravidarum= stretch marks
What is linea nigra?
abdominal midline
Name one MSK change in pregnancy
increased ligamental laxity due to relaxin- back pain
shift in posture- exaggerated lumbar lordosis
When is the first appointment with the midwife made in pregnancy?
by week 10
List two aims of the first appointment during first trimester
ID risks e.g. domestic abuse
screen for abnormalities
provide key health promotion- smoking, dietician, folic acid, alcohol
social work
build rapport
initial obs- BMI, HR, BP, urinalysis, abdo exam
What is Naegele’s rule?
Add 9 months + 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period
LMP + 1 year - 3 months + 7 days
List three risk factors for problematic pregnancy
age>40 age <18 extremes BMI low socioeconomic status drug and alcohol prev obstetric problems vulnerable groups and asylum seekers pre existing medical problems e.g. diabetesm epilepsy, HTN
Name three investigations to screen the mother during pregnancy
FBC (anaemia, thrombocytopaenia)
Blood group
Sickle cell and thalassaemia
Hep B/C/HIV/syphilis
Which fetal screening test is offered for everyone?
combined test- Down’s, edward’s, and patau’s syndrome
At what time is the combined test carried out?
11-14 weeks
If there is a high risk from the combined test, which test is then offered?
NIPT= non-invasive pre natal test
ID fetal DNA from the maternal circulation
If NIPT is positive, which tests are then offered?
chorionic villus sampling
When can amniocentesis be offered
15 weeks
When can CVS be conducted
from 11 weeks
When can a foetal anomaly scan be carried out?
18-22 weeks
What is the timeframe for the second trimester?
14-28 weeks
When can foetal heart be ausculated?
from 18 weeks
List four common problems encountered during the second trimester
N/V constipation pelvic girlde/sciatica/back pain anaemia carpal tunnel syndrome bleeding gums fatigue itching rashes vaginal discharge