Statistics/Research Flashcards
Study designs
Qualitative and quantitative studies
Within Quantitative studies - have descriptive and analytic
Descriptive studies are all observational - (cross-sectional, case series)
Analytical studies -
Observational = cross-sectional (analytical), cohort study, case-control study, ecological study
Experimental = RCT, non-randomised (quasi-experiment), natural experiments
The study of the distribution and determinants of disease or health status in a population.
(Look at the health of populations rather than individuals)
Cohort study
Observational analytical study
Can be retrospective or prospective.
Follows exposed and unexposed patients forward over time to determine outcome. i.e. smokers and nonsmokers overtime and rates of lung cancer development.
Issues with prospective cohort studies
1. Loss to follow up
2. Takes a long time to do.
3. Expensive.
4. Confounders
Looks back for an exposure on a cohort of patinet.s
Statistical analysis based on exposure categories not outcome/disease categories like it is in a case control trial.
Case control study
Observational analytical study
Looks at patient with the outcome of interest and looking back to see if they had the exposure in question.
Always retrospective.
Take one group with a disease and one without and look back to see if exposures of interest were different.
Very useful for rare diseases.
Get data fast.
Weak evidence.
case series
Observational descriptive study
A report on a series of patients with an outcome of interest, no control group involved.
Systematic reviews
A summary of the literature that uses explicit methods to appraise and combine studies.
randomised controlled trial
Analytical experimental study
Groups of patients are randomised into either a experiment or control group
Gold standard as can reliably test causality.
Hierarchy of evidence
Systematic review versus a narrative review
A narrative or traditional literature review is a comprehensive, critical and objective analysis of the current knowledge on a topic. They are an essential part of the research process and help to establish a theoretical framework and focus or context for your research.
Often helpful when the evidence is limited and the research question is broad.
At high risk of bias
What is a superiority trial
Trials designed with the intention of showing that one treatment is superior to another or a placebo. This is how most RCTs are designed.
“A is better than B”
What is a non-inferiority trial
Trials designed with the intention of showing that one treatment is not inferior to another treatment. (A is not worse than B)
What is an equivalence trial
Trials designed with the intention of showing that one treatment is no better or no worse than another. Rare in medical trials as usually you don’t want to prove something is no better, only that it is no worse. (A and B are the same)
Why design an non-inferiority or equivalence trial and what differences in trial design are required.
Just because a null hypothesis is rejected, it does not mean that the tested treatment is equal or worse. When a ‘traditional’ test does not demonstrate a difference between treatments, this is often presented (erroneously) as evidence of similarity. It may be that no difference exists, or it may be that the study was not of sufficient power to detect the difference between groups.
Both equivalence and non-inferiority trials assess whether the effects of the new treatment, compared with the standard treatment, stay within or go beyond a predefined clinically acceptable equivalence margin/or the acceptable amount of difference (called the delta value)
This margin is determined prior to the trial and is usually derived from expert opinion and consensus and literature review.
REasons to do a non-inferiority trial
Cost reasons: non-inferiority trials often require less patients, therefore costs less for trial to run
Convenience (as above)
When a placebo is considered unethical
When a new treatment
Fill in the blanks
What is ITT and it’s importance
Intention to treat involves including all participants randomised into the analysis.
Participants are counted in the group they were originally allocated to, even if they discontinued the treatment.
Important as it gives a ‘real world’ answer to an intervention’s effectiveness and limits bias.
The effect of ITT on superiority studies is to bring the two study arms closer together, hence we can be more confident in any difference found. “we found a difference in spite of the participants who switched groups”
Explain how intention-to-treat analysis may influence the results of your non-inferiority trial and why per-protocol analysis may have advantages for this trial design.
Per-protocol analysis – when participants are compared on the basis of the treatment they actually received.
In non-inferiority trials we wish to minimise factors that would make the two study arms seem artificially similar, hence per protocol is often the more correct way to proceed. The most convincing results are those in which a non-inferiority is found using both ITT and PP analyses.
