Stereotyping Flashcards
STUDY: Eberhardt, Davies, & Purdie, 2006 - “The Look of Death:”
B: Examined perceptions of guilt among African American men. The study focused on how stereotypically black facial features influenced sentencing outcomes. They found that African American men with more stereotypically black facial structures were 50% more likely to be sentenced to death for the same crimes compared to those with less stereotypically black features. This highlights how automatic reactions and impulses, shaped by experiences, societal norms, and media, can have significant real-world impacts, demonstrating the severe consequences of stereotyping.
B: Examined perceptions of guilt among African American men. The study focused on how stereotypically black facial features influenced sentencing outcomes. They found that African American men with more stereotypically black facial structures were 50% more likely to be sentenced to death for the same crimes compared to those with less stereotypically black features. This highlights how automatic reactions and impulses, shaped by experiences, societal norms, and media, can have significant real-world impacts, demonstrating the severe consequences of stereotyping.
STUDY: Police Officer’s Dilemma (Correll et al., 2002):
C: Participants played a video game where they navigated a virtual building. At random points, a person would appear, either white or black, holding either a gun or a neutral object like a phone. Participants were instructed to shoot as quickly as possible if the person was armed and do nothing if unarmed. The study found that participants were more likely to mistakenly shoot unarmed black targets than unarmed white targets and were more likely to fail to shoot armed white targets compared to armed black targets.
C: Participants played a video game where they navigated a virtual building. At random points, a person would appear, either white or black, holding either a gun or a neutral object like a phone. Participants were instructed to shoot as quickly as possible if the person was armed and do nothing if unarmed. The study found that participants were more likely to mistakenly shoot unarmed black targets than unarmed white targets and were more likely to fail to shoot armed white targets compared to armed black targets.
What is a stereotype?
A: Stereotypes are beliefs that associate specific traits with a group of people and can be either positive or negative. These are cognitive associations and are simply beliefs about groups. While negative stereotypes are often highlighted, positive stereotypes also exist.
A: Stereotypes are beliefs that associate specific traits with a group of people and can be either positive or negative. These are cognitive associations and are simply beliefs about groups. While negative stereotypes are often highlighted, positive stereotypes also exist.
Can stereotypes be true?
B: Stereotypes can sometimes be true at the group level but not necessarily at the individual level. For example, while it’s generally true that basketball players are tall, this doesn’t apply to every individual player. Stereotypes can also be incorrect, outdated, or influenced by personal motivations. People often mistakenly believe that group differences are due to internal traits rather than external social forces.
B: Stereotypes can sometimes be true at the group level but not necessarily at the individual level. For example, while it’s generally true that basketball players are tall, this doesn’t apply to every individual player. Stereotypes can also be incorrect, outdated, or influenced by personal motivations. People often mistakenly believe that group differences are due to internal traits rather than external social forces.
What 3 ways can stereotypes be wrong?
C: #1: The overall generalization can be wrong, #2: The group generalization can be misapplied to individuals, #3: We can misunderstand the cause of the true stereotype
1: The overall generalization can be wrong:
C: #1: The overall generalization can be wrong, #2: The group generalization can be misapplied to individuals, #3: We can misunderstand the cause of the true stereotype
Stereotypes can be completely incorrect or outdated. For example, believing men are better at spatial rotation on average when they are not.
Stereotypes can lead to errors when group generalizations are applied to individuals. Asking if a specific man is better at spatial rotation than a specific woman is different from asking if men in general are better than women at this skill. Misapplying group generalizations to individuals is problematic and can lead to incorrect assumptions.
We often misunderstand the cause of a true stereotype by assuming it is due to inherent traits rather than situational factors. This is known as “The Ultimate Attribution Error,” where we incorrectly attribute a group’s negative behaviors or outcomes to their nature instead of external circumstances or societal forces.
What is The Ultimate Attribution Error?
A: Occurs when we mistakenly attribute a group’s negative behaviors or outcomes to their inherent traits rather than external circumstances or societal forces. When a group has a negative association, we tend to assume it’s due to something inherent in their nature.
A: Occurs when we mistakenly attribute a group’s negative behaviors or outcomes to their inherent traits rather than external circumstances or societal forces. When a group has a negative association, we tend to assume it’s due to something inherent in their nature.
