Statistics Paper 2 Flashcards
What is nominal data?
Categorised data with no ranking/order. Each value will have a name or label
Example: Gender, colours
What are strengths and weaknesses of nominal data?
S- Simplistic and easy to collect/organise as it involves basic categorisation
W- Does not provide any order and limits the types of statistical analyses that can be performed
What is ordinal data?
Data that is presented in rank order but does not specify the size of differences between ranks
What are strengths and weaknesses of ordinal data?
S- Provides order information
W- No quantitative differences so doesn’t indicate differences between ranks
What is interval/ratio data?
Quantitative measues of difference on a numerical scale
Interval: equal intervals, has no true zero point
Ratio: all properties of interval data with a true zero
Examples of interval- temperature
Examples of ratio-weight, height
What are strengths and weaknesses of interval/ratio data?
S-Rich statistic analysis
W-Assumption of equal intervals, which may be inaccurate
What are measures of central tendency?
General term for all calculations in quantitative data to find the mean, median and mode to discover patterns in data
What is the mean, mode and median?
Mean- the average
Mode-appears most often
Median- in the middle when all values are listed in order
What are strengths and weaknesses of using the mean?
S- Easy to calculated, includes all values
W- Infuenced by outliers
What are strengths and weaknesses of using the median?
S-Easily identifiable and less effected by outliers
W- May have lots of numbers to order so is time consuming. Not representative of all values
What are strengths and weaknesses of using the mode?
S- Easy to calculate
W- There may be multiple modes
What is a normal distribution?
Symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution where most of the data points cluster around the mean. The mean, median and mode are located at the centre and are equal.
What is a positively skewed distribution?
Asymmetrical, concentrated on the left. The mean is greater than the median, which is greater than the mode
What is a negatively skewed distribution?
Asymmetrical, concentrated on the right. The mean is less than the median, which is less than the mode
What are measures of dispersion?
General term for any measure of a spread of data