“even when the participants received the correct treatment, the treatment was non-inferior”
Difference between parametric and nonparametric tests
Tests that are used to calculate a hypothesis.
Parametric tests are used when the data is normally distributed.
Parametric tests are more powerful so you need a smaller sample size to reject the null hypothesis and can have a smaller difference in outcome measure.
Fill in the table
Simple T Test
* Analysis if there is a statically significant difference between the means of two groups
* Variable for which we want to test a difference must be metric (age, body weight, income)
* Variable must be normally distributed
Simple T-Test
* Used when we want to compare the mean of a sample to a known reference mean
* Null hypothesis: The sample mean is equal to the reference value.
Example: The average birth weight of all babies in NZ is 3200g. The average birth weight of babies born after IVF is 3000g. Is this a statistically significant difference Simple T-test would be used.
Independent sample T-Test
- Want to compare the means of two independent groups or samples
- Null hypothesis: The mean values in both groups are the same.
- Assumptions: Normal distribution, variance for the two samples is equal, samples are independent
- If the variance is not equal use Welch’s t-test not the unpaired T-test.
Example: Patients with mild male factor infertility. One group inseminated with standard IVF the other with ICSI. Is there a statistically significant difference in fertilisation rate?
Paired sample T-Test
- Used to compare the means of two dependent groups
- The measured values are available in pairs.
- Null hypothesis – the mean of the difference between the pairs is zero.
- Assumptions: Normal distribution and equal variance.
Example: Obese patients with PCOS and IGT are given GLP-1 receptor antagonist Semaglutide (Ozempic) and are weighed before and 6 months after starting on treatment. A paired samples t-test would be used to determine if there was a statistically significant difference in mean weight.
Anova (analysis of variance)
- Analysis of variance tests whether there are statistically significant differences between three or more samples.
- Is the extension of the t-test to more than two groups and can be used for independent or dependent samples.
- Assumes normal distribution, observations are independent, variance is equal across the groups.
- Independent samples – single factorial without measurement repetition
- Dependent samples – single factorial with measurement repetition
- Allows us to answer – is there a difference in the population between the different groups of the independent variable (predictors) with respect to the dependent variable (criterion).
- Null hypothesis in one-factor ANOVA
- There are no differences in the population between the means of the individual groups.
- Alternative hypothesis is one-factor ANOVA
- At least two group means differ from each other in the population
- Post-hoc tests to compare the individual groups can be done
Pearson correlation
- Analyses the relationship between two variables.
- Provides strength and direction of the linear relationship between two metric variables.
- Assumes normal distribution.
- Note that correlation does not equal causation.
- Allows us to measure the linear relationship between two variables.
- Allows us to determine how strong the correlation is and whether the correlation is positive or negative.
- Both of these are determined with Pearson correlation coefficient r which is between -1 and 1.
- Strength of correlation: (see image)
- Direction of correlation
- Positive correlation (large values of one variable go along with large values of the other or when small values of one variable go along with small values of the other variable)
- Negative correlation (large values of one variable go along with small values of the other and vice versa)
- Null hypothesis in Pearson correlation: The correlation coefficient does not differ significantly from zero (there is no linear relationship).
Parametric regression anaylsis.
Why (goals)
A regression analysis makes it possible to infer or predict a variable based on one or more other variables.
I.e. what variables impact of salary (i.e. age, education, years working, gender etc.)
Dependent variable = criterion (salary)
Independent variable = predictors (age/education etc.)
Used to achieve two goals:
1. Measurement of the influence of one or more variables on another variable.
2. Prediction of a variable by one or more other variables.
1. Constant variance for different values of dependent variable
2. Dependent variable is a linear combination of the independent variables
3. In theory low/no measurement error
4. No high collinearity (where two or more independent/predictor variables are closely related to one another)
Simple linear regression
Multiple linear regression
Simple linear regression
- dependent variable is a continuous variable
-one independent/predictor variable
Multiple linear regression
- dependent variable is a continuous varibale
- multiple independent variables
Simple logistic regression
Multiple logistic regression
Simple logistic regression
* Dependent variable is a categorical variable
* One independent/predictor variable
Multiple logistic regression
* Dependent variable is a categorical variable
* Multiple independent variables
Internal validity
Internal validity - when an observed difference between groups are related to the intervention tested in the trial and not to flaws in study design.
