RTAC/governance Flashcards
Reproductive technology accreditation committee (RTAC) Code of practice- purpose and scope
Sits under Fertility Society of ANZ. Reports to FSANZ.
Promotes continous improvement in the quality of care offered to people accessing fertility treatment.
Provides a framework and set criteria for the auditing process that leads to acceditation of organisations that deliver fertility services
Ensure the auditing process is carried out in an independent, non-adversarial way and constructive manner.
Code of practice Critical criteria (14) - audited annually
Compliance - legislation and regulation requirements
Key personnel - copies of qualifications and CVs.
Stakeholder feedback - complaints management - evidence of written policies, formal processes, corrective actions, audits.
Disaster management
Valid consent
Management and infection risk
Identification and traceability - unique in ART, three identifiers required
Donor and surrogacy requirements
Cryostorage of gametes and embryos
Medical and surgical risks and reporting - in particular OHSS
Adverse event reporting
Multiple pregnancy
Data monitoring - evidence of unit specific methods and data, acceptable ranges, benchmarking against ANZARD report.
Data reporting - evidence of compliance with ANZARD requirements.
Key personnel (CC)
Commitment to adequate staffing, training, ongoing education.
Medical director - (FRANZCOG, FSANZ, CREI (ideally))
Scientific director - (FSANZ, SIRT)
Nurse manager (FSANZ, FNA)
Senior counsellor - (ANZICA)
Disaster management (CC)
minimise the risk of serious adverse outcomes following a disaster
- Contingency plans, that address potential scenarios (including those unique to location)
- Ensure access to emergency equipment, power, gas
- Show documented evidence of working through scenarios
- Identify the principal components of the plans
- Show regular review of these plans.
Identification and traceability (CC)
Must ensure gametes, embryos, patients are correctly identified and matched at all times and in particular, ensure that men providing semen samples confirm in writing on each occassion that the specimin is theirs.
3 unique identifiers required.
Regular audit of this process (at least once a year)
Compliance (CC)
Must comply with statutory and regulatory requirements and provide evidence of such.
Compliant with
- HART act
- NZ health and disability act
- RTAC code of rpactice
- Research (HDEC/ECART and locality approval)
- Compliance with guidelines and advice of ACART (issued to ECART)
Provide evidence of how these are incorporated into clinic policies and how dissemination of changes would occur.
Stakeholder feedback (CC)
The ART Unit must undertake regular stakeholder feedback. It must provide evidence of implementation and review of policies and procedures to collect, analyse, review and take relevant
action on stakeholder feedback including patient stakeholders.
The ART Unit must acknowledge and investigate complaints, and provide evidence of implementation and review of policies and procedures which include:
a) Information on how patients make a complaint and how they receive feedback
b) Acknowledgement and investigation of complaints
c) Systematic recording, review and corrective action of complaints
Stakeholders must be provided with avenues that allow the escalation of a complaint to persons or Organisations outside of the ART Unit.
Valid consent (CC)
Treatment only occurs with valid consent (issued guideline by ACART)
Written, signed and dated
Consent obtained for deidentified information to be supplied to ANZARD
Interpreter must be health care interpreter.
Management of infection risk (CC)
- between donors and recipients or surrogates
- between partners in serodiscordant couples,
- for staff handling material
- policies for reuse of medical devices
- address hand hygience practice
Donor and surrogacy requirements (CC)
Ensure gametes, embryos, tissues are safe for donation and use in surrogacy arrangements, and appropriate counselling has been provided.
Surrogacy arrangements - counselling is mandatory for the donors, partners, recipients, surrogates and their partners.
Known donations - further joint counselling with all parties required
Cryostorage of gametes and embryos (CC)
ART unit has to provide evidence of implementation and review of policies and procedures to ensure the safe management of cryopreserved gametes, embryos, and tissues.