What is prejudice?
C: Prejudice involves negative feelings or attitudes toward others based on their group membership. It focuses on emotional responses, resulting in negative sentiments about a specific group of people.
C: Prejudice involves negative feelings or attitudes toward others based on their group membership. It focuses on emotional responses, resulting in negative sentiments about a specific group of people.
What is discrimination?
B: Discrimination involves negative behaviors toward others based on their group membership. It refers to actions taken as a result of negative feelings about a specific group of people.
B: Discrimination involves negative behaviors toward others based on their group membership. It refers to actions taken as a result of negative feelings about a specific group of people.
IAT test:
A: Measures these biases by pairing pleasant and unpleasant words with white and black faces. Participants respond faster when pairs match their stereotypical beliefs and slower when they do not, taking 50% longer to respond when pleasant words are paired with black faces, regardless of order. This demonstrates implicit biases shaped by environmental experiences, not consciously endorsed beliefs. The test controls for order of presentation, response side bias, and color connotation to ensure accurate results.
A: Measures these biases by pairing pleasant and unpleasant words with white and black faces. Participants respond faster when pairs match their stereotypical beliefs and slower when they do not, taking 50% longer to respond when pleasant words are paired with black faces, regardless of order. This demonstrates implicit biases shaped by environmental experiences, not consciously endorsed beliefs. The test controls for order of presentation, response side bias, and color connotation to ensure accurate results.
What does the IAT predict?
C: Various discriminatory behaviors. 75% of people taking the IAT show an automatic white preference. It reliably predicts discriminatory actions, even among those with strong egalitarian beliefs. The IAT has been shown to predict voting behavior in the 2008 election, reactions to anti-black racial humor, and disparities in medical care provided by doctors to black and white patients.
C: Various discriminatory behaviors. 75% of people taking the IAT show an automatic white preference. It reliably predicts discriminatory actions, even among those with strong egalitarian beliefs. The IAT has been shown to predict voting behavior in the 2008 election, reactions to anti-black racial humor, and disparities in medical care provided by doctors to black and white patients.
Why do we stereotype?
B: We stereotype for both cognitive and motivational reasons. Cognitively, stereotyping saves effort and reduces ambiguity, simplifying our understanding of the world without malicious intent. Motivationally, stereotyping makes us feel better about ourselves by putting others down, especially when we feel threatened or our ego is at risk. This behavior boosts our self-esteem and becomes more pronounced during times of perceived threat.
B: We stereotype for both cognitive and motivational reasons. Cognitively, stereotyping saves effort and reduces ambiguity, simplifying our understanding of the world without malicious intent. Motivationally, stereotyping makes us feel better about ourselves by putting others down, especially when we feel threatened or our ego is at risk. This behavior boosts our self-esteem and becomes more pronounced during times of perceived threat.
What is cognitive miser?
C: Suggests that we are greedy with our cognitive effort, expending as little as possible because thinking is hard. Stereotypes help by categorizing people quickly and efficiently, though often at the cost of accuracy. This allows us to easily and quickly categorize others, which feels good because it requires minimal effort.
C: Suggests that we are greedy with our cognitive effort, expending as little as possible because thinking is hard. Stereotypes help by categorizing people quickly and efficiently, though often at the cost of accuracy. This allows us to easily and quickly categorize others, which feels good because it requires minimal effort.
STUDY: Stereotypes & Cognitive Effort Macrae, Milne, & Bodenhausen (1994):
A: Examined how stereotypes affect cognitive effort. Participants saw adjectives describing ‘Julian,’ with some given a stereotypical label (e.g., artist) and others not. Half the traits matched the label, and half were random. After a geography lesson, those with the label remembered more consistent traits and performed better on the geography test. This suggests that having a stereotype to organize information frees cognitive resources and that this process may be automatic. The study was replicated with subliminal label presentation, showing similar results. Stereotypes help organize information and improve multitasking by freeing mental energy.