The internal validity of a clinical trial is directly related to appropriate design, conduction, and reporting of the study.
- ensure confounders have been addressed
- Bias minimised
The two main threats to internal validity are bias and random error. Bias hereby refers to a systematic error that leads to a systematic deviation of the results from the truth due to flaws in the design, conduction, or reporting of the trial.
Typical sources of bias are flaws in collection, statistical analysis, or interpretation of study data.
Consequently, the true difference between study groups may be either under- or overestimated.
External validity
the extent to which the results of an RCT can be generalized into clinical practice and the general population.
internal validity of a study is the prerequisite of its external validity since incorrect data due to missing internal validity can, per se, not be applied to the general population. Even if internal validity is assumed, insufficient external validity may reduce the clinical relevance of an RCT.
Types of bias
Flaws in collection, statistical analysis, or interpretation of study data. Causes an under or overestimation of the true difference between study groups.
Selection bias
Recall bias
Funding bias
Reporting bias
Detection bias
Exclusion bias
Attrition bias
Observer bias
Analytical bias
Selection bias
When the study group is not fully representative of the population intending to be studied.
(Higher education, English speaking patient’s more likely to join a clinical trial).
Can also occur when recruiters selectively enrol paitents based on what the next treatment allocation is likely to be.
(overcome using allocation concealment and radnomly vary block size and use large block sizes)
Recall bias
When people remember things incorrectly.
Often an issue with case-control trials
Funding bias
If the studied is sponsored more likely (even subconsciously) to please sponsor.
(overcome by doing studies without sponsorship, or registering clearly the outcome measures and SAP prior to commecning study thourgh trial databse and published protocol)
Reporting bias
More likely to publish a clinical trial that shows a positive finding.
(over come by registering clinical trials in a trials database prospectively, and journals publishing both positive and negative research)
Detection bias
When the act of looking for an effect erroneously gives the impression of a large effect.
e.g. doctors are more likely to look for diabetes in obese patients than thinner patients.
Can give you a skewed perception.
(overcome with double blinding)
Exclusion bias
Excluding patients results in a non generalisable cohort (excluding non-english speakers)
(can be overcome by not having overly restricting exclusion criteria)
Attrition bias
Patients drop out - participants may withdraw consent, may be uncontactable, participants violate the study protocol or decline to continue treatment.
(Can be overcome with ITT rather than PP analysis.)
Observer bias
Researcher believes they know the outcome.
(overcome with blinding)
Analytical bias
Alter analysis to ensure you get the answer you expect.
(overcome with blinidng of statistician, publishing protocol and registrering clinical trial prior to commencing).
A variable, other than the independent variable, that may affect the dependent variable.
Distortion in the measure of association due to a relationship between the study factor (exposure) and another variable which also influences the outcome.
Example in a study looking at embryo transfer catheters and live birth rate. Female age will be a confounder.
How to you control for confounding
Design phase:
- randomisation (best way to control for both known and unknown confounders)
- exclusion criteria (e.g. if smoking is a confounder then restrict the study to nonsmokers, limits generalisability of study)
- matching (each pair of persons enrolled in a study are similar for one or a few characteristics)
- stratification (association between exposure and outcome is examined within different levels (strata) of the confounding variable.
Analysis phase:
- stratified analysis
- multivariable analysis
Survival time analysis
Survival time analysis is a group of statistical methods in which the variable studied is the time until an event occurs. Doesn’t need to have anything to do with actual survival.
