Statistics Flashcards
Type I error
rejects null hypothesis incorrectly i.e. falsely assumed there was a difference when no difference exists
Type II error
accepts null hypothesis incorrectly (usually from small sample size) i.e. the outcomes are interpreted as equal when there is actually a difference
Null hypothesis
hypothesis that no difference exists between groups p < 0.05 rejects the null hypothesis
p < 0.05
equals > 95 % likelihood that the difference between the populations is true, < 5 % that the difference occurred by chance alone and is not true
spread of data around a mean
mean, median, mode
average, middle value, most frequently occuring
randomized controlled trial
prospective study with random assignment to treatment and non-treatment groups. AVOIDS treatment biases
double - blind controlled trial
prospective study in which patient and doctor are blind to the treatment. AVOIDS observational biases
Cohort study
prospective study, compares disease rate between exposed and unexposed groups
case controlled study
retrospective study in which those who have the disease are compared with a similar population who do not have the disease, the frequency of the risk factor is then compared between the two groups
meta analysis
combining data from different studies
t test
2 independent groups and variable is quantitative –> compares means (mean weight between 2 groups)
paired t test
variable is quantitiatve, before and after studies (weight before and after, drug vs placebo)
comapres quantitative variables (menas) for more that 2 groups
nonparametric statisitcs
compare categorical (qualitative) variables (race, sex, medical problems and disease, medications)
chi-square test
compares 2 groups with categorical (qualitative) variable (number of obese patients with and without diabetes versus number of non-obese patients with and without diabetes)
kaplan- meyer
small groups –> estimates survival
relative risk
= incidence in exposed/ incidence in unexposed
power of test
= probability of making the correct conclusion = 1- probability of type II error
larger sample size increase the power of a test
likelihood that a test is true
number of people with disease in a population (e.g. number of patients in US with colon CA)
long standing diseases increase the prevalence
number of new cases diagnosed over a certain time frame in a population
ability to detect a disease (SNOUT) (rules dz out)
high sensitivity - a negative test result means a patient is unlikely to have disease
ability to state no disease is present (SPIN) (rules dz IN)
High specificity - a positive result means pt likely to have disease
Positive predictive value
likelihood that a positive result PT actually has the disease
true positives/ TP + FP
Negative predictive value
likelihood that a negative result PT does NOT have the diesease
true negatives/ TN + FN
TP + TN/ TP+ TN + FP+ FN