A: Examined how stereotypes affect cognitive effort. Participants saw adjectives describing ‘Julian,’ with some given a stereotypical label (e.g., artist) and others not. Half the traits matched the label, and half were random. After a geography lesson, those with the label remembered more consistent traits and performed better on the geography test. This suggests that having a stereotype to organize information frees cognitive resources and that this process may be automatic. The study was replicated with subliminal label presentation, showing similar results. Stereotypes help organize information and improve multitasking by freeing mental energy.
STUDY: Stereotypes reduce ambiguity Kunda & Sherman-Williams (1993):
B: Shows that stereotypes reduce ambiguity, aiding in predictions and judgments. Participants read sentences about actions by either a construction worker or a housewife, varying in perceived aggression. In clear high or low aggression scenarios, stereotypes had no effect. However, in ambiguous situations, actions by construction workers were rated as more aggressive than those by housewives. This demonstrates that stereotypes influence our subjective construal of ambiguous situations, making them clearer and less ambiguous.
B: Shows that stereotypes reduce ambiguity, aiding in predictions and judgments. Participants read sentences about actions by either a construction worker or a housewife, varying in perceived aggression. In clear high or low aggression scenarios, stereotypes had no effect. However, in ambiguous situations, actions by construction workers were rated as more aggressive than those by housewives. This demonstrates that stereotypes influence our subjective construal of ambiguous situations, making them clearer and less ambiguous.
Basic Rule of Social Psychology:
C: Social psychological factors such as context, schemas, stereotypes, and expectations are more important for interpreting ambiguous stimuli and situations than non-ambiguous ones. In ambiguous conditions, these factors influence how we perceive and interpret the situation. For example, the act of hitting is judged differently based on whether a construction worker or a housewife is performing it, leading to different subjective construals and imagined scenarios. This is because, in non-ambiguous situations, we don’t need additional cues to understand what is happening.
C: Social psychological factors such as context, schemas, stereotypes, and expectations are more important for interpreting ambiguous stimuli and situations than non-ambiguous ones. In ambiguous conditions, these factors influence how we perceive and interpret the situation. For example, the act of hitting is judged differently based on whether a construction worker or a housewife is performing it, leading to different subjective construals and imagined scenarios. This is because, in non-ambiguous situations, we don’t need additional cues to understand what is happening.
STUDY: Motivational Account of Stereotyping Spencer, Fein, Fong (1998):
A: Involved white undergraduate students. The research assistant was either Asian or not, serving as a prime for the participants. Participants either succeeded or failed at a task to manipulate ego threat. They then completed words with missing letters, some consistent with Asian stereotypes. Results showed that subjects with an Asian assistant made more stereotypical word completions than those with a white assistant. Additionally, those who failed at the task (ego threat) were more likely to make stereotypical completions than those who succeeded. This suggests that stereotypes help restore a positive sense of self by making individuals feel superior to others.
A: Involved white undergraduate students. The research assistant was either Asian or not, serving as a prime for the participants. Participants either succeeded or failed at a task to manipulate ego threat. They then completed words with missing letters, some consistent with Asian stereotypes. Results showed that subjects with an Asian assistant made more stereotypical word completions than those with a white assistant. Additionally, those who failed at the task (ego threat) were more likely to make stereotypical completions than those who succeeded. This suggests that stereotypes help restore a positive sense of self by making individuals feel superior to others.
A consequence - Stereotype Threat:
C: Stereotype Threat refers to the consequences of others holding stereotypes about one’s group membership. It involves the fear that one’s performance in a particular domain may confirm a negative stereotype about their group. For example, if a woman is aware of the stereotype that women are bad at math, this awareness and fear of confirming the stereotype might lead her to perform poorly, thus fulfilling the stereotype in a self-fulfilling prophecy.
C: Stereotype Threat refers to the consequences of others holding stereotypes about one’s group membership. It involves the fear that one’s performance in a particular domain may confirm a negative stereotype about their group. For example, if a woman is aware of the stereotype that women are bad at math, this awareness and fear of confirming the stereotype might lead her to perform poorly, thus fulfilling the stereotype in a self-fulfilling prophecy.
STUDY: The Impact of Perceived Intelligence Testing on Performance by Claude Steele:
A: Caucasian and African American participants were given one of two types of intelligence tests. One group was told the test would measure their intelligence, while the other group was informed that the test was merely trying out new items and unrelated to intelligence. The results showed that when the test was described as unrelated to intelligence, both groups performed equally well. However, when the test was described as measuring intelligence, African American participants performed worse than Caucasian participants, despite the tests being identical.