1. Kaplan-Meier curve – tells you how likely it is that a something will last longer than a certain point in time. I.e. could be used for age of first child (can’t compare independent samples)
2. Log rank test – compares the distribution of the time until an occurs of two or more independent samples. (so can be used for hypothesis testing)
3. Cox regression (Cox proportional hazards model) – used to determine the influence of different variables on survival time.
Could be used for outcome Time to pregnancy.
Note – censoring of data very important for survival time analysis (i.e. if the event doesn’t occur in the study timeframe this data is censored)
ROC curves - receiver operating characteristic curve
Diagnostic tests can produce a binary result (yes/no) or a number on a continuous scale. EG DVT diagnosis ultrasound doppler - yes/no, D-Dimer is a continuous scale.
Diagnostic tests that produced continuous results are often dichotomised as the outcome of interest is generally binary. Done by setting a threshold where the test is ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ (D-Dimer 500)
Setting the correct threshold can be assisted through the use of ROC curves.
ROC curve:
First the sensitivities and specificities for different values of a continuous test measure are tabulated. This results in a list of various test values and the corresponding sensitivity and specificity of the test at that value.
The graphical ROC curve is then produced by plotting sensitivity (TPR) on the y-axis and 1-specificity (FPR) on the x axis.
A ROC curve that follows the diagonal line y=x produces true positives at the same rate as false positive (coin toss).
Area under the curve (AUC) of a ROC is a global measure of the ability of a test to discriminate whether a specific condition is present or not. AUC 0.5 = no discriminatory ability (coin toss - true positive the same as false positive rate), AUC 1.0 is perfect discrimination.
When selecting the optimal threshold you need to consider aims of the test. If you give equal weight to sensitivity and specificity then you would use the point at the top left most corner of the ROC curve (Youden Index).
Criterion for a variable to be a confounder (three)
- an independent risk factor for the outcome of interest.
- associated with the study factor.
-not caused by the study factor
For a variable to be a confounder -
- has to have an association with the dependent variable (female age has an association with live birth rate)
- has to have an unequal distribution between the exposed and unexposed cohorts (the group with one embryo transfer catheter has a high mean age than the other)
- can’t be a causal link in the chain between exposre and outcome
components required to perform a sample size calculation
Decide on type of study (superiority or non-inferiority).
Decide on the desired effect size (the smaller the effect size the larger the required sample).
Decide on the power measurement (1-Beta error) - usually at least 80%.
Choose significance level (alpha value) usually 0.05 (95% CI).
Likelihood of testing positive in those with the disease
Sn = TP/(TP+FN)
Good screening test has high sensitivity.
SNOUT = sensitivity rules out disease. Useful for excluding disease as the false neg rate is low in a highly sensitive test. I.e. FFN for PTB - if negative highly likely to be correct as false neg rate very low. So can be reassured won’t labour.
Independent of prevalence.
Likelihood of testing negative in those without disease.
Sp = TN/(TN+FP)
High specificity tests can be used for definitive diagnosis.
SPIN = specificity rules in a disease. Useful for diagnosis as the false positive rate is low in a highly specific test (i.e. pregnancy test is a highly specific test - if positive the patient is almost certainly pregnant)
Independent to prevalence.
Positive predictive value
Clinical relevance of a test
PPV = the ability of a test to detect the presence of disease.
How many people with a positive test have the disease.
PPV = TP / (TP+FP)
Directly related to prevalence. As the prevalence increases the PPV gets higher. (not good for rare diseases).
Negative predictive value
NPV: The ability of a test to detect the absence of disease.
The number with a negative test who don’t have the disease.
Inversely related to prevalence. As the prevalence of a disease increases the NPV falls.
Incidence is a measure of disease risk
Number of new cases of a disease over a specific time period divided by no. persons at risk (often then multipled by 1000).
Written as “400 cases per 1000 population per year”
Every person in the demoninator has the ability to be in the numerator. (i.e. people with uterus removed can’t be in the denominator for the incidence of uterine cancer)
Measure of disease burden
Number of affected persons in the population/the number of all persons in that population.
