Statistics Definitions Flashcards
a/(a+c) or TP/(TP+FN)
specificity= d / (b + d) or
specificity = TN / (FP + TN)
False Positive Rate
false positive rate = b / (b + d)
Positive Predictive Value
PPV = a / (a + b) or PPV = TP / (TP + FP)
Liklihood ratio
positive likelihood ratio = sensitivity / (1 - specificity)
Relative Risk
Risk of developing diseae with people with KNOWN exposure
Odds Ratio
Probability of having risk factor is one HAS disease
Number Needed to Treat
1/Absolute risk reduction therefore ARR=1/NNT
power = 1 - (probability of a type-II, or beta error
an estimate of the probability a study will be able to detect a true effect of the intervention power
Type II error (Beta)
detecting no difference when there is None or INCORRECTLY accepting the null hypothesis
Type I error (alpha)
Incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis, detecting a difference when there is NOT one
Student t-test
Comparing means of parametric date (2 means)
Man Whitney rank sum, Wilcox
Comparting NON parametic data, (2 means). That nmeans NON normally distributed
Chi Squared Test
comparing proportions or categorical data
P Value
Probability , under assumption of null hypothesis, of obtaining result equal too or more extreme
Ability of a study to detect a difference if once truly exisists
Baeysian Analysis
An analysis that starts with a particular probability of an event (the prior probability) and incorporates new information to generate a revised probability (a posterior probability)