A: Caucasian and African American participants were given one of two types of intelligence tests. One group was told the test would measure their intelligence, while the other group was informed that the test was merely trying out new items and unrelated to intelligence. The results showed that when the test was described as unrelated to intelligence, both groups performed equally well. However, when the test was described as measuring intelligence, African American participants performed worse than Caucasian participants, despite the tests being identical.
STUDY: The Impact of Stereotype Threat on Working Memory and Performance by Tony Schmader:
B: It was found that stereotype threat diminishes working memory in both men and women. This reduced ability to engage in reflective processing leads to poorer performance, as individuals ruminate about the meaning of their performance. Being under stereotype threat is similar to being under cognitive load. The key takeaway is that these groups are not intrinsically different in their abilities; instead, their tendency to ruminate about their performance hinders them. Such studies consistently show similar results across different types of stereotypes.
B: It was found that stereotype threat diminishes working memory in both men and women. This reduced ability to engage in reflective processing leads to poorer performance, as individuals ruminate about the meaning of their performance. Being under stereotype threat is similar to being under cognitive load. The key takeaway is that these groups are not intrinsically different in their abilities; instead, their tendency to ruminate about their performance hinders them. Such studies consistently show similar results across different types of stereotypes.
Implicit Prejudice Word/Nonverbal Behavior (Zanna & Cooper, 1974):
C: Subjects acted as interviewers and interviewees in a job interview scenario. The interviewers were white, and the interviewees were either white or black. The study examined subtle differences in nonverbal behavior. Findings showed that black interviewees displayed more hostile nonverbal behavior and made more speech errors compared to white interviewees. Interviewers were warmer and more engaged with white interviewees. The behavior of the interviewees mimicked that of the interviewers, suggesting that implicit beliefs of the interviewer influenced their nonverbal behavior, which in turn was mirrored by the interviewees. Further studies with trained interviewers confirmed these results, indicating that people are highly sensitive to nonverbal cues, often without conscious awareness.
C: Subjects acted as interviewers and interviewees in a job interview scenario. The interviewers were white, and the interviewees were either white or black. The study examined subtle differences in nonverbal behavior. Findings showed that black interviewees displayed more hostile nonverbal behavior and made more speech errors compared to white interviewees. Interviewers were warmer and more engaged with white interviewees. The behavior of the interviewees mimicked that of the interviewers, suggesting that implicit beliefs of the interviewer influenced their nonverbal behavior, which in turn was mirrored by the interviewees. Further studies with trained interviewers confirmed these results, indicating that people are highly sensitive to nonverbal cues, often without conscious awareness.
Who is responsible? Is this a perpetratorless crime?
B: Individuals are often unaware of how their expectations affect others, similar to a fundamental attribution error. They do not realize they are influencing others, and those being influenced do not recognize it either. This influence happens through automatic nonverbal communication. While not all forms of prejudice lack a clear perpetrator, some might. Harvard researcher Banaji suggests that societal systemic prejudice can occur without a specific perpetrator. To address this, changes in social structures, like having diverse representation in leadership roles, are necessary.
B: Individuals are often unaware of how their expectations affect others, similar to a fundamental attribution error. They do not realize they are influencing others, and those being influenced do not recognize it either. This influence happens through automatic nonverbal communication. While not all forms of prejudice lack a clear perpetrator, some might. Harvard researcher Banaji suggests that societal systemic prejudice can occur without a specific perpetrator. To address this, changes in social structures, like having diverse representation in leadership roles, are necessary.
Which of the following examples best describes stereotyping?
A. Assuming that a specific person is good at basketball because they are tall.
B. Believing that all engineers are good at math because you know a few engineers who excel in math.
C. Noticing that someone is wearing a red shirt and concluding they must love the color red.
B. Believing that all engineers are good at math because you know a few engineers who excel in math.
Which of the following examples best describes “The overall generalization can be wrong”?
A. Believing that all basketball players are tall, even though many players are shorter than average.
B. Assuming that a specific woman is not good at math because women are generally perceived to be worse at math than men.