Prevalence = incidence x duration (determined by death rate and cure rate)
Generally the shorter the duration of an illness the lower the prevalence.
Good tool for distributing health resource
Risk, Odds, rate
Risk - chance of a person getting a condition in certain period of time
- need defined population, defined period of time and number of new cases (during that period of time). (basically the same as incidence).
Rate - reported as cases per person years at risk.
Odds - number of events divided by the number of non events.
Relative risk
Main measures of association in cohort studies. Also used in RCTs.
Expresses how many times more (or less) likely an exposed person develops an outcome relative to an unexposed person.
Relative risk = the risk in the exposed group divided by the risk in the unexposed group.
RR = incidence of outcome with exposure / incidence of outcome without exposure.
RR >1 = increased risk of outcome
RR = 1 = no risk of outcome
RR <1 = reduced risk of outcome
I.e SGA Normal weight total
Smoked 19 139 158
Did not smoke 53 798 851
Relative risk = risk of SGA in those who smoked / risk of SGA in those who didn’t smoke
RR = 19/158 / 53/851 = 0.12/.062 = 1.9
Smoking during pregnancy nearly doubles your risk of SGA
Odds ratio
Main measure of association in case-control studies.
OR = odds that a case was exposed / odds that a control was exposed.
OR = A/C / B/D or A x D / B x C
Odds = Probability/ (1-probability)
Equation different that RR as you don’t use ‘totals’ so not using total exposed or unexposed anywhere in the equation
How many times more likely the odds of finding an exposure in someone with disease is compared to finding the exposure in someone without the disease.
OR >1 = increased frequency of exposure among cases
OR = 1 = no change in frequency of exposure
OR <1 = decreased frequency of exposure
Lung cancer No Smoker 87 147 No 201 508
OR = 87/201 / 147/508
.43 / .29 = 1.49
Phases of drug trials
Application to proceed with phase 1 trial must have:
- Animal study data and toxicity (side effects that cause great harm) data
-Manufacturing information
-Clinical protocols (study plans) for studies to be conducted
-Data from any prior human research
Phase 1 (cohort)
- 20-50 participants.
- sometimes randomsied.
- goal is to identify
2. correct route and dose of medication
3. Preliminary data on response to treatment.
Phase 2
- most are RCTs
- goal to identify effectiveness compared to current treatment
- safety profile and side effects still closely monitored.
Phase 3 (Pivotol study)
- RCTs involving hundreds to thousands of patients
- control group either placebo or standard therapy.
- intervention - new treatment.
- used to assess safety and efficacy.
FDA then approve use
Phase IV trial = continues to study side effects and risks of a new treatment.
Cross over trial (define) + pros and cons
Cross-over design.
RCTs where study groups “cross-over” part way through.
Permits within person comparison
Potential saving in sample size (usually half the sample size)
Allows assessment of patient preference
Condition has to be suitable (chronic and stable)
Treatment effect has to be reversible and temporary
Issues with period effect and carryover effect
In infertility trials they are problematic because outcome is usually live birth and so that participant would exit study before crossover and this can bias treatment effect
Define systematic review.
Research summary that addresses a focused clinical question in a structured, reproducible manner.
- Often (but not always) accompanied by a meta-analysis.
Define meta-analysis
statistical pooling or aggregation of results from different studies providing a single estimate of effect.
Types of meta-analysis (3)
Conventional – uses study level data – aggregate data from each study are combined
Network – technique for comparing three or more interventions simultaneously in a single analysis by combining both direct and indirect evidence across a network of studies
Individual participant data (IPD) – when data from every individual enrolled in each study are combined.
