Static Electricity Flashcards
What is an elctrostatic precipitator
Coal burning power stations produce huge amounts of smoke pollinations which is removed through static electricity . Thin wires are stretched across the centre of the chimney and charged positively. The gas around them becomes positively charged and are then repelled by the wires towards earthed metal plates where the dust sticks a mechanical hammer hits the plate every few miniutes and the ash falls into a bin
How does paint spraying work
The nozzle is charged positively, the droplet of paint are then repelled by each other so the paint spreads out to form a large even cloud. The droplets. Of paint are then attracted to the negatively charged object.
Cellulose acetate
Positively Chatged when rubbed . Insulator
Becomes negatively charged when rubbed . Insulator
Sharp points
Loose charge easily. Used in lightning conductor
Gold leaf electroscope is used for
Detecting charge
Charges are measured and stored in
Measures in Columbs stores in capacitators
Conductors allow
Electrons to move through them , insulators do not
What can be made to conduct
Any insulating materials can be made to conduct if voltage is high enough eg lightning and air
What does the charging process do
Transfers electrons
What is static electricity caused by
Why does water bend away from negatively charged rod
Electrons in water are repelled and it becomes positive and bends to the rod
What is lightning
Thunderclouds discharging their electricity
How can insulating materials be given charge
By being rubbed
Why does hair stand up when you palace your hand on the van de graaf generator
Charge flows from the Dome to all parts of her body . The pieces of hair are then repelled by each other . The girl stands on an insulator to avoid the Charge escaping through her body and into the earth