C. Attributing a group’s poor academic performance to laziness, ignoring the lack of resources and support they receive.
A. Believing that all basketball players are tall, even though many players are shorter than average.
Which of the following examples best describes “The generalization misapplied to individuals”?
A. Believing that all elderly people are bad with technology, even though many are proficient.
B. Assuming that a specific man is better at spatial rotation than a specific woman because men are generally perceived to be better at this skill.
C. Attributing a group’s high crime rate to inherent criminal tendencies, ignoring socioeconomic factors.
B. Assuming that a specific man is better at spatial rotation than a specific woman because men are generally perceived to be better at this skill.
Which of the following examples best describes “We can misunderstand the cause of the true stereotype”?
A. Believing that all artists are disorganized, even though many are highly organized.
B. Assuming that a specific student is bad at math because students from their school are generally perceived to perform poorly in math.
C. Attributing a group’s high unemployment rate to laziness, ignoring economic conditions and job availability.
C. Attributing a group’s high unemployment rate to laziness, ignoring economic conditions and job availability.
Which of the following examples best describes “The Ultimate Attribution Error”?
A. Attributing a community’s high crime rate to inherent criminal tendencies, rather than considering factors like poverty and lack of education.
B. Assuming that a specific woman is bad at driving because women are generally perceived to be worse drivers than men.
C. Believing that all doctors have excellent handwriting, even though many do not.
A. Attributing a community’s high crime rate to inherent criminal tendencies, rather than considering factors like poverty and lack of education.
Which of the following examples best describes prejudice?
A. Refusing to hire someone because of their race.
B. Feeling dislike towards a specific group of people based solely on their ethnicity.
C. Believing that all teenagers are irresponsible.
B. Feeling dislike towards a specific group of people based solely on their ethnicity.
Which of the following examples best describes discrimination?
A. Believing that all teenagers are irresponsible.
B. Feeling dislike towards a specific group of people based solely on their ethnicity.
C. Refusing to hire someone because of their race.
C. Refusing to hire someone because of their race.
Which of the following best describes explicit stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination?
A. Publicly making derogatory remarks about a particular ethnic group without any subtlety.
B. Internally believing that one gender is superior to another but not expressing it openly.
C. Avoiding certain behaviors because society no longer considers them acceptable, despite holding the same beliefs internally.
A. Publicly making derogatory remarks about a particular ethnic group without any subtlety.
Which of the following best describes implicit stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination?
A. Subtly avoiding interactions with certain groups because of underlying biases.
B. Publicly making derogatory remarks about a particular ethnic group without any subtlety.
C. Openly refusing to hire someone because of their race.
A. Subtly avoiding interactions with certain groups because of underlying biases.
Which of the following best describes the cognitive account of why we stereotype?
A. Stereotyping saves cognitive effort and reduces ambiguity, helping us understand situations more easily.
B. Stereotyping helps us feel superior to others by comparing negatively.
C. Stereotyping increases when we feel threatened or our ego is at risk.
A. Stereotyping saves cognitive effort and reduces ambiguity, helping us understand situations more easily.
Which of the following best describes the motivational account of why we stereotype?
A. Stereotyping saves cognitive effort and reduces ambiguity, helping us understand situations more easily.
B. Stereotyping simplifies our understanding of the world without malicious intent.
C. Stereotyping helps us feel superior to others and boosts our self-esteem, especially when we feel threatened.
C. Stereotyping helps us feel superior to others and boosts our self-esteem, especially when we feel threatened.
Which of the following best describes the concept of a Cognitive Miser?
A. We expend a lot of cognitive effort to ensure our perceptions are accurate.
B. We are greedy with our cognitive effort and use stereotypes to quickly and easily categorize people, even at the expense of accuracy.
C. We avoid using stereotypes because they are often inaccurate and require too much effort to apply.
B. We are greedy with our cognitive effort and use stereotypes to quickly and easily categorize people, even at the expense of accuracy.
Which of the following best describes the findings of Macrae, Milne, & Bodenhausen (1994) regarding stereotypes and cognitive effort?
A. Participants without a stereotype label remembered more random traits about ‘Julian’ and performed better on the geography test.