Two aspects of assessing quality of meta-analysis
- Credibility of the methods of the systematic review (quality of the conduct of the SR)
- Degree of confidence in the estimates that the evidence warrants (quality
Credibility of methods:
- Sensible clinical question
- Exhaustive and comprehensive literature search
- Demonstrates the reproducibility of the selection and assessment of studies
- Presents results in a useful manner
- Did the review address confidence in the estimates of effect
Degree of confidence in results (quality of evidence)
- Study design
- Risk of bias
- Precision and consistency of results
- Whether results directly apply to the patient of interest
- Likelihood of reporting bias
Process of conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Formulate the question
- Define the eligibility criteria for included studies
b. Study design (on RCTs or other studies) - Develop a priori hypotheses to explain heterogeneity
- Conduct the search
- Screen titles and abstracts
- Review full text of possibly eligible studies
- Assess risk of bias
7b. assess for trustworthiness - Abstract data
- Meta-analysis (if being performed)
a. Generate summary estimates and CIs
b. Look for explanations of heterogeneity
c. Rate confidence in estimates of effect
Advantages + disadvantages of a SR
- Summary of all the available evidence
- Include a greater range of patients
- Can enhance confidence in results
- If performed with a meta-analysis
o Can improve precision of estimates
o If inconsistency among studies – can explore why
- Produce estimates that are as reliable as the studies summarised
- If the studies included are heterogeneous and at high risk of bias the results may be misleading.
- Not all SR and MA will follow rigorous design and may produce biased results
What is a forrest Plot
- Graphical way of depicting results of a meta-analysis
- Point estimate (mean) of each study represented by a square
o Size of square proportional to weight of study - Confidence interval presented as a horizontal line.
- Combined summary effect/pooled estimate, typically represented by a diamond
o Lateral points of diamond representing the confidence or credible interval - Vertical line representing no effect is also plotted.
o If CI overlap this line, it demonstrates that at the given level of confidence their effect sizes do not differ from no effect for the individual study.
o If the points of the diamond overlap the line of no effect the overall meta-analysed result cannot be said to differ from no effect at the given level of confidence.
What is a funnel plot
- A scatter plot that compares the precision and results of individual studies
o How close the estimated intervention effect size is to the true effect size - Commonly used in meta-analysis to visually detect publication bias
- Precision of the estimated intervention effect increases with the size of the study
o Small study effect estimates will typically scatter more widely at the bottom of the graph, with the spread narrowing among larger studies as they are more precise and closer to the true effect. - Should only be used when at least 10 studies are included in a meta-analysis, because the power of the tests is lower when there are fewer studies.
- Asymmetrical funnell plot usually indicates bias, indicates whether the summary estimate is likely over or underestimating the intervention effect.
- Possible reasons for asymmetrical funnel plot
o Non reporting bias
o Poor methodological quality leading to exaggerated effects
o True heterogeneity
o Artefactual
o Chance (usually when small number of studies
GRADE system for evaluating evidence
Grading of recommendations, assessment, development and evaluation.
Risk of bias
Publication bias
Separeted into
Very low
Factors that can decrease or increase Grade assessment
RCTs always start with high confidence.
Observational studies always start with low confidence.
Factors that can modify these ratings:
Decreased confidence with – high risk of bias, inconsistency, imprecision, indirectness, concerns about publication bias
Increase in confidence is uncommon but occurs primarily in observational studies when the effect size is large.
Risk of bias
Risk of bias
Many different ways to assess this, should look at trial design, conduct and reporting
Cochrane risk of bias tool can be used:
Random sequence generation (selection bias)
Allocation concealment (selection bias)
Blinding of participants and personnel (detection bias)
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
Selective reporting (reporting bias)
Other bias
Heterogeneity in study outcomes.
Large differences in point estimates or Cis that do not overlap suggest that random error is an unlikely explanation of the different results.
Can perform statistical evaluation of heterogeneity
1. Cochrane Q test
a. Null hypothesis = underlying effect is the same in each of the studies (i.e. the RR in study 1 is the same as in study 2/3/4)
i. A low P values means that random error is an unlikely explanation for the differences in results, thus decreasing confidence in a single summary estimate. (i.e. you want a high P value)
2. I2 statistic
a. focuses on the magnitude of variability rather than statistical significance.
b. I2 of 0% suggests chance explains variability in point estimates and a single summary estimate can be used.
c. As I2 increases we become progressively less comfortable with unexplained variability in results.
