Step 4D - How a Christian community relates artistically to its broader church and cultural context Flashcards
discover a Christian community’s arts
o in which contexts do people act as part of this community (e.g., visits to sick people, ministries, food pantry, etc.)
o arts used in these contexts?
o who has significant artistic gifts, whether being used in church or not?
compare Christian community’s use of arts with…
…with that of surrounding communities (i.e., compare with Step 1, general community)—explore potential for using those not currently in use
evaluate how Christian community’s arts…
…currently fulfill its purposes (align well?)
apply heart arts questionnaire to Christian community-
which artistic genres touch people’s hearts most? how to potentially modify from what currently doing to include these new ones?
evaluate worship meetings using biblical principles-
what art forms available for best expressing praise, prayer, learning, devotion? postures?
evaluate Christian community using the worship wheel - source
Saurmans in Neeley & Schrag (2005)
Saurmans in Neeley & Schrag (2005)
Worship Wheel; Todd and Mary Saurman’s diagram of ways we have arts (arts for the Lord, self, others, celebrations/ceremonies)
assess a multicultural Christian community’s arts-
is ethnic diversity reflected in artistic expressions?
interpret Scripture well sources
Duvall & Hays (2001); Hill (2003)
Duvall & Hays (2001)
interpretive journey between the “biblical village” and “our village today”: identify river, build a bridge
Hill (2003)
written/oral contextual helps improve comprehension by nearly 40%
address theological objections sources
Hill & Hill (2010); Harbinson (1993); Harris (2007); Priest (1994); Schrag (2005); Krabill (2013); Collard (2013); chart from Shelter (2001), West (2001), Hiebert (1985); King (2013)
Hill & Hill (2010)
include lessons on exploring the arts from a biblical perspective
Harbinson (1993)
statements about artistic communication in the Bible
• God created man in His image (to be creators)
• aesthetic pleasure comes from God (created it pleasing to the sight)
• humans are culture shapers
• God calls people to artistic communication
• diverse expressions please God (Psalm 150)
• heart and allegiance more important than form (Amos 5:23,24)
Harris (2007) - sources she cites
Kraft (1996); Hiebert (1985); Hill & Hill (2010); Liesch (2004[2001]); Best (2003)
Kraft (1996)
model: LOCAL forms and CHRISTIAN meanings = appropriate church (cf. local-local, Sakha feed fire, campers with bonfire; foreign-local or foreign-foreign, syncretism) [Note: form is cultural expression; relevant factor is meaning in thought processes of people]
Hiebert (1985)
standards, 4 steps, (1) gather info from locals about forms/current meanings; (2) study biblical teachings/principles relating to forms; (3) evaluate local forms in light of biblical teachings, (4) but, most of all, encourage locals to make the final decisions
Hill & Hill 2010 (cited by Harris 2007)
ch. 9, “identifying relevant issues”—parallel Hiebert’s, but step 1 focuses on felt needs
Liesch (2004[2001])
bad associations don’t spoil goodness of materials; form is neutral, affected only by condition of the heart
Best (2003)
change needs to come from new heart, not from new outward forms
Priest (1994)
elenctics—overlapping (or not) triangles of culture/Truth
Schrag (2005)
limitations to participation: (1) spiritual boundaries; (2) moral; (3) safety (Schrag recrafted traditional song; added Scripture song to memorial service for grandfather)
Krabill (2013)
importation; adaptation; alteration; imitation; indigenization; internationalization (1914—African Queen approach vs. William Wade Harris)
Collard (2013)
since 16th century, being worked out of church, but now “a quiet renaissance stirring”; seek forgiveness and move forward (reasons for issues: theology not broad enough to include arts expressions; pastors don’t know how to use due to current lack of inertia/current practices; perception that artists are problematic people)
chart from Shelter (2011); West (2011); Hiebert (1985)
- TOTAL REJECTION = underground, Christianity viewed as foreign = dualism, others reject
- TRANSFORMATION = transform art forms = integration
- TOTAL ACCEPTANCE = not take captive thoughts (2 Cor 10:5) = syncretism
King (2013)
musical meaning lies within receptor; develop theology of music-in-context (OT precedent); be sure new songs represent Scripture accurately