B. Participants with a stereotype label remembered more consistent traits about ‘Julian’ and performed better on the geography test, indicating that stereotypes free up cognitive resources.
C. The presence of a stereotype label had no impact on participants’ memory of traits or their performance on the geography test.
B. Participants with a stereotype label remembered more consistent traits about ‘Julian’ and performed better on the geography test, indicating that stereotypes free up cognitive resources.
Which of the following best describes the findings of Kunda & Sherman-Williams (1993) regarding how stereotypes reduce ambiguity?
A. In ambiguous situations, actions by construction workers were rated as more aggressive than those by housewives, showing that stereotypes influence our subjective construal of ambiguous situations.
B. In clear high or low aggression scenarios, stereotypes influenced how aggressive the actions were perceived.
C. Stereotypes had no effect on judgments of aggression, regardless of the scenario.
A. In ambiguous situations, actions by construction workers were rated as more aggressive than those by housewives, showing that stereotypes influence our subjective construal of ambiguous situations.
Which of the following best describes the findings of Spencer, Fein, and Fong (1998) regarding the motivational account of stereotyping?
A. Subjects who succeeded at a task made more stereotypical word completions than those who failed.
B. Subjects with an Asian assistant and those who experienced an ego threat made more stereotypical word completions, indicating that stereotypes help restore a positive sense of self.
C. Subjects showed no difference in stereotypical word completions regardless of the research assistant’s ethnicity or task performance.
B. Subjects with an Asian assistant and those who experienced an ego threat made more stereotypical word completions, indicating that stereotypes help restore a positive sense of self.
Which of the following best describes the concept of Stereotype Threat?
A. The fear that one’s performance may confirm a negative stereotype about their group, potentially leading to poorer performance.
B. The tendency to stereotype others based on their group membership.
C. The belief that stereotypes are always accurate reflections of a group’s abilities.
A. The fear that one’s performance may confirm a negative stereotype about their group, potentially leading to poorer performance.
Which of the following best describes the findings of Claude Steele’s study on intelligence testing?
A. African American participants performed worse on a test when they were told it measured intelligence compared to when they were told it was unrelated to intelligence.
B. Caucasian participants performed worse on a test when they were told it measured intelligence compared to when they were told it was unrelated to intelligence.
C. Both African American and Caucasian participants performed equally well regardless of whether they were told the test measured intelligence or was unrelated to intelligence.
A. African American participants performed worse on a test when they were told it measured intelligence compared to when they were told it was unrelated to intelligence.
Which of the following best describes the findings of Tony Schmader’s study on stereotype threat?
A. Stereotype threat increases working memory in both men and women, improving their performance.
B. Stereotype threat has no impact on working memory or performance in men and women.
C. Stereotype threat diminishes working memory in both men and women, leading to poorer performance due to rumination about their performance.
C. Stereotype threat diminishes working memory in both men and women, leading to poorer performance due to rumination about their performance.
Which of the following best describes the findings of Word, Zanna, & Cooper’s (1974) study on implicit prejudice?
A. White interviewees displayed more hostile nonverbal behavior and made more speech errors, while interviewers were warmer and more engaged with black interviewees.
B. Interviewers treated all interviewees the same, regardless of race, and there were no differences in nonverbal behavior.
C. Black interviewees displayed more hostile nonverbal behavior and made more speech errors, while interviewers were warmer and more engaged with white interviewees.
C. Black interviewees displayed more hostile nonverbal behavior and made more speech errors, while interviewers were warmer and more engaged with white interviewees.
Which of the following is correct about the cognitive processes behind stereotyping and prejudice?
A: People can choose not to activate a stereotype
B: Prejudiced people have more knowledge of stereotypes than non-prejudiced people
C: Stereotypes are based solely on rapid, automatic processing that is not given much conscious attention
D: Prejudiced and non-prejudiced people differ in their controlled cognitive processes, but not their automatic cognitive processes
D: Prejudiced and non-prejudiced people differ in their controlled cognitive processes, but not their automatic cognitive processes
Stereotypes are typically automatic, but not entirely so. The key distinction between prejudiced and non-prejudiced people lies in their controlled cognitive processes: prejudiced individuals act on their stereotypes, while non-prejudiced individuals do not.