Heterogeneity is study outcomes can be attempted to be explained using subgroup analysis and test of interaction. Or through meta-regression. Often remains unexplained, and high inconsistency/heterogeneity would decrease confidence in evidence.
Two ways a study can mislead with outcome results
- Systematic error (bias)
- Random error (relates to precision)
- When sample size and number of events are small = imprecise
- When sample size and number of events are large = precise
Assessed using confidence intervals (the range of values within which the true effect plausibly lies)
Optimal evidence for decision making;
1. Research that directly compared the interventions in which we are interested
2. Evaluated the population in which we are interested
3. Measured outcomes important to patients
If population, intervention or outcome in studies differs from those of interest, the evidence can be viewed as indirect.
Publication/reporting bias
- Positive study 3x more likely to be reported than one showing no effect
- When authors or study sponsors selectively report specific outcomes or analyses the term selective outcome reporting bias is used.
- Can be identified in met-analysis by the use of the funnell plot with a gap in the plot indicating that studies may have been done and not published.
- Can be overcome – by obtaining unpublished studies – looking at prospective trial registration
Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
What is heterogeneity
Any kind of variability among studies in a systematic review may be termed heterogeneity.
- Clinical heterogeneity/diversity = Variability in the participants, interventions and outcomes studied (PICOs for studies are different)
- Methodological diversity/heterogeneity = variability in study design and risk of bias
- Statistical heterogeneity = variability in the intervention effects being evaluated in the different studies, this is a consequence of clinical or methodological diversity, or both, among the studies.
Statistical heterogeneity manifests itself in the observed intervention effects being more different from each other than one would expect due to random error (chance) alone.
Clinical variation will lead to statisical heterogeneity if the intervention effect is affected by the factors that vary across studies; most obviously, the specific interventions or patient characteristics.
Differences between studies in terms of methodological factors, such as use of blinding and concealment of allocation, or if there are differences between studies in the way the outcomes are defined and measured, may be expected to lead to differences in the observed intervention effects. Statistical heterogeneity associated solely with methodological diversity would indicate the studies suffer from different degrees of bias.
Meta-analysis should only be considered when a group of studies is sufficiently homogeneous in terms of PICO to provide a meaningful summary. It is often appropriate to take a broader perspective in a meta-analysis than in a single clinical trial.
Ways to adjust for heterogeneity
Random-effect model
- accounts for variability both within and between studies, suitable when there is significant heterogeneity.
- extends a meta-analysis by examining the relationship between study-level covariates and the effect size. Useful for exploring sources of heterogeneity.
Sensitivity analysis
- assess the robustness of the meta-analysis results by repeating the analysis using different assumptions or excluding certain studies. Can help determine if the results are sensitive to particular studies or assumptions.
Subgroup analysis
- analyses subgroups of studies that share similar characteristics to see if the effect size differs across these subgroups. Useful for exploring sources of heterogeneity.
How to you assess heterogeneity
Cochran’s Q test
- a statistical test to detecet presence of heterogeneity - provides a p-value indicating whether observed heterogeneity is greater than expected by chance.
I2 statistic
- describes the percentage of variability in effect estimates that is due to heterogeneity rather than sampling error. 25%, 50% 75% indicate low, moderate and high heterogeneity.
AI, machine learning and deep learning
Artificial intelligence – Umbrella term - broad field of computer science focused on creating systems capable of performing tasks that would typically require human intelligence (includes deep learning and machine learning)
Machine learning – developing algorithms that allow computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data, instead of being programmed for every task, ML systems improve their performance as they are exposed to more data.
Process of learning from experience without explicit programming
Logistic regression is an example of machine learning.
Deep learning – subset of machine learning that works on principles of human neural networks with many layers. Uses artificial neural networks to extract, process and predict information by learning from examples.