- clear identification of storage container in storage vessel,
- records kept of temperature movements within the vessel that may affect viability
- must have a documented policy that deals with a request for cryostored gametes or embryos to be transported to a clinic in an international destination
Medical and surgical risks (CC)
For ART procedures these risks include but are not limited to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), postoperative bleeding,
postoperative infection and ovarian torsion. The ART Unit must minimise the incidence of these risks. It must provide evidence of implementation and review of policies and procedures that:
a) Enable identification and management of patients at risk
b) Measure and attempt to minimise the incidence of these risks
c) Ensure patients receive information on these risks, their symptoms and their management
d) Ensure patients receive information on how to access help, advice or care out of normal hours or in the event of a medical emergency
e) Ensure that all cases which involve re-hospitalisation that can be attributed directly to the ART procedure are reported to RTAC and the certifying body as a serious notifiable adverse event.
f) Ensure that all cases of OHSS requiring hospitalisation are reported to ANZARD
Adverse event reporting (CC)
Not all serious adverse events are reportable to RTAC.
Must have a review process for all SAEs.
Reporting to RTAC -
as soon as possible, must be within 6 weeks
within 2 weeks for a potential or actual breach of legislation
within 48hours for a sentinal event - death
- hospitalisation
- did or could have resulted in spread of communicable disease
- breach of legislation
- embryo or gamete ID mix up
- causes a loss of viable embryos or gametes, or suspected deterioration
- arises from a systemic failure in validation/verification or a diagnositc test that has resulted in misdiagnosis and/or significant harm or loss to patients, their gametes or embryos
Medical AE
- OHSS - severe/critical, hospital admission >24hours, paracentesis or pleurocentesesis, thrombosis
- confirmed pelvic infection (admission to hopsital and IVAB, within 4 weeks)
- complication at oocyte retrieval (if admission to hospital required)
- ovarian torsion (during stimulation or within 4 weeks of OPU and required >24hour hospital admission)
- complications of a sperm retrieval procedure that required hospitalisation
- severe mental health event that required hospitalisation
- death
- direct (directly caused by ART treatmetn)
- indirect (death for which the direct cause of death was not due to ART tx but the tx had a contributory effect)
- conicidental death - deaths from unrelated causes that happen during the course of an IVF treatment cycle
- maternal death from an IVF pateint is not included (captured in obstetric reporting)
Multiple pregnancy (CC)
Minimise the incidence of multiple pregnancies. Provide evidence of implementation and review of policies and procedures that:
- annual audit of MPR and corrective actions to reduce MPR in all tx cycles
- no more than one oocyte transfered in first cycle if <35yo oocyte
- no more than 2 embryos are transferred in any one tx cycle in a women under 40 (oocyte collection)
- single embryo transfer for surrogates
- patient must receive risks of multiple pregnancies
Data monitoring (CC)
The Organisations/ART Unit must undertake regular reviews of treatment outcomes. It must provide evidence of implementation and review of policies and procedures to:
a) Identify, collect, analyse and review data to monitor treatment procedures and practices and treatment outcomes at least annually.
b) Benchmark the Organisations/ART Unit’s clinical outcomes against the most recent ANZARD Feedback Report and identify areas and opportunities for improvement. Where clinical outcomes fall below the 25th percentile, the unit is required to undertake a root
cause analysis as to why its results fall in this range and provide a corrective action plan or provide a rationale for not doing so.
Data reporting (CC)
The Organisations/ART Unit must (a) provide the Australian and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database (ANZARD) with required data in the stipulated timeframe, and (b) inform patients of the uses to which their medical information may be put. It must provide evidence of:
a) Compliance with the relevant ANZARD Data Dictionary
b) Accuracy of ANZARD data, including the definition of pregnancy outcome as specified in the current ANZARD data dictionary, through an internal audit before submission to the agency collecting the data
Good practice criteria (audited 3 yearly)
Quality management system
Medical management
Medication management
Emergency care
Quality management system (QMS) (GPC)
QMS system must have:
1. QM policy
2. QM review at planned intervals to ensure relevance updated
3. ‘Records’ management - compliance with regulations (HART ACART), document control system, systems of internal communication
4. Personnel training and competency
5. Buildings and facilities - adequate facilities and equipment, security
6. Risk management - assessment, review, incident reporting and response, corrective and preventative actions
7. Health and safety
8. Auditing