Stereochemistry and Drug Action Flashcards
any object that cannot be superimposed with its mirror image
1 carbon atom, 4 different substrates
compounds that have the same molecular formula and differ only in the stereo chemical arrangement of functional groups about 1/more atoms
must break bonds to convert
non-superimposable mirror images of one another
all properties are identical except the way they rotate in plane polarized light
Will two enantiomers be able to bind to the same object?
+/- designations
direction of rotation caused by the enantiomer
provide no information about chiral center
+ is right
- is left
d/l designations
refer to direction of rotation caused by the enantiomer
d is right
l is left
D/L designations
refer to the configuration/steric arrangement about a chiral center
R/S designations
designates configuration about a chiral carbon atom
R- clockwise
S- counterclockwise
only one stereoisomer can bind to a receptor, the other is inactive at the receptor
one enantiomer is preferred over the other
have at least 2 chiral centers
neither superimposable/ mirror images
Geometric isomers
result from restricted rotation about a carbon-carbon bond
can occur due to the presence of either a double bond or an alicyclic ring
have different physical and chemical properties, one isomer may have better receptor fit
z isomer
strongest substituents are on the same side
e isomer
strongest substituents are on opposing sides
Conformational isomers
nonsuperimposable orientations resulting from free rotation of a single bond
Preferred conformation relies on
repulsive and attractive forces
Which are energetically favored: trans, gauche, or eclipsed ?
trans and gauche
How does a drug molecule obtain the energy required to convert its preferred conformation to its active conformation?
energy is released when a drug binds/interacts with the receptor
If energy required to form the active conformation is greater than energy released the drug is?
Benefits of conformational restriction
specific agonist/ antagonist
eliminate toxic/undesirable effects
increase the duration of action
A conformationally rigid analog with all the necessary groups in the proper orientation would decrease and increase what?
decrease the energy requirements but increase the affinity and activity of the receptor
A flexible drug that binds to a single receptor requires what to assume a